Allow logged in users to set node version
( Graveyard :: General, enhancement, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: relequestual, Unassigned)
(Keywords: in-triage, Whiteboard: [specification][type:feature][points=0])
What problem would this feature solve?
I just spent half an hour trying to work out why .flatMap
is not a function.
I didn't consider checking the node version till I found out flatMap was ES2019.
Who has this problem?
Registered users of MDN
How do you know that the users identified above have this problem?
I am the user. This is a feature suggestion.
How are the users identified above solving this problem now?
I guess by finding out it doesn't work. I'm still getting used to node coming from another language, so I wouldn't know which functions are new because so much is new to me.
Do you have any suggestions for solving the problem? Please explain in detail.
If a user could set a preference of their current node version support requirements, when a user lands on a page about a function where the compatibility details list a higher minimum version of node is required, a banner could be displayed to highlight this fact.
Is there anything else we should know?
Feature should save people time trying to debug code which isn't going to work.
I'm part of the JSON Schema core team, which MDN uses to validate the Browser Compatibility data.
Huge believer in what Mozilla are doing in general.
Comment 1•5 years ago
Thanks for your report. This is indeed a user need we've identified as well :-)
Here are some pointers to how we've started to think about this:
GitHub issues:
Feedback welcome!
I'm part of the JSON Schema core team, which MDN uses to validate the Browser Compatibility data.
That's awesome. Love your work!
Updated•5 years ago
Comment 2•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago