Open Bug 1553306 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Display/sort by highest priority of message within collapsed thread instead of the root's priority


(Thunderbird :: Message Reader UI, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cyslider, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached image priority.png

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0

Steps to reproduce:

Send yourself a message (A) with "Normal" Priority
Send yourself a message (B) with "Low" Priority
Then answer the "Low" priority message with a message (C) set to "High priority"
Turn on threaded view
Collapse all threads.
Sort by acending priority

Actual results:

Collapsed state:

+B | Low priority
A | Normal priority

Expanded state

  • B | Low priority
    |__ C | High priority
    A | Normal priority

C High priority state is hidden completely if collapsed sorted wrongly amids all low priority mails when expanded

Expected results:

Collapsed state:

A | Normal priority
+B | High priority

Expanded state

A | Normal priority

  • B | Low priority
    |__ C | High priority

If collapsed the collapsed group should inherit the highest priority of the group
If expanded, it should be sorted by the highest priority of the group to not get lost between low prio messages.

Real life rational:
Thunderbird is also my task manager as the sole tool that I will open and look at anyway constantly during the day.
I use the "priority switcher" Addon to quickly change the priorities of my inbox messages. Each message, still in my inbox, representing a task. I even send myself mails for new tasks, I receive verbally, to not forget them, so they are in my inbox.

When I sent out a mail myself, it also ends up in my inbox and I put them on low priority if I have to wait for the answer before continuing this task. New inbox messages always get set to high priority automatically by my filters. But sometimes I miss answers to low priority mails as they are hidden way in the collapsed group among all other low priority tasks.

Component: Untriaged → Message Reader UI
Severity: normal → S3
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