Closed Bug 1569746 Opened 6 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Intermittent TV dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html | uncaught exception - NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS: Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30100 (NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS) [nsIComponentRegistrar.registerFactory] at doApply@resource://specialpowers/WrapPrivile


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)




(Keywords: intermittent-failure, regression)

Filed by: malexandru [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
Reftest URL:

[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.744Z] 17:31:58 INFO - Slowest: 1186ms - /tests/dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.744Z] 17:31:58 INFO - SimpleTest START Loop 4
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.745Z] 17:31:58 INFO - TEST-START | dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.841Z] 17:31:58 INFO - GECKO(1708) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 6706MB | residentFast 94MB | heapAllocated 14MB
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.842Z] 17:31:58 INFO - TEST-OK | dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html | took 101ms
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.873Z] 17:31:58 INFO - TEST-START | Shutdown
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.873Z] 17:31:58 INFO - Passed: 32
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.873Z] 17:31:58 INFO - Failed: 0
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.874Z] 17:31:58 INFO - Todo: 0
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.874Z] 17:31:58 INFO - Mode: e10s
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.875Z] 17:31:58 INFO - Slowest: 1186ms - /tests/dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.875Z] 17:31:58 INFO - SimpleTest START Loop 5
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.875Z] 17:31:58 INFO - TEST-START | dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:58.907Z] 17:31:58 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screencapture
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.148Z] 17:31:59 INFO - TEST-INFO | screencapture: exit 0
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.148Z] 17:31:59 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html | uncaught exception - NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS: Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30100 (NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS) [nsIComponentRegistrar.registerFactory] at doApply@resource://specialpowers/WrapPrivileged.jsm:119:18
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.149Z] 17:31:59 INFO - apply@resource://specialpowers/WrapPrivileged.jsm:197:9
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.149Z] 17:31:59 INFO - @http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html:71:18
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.149Z] 17:31:59 INFO -
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.149Z] 17:31:59 INFO - simpletestOnerror@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1665:24
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.150Z] 17:31:59 INFO - OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull*@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1645:1
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.150Z] 17:31:59 INFO - GECKO(1708) | JavaScript error: resource://specialpowers/WrapPrivileged.jsm, line 119: NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS: Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30100 (NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS) [nsIComponentRegistrar.registerFactory]
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.151Z] 17:31:59 INFO - GECKO(1708) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 6706MB | residentFast 95MB | heapAllocated 12MB
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.151Z] 17:31:59 INFO - TEST-OK | dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html | took 33ms
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.151Z] 17:31:59 INFO - TEST-START | Shutdown
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.151Z] 17:31:59 INFO - Passed: 32
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.151Z] 17:31:59 INFO - Failed: 1
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.152Z] 17:31:59 INFO - Todo: 0
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.152Z] 17:31:59 INFO - Mode: e10s
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.152Z] 17:31:59 INFO - Slowest: 1186ms - /tests/dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.152Z] 17:31:59 INFO - SimpleTest START Loop 6
[task 2019-07-29T17:31:59.152Z] 17:31:59 INFO - TEST-START | dom/base/test/test_bug375314.html

James, this seems to be caused by the changes in Bug 1561079, could you please look into it?

Flags: needinfo?(snorp)
Regressed by: 1561079

I don't think my change is involved. The failure is on Mac, and my change only affects GeckoView.

Flags: needinfo?(snorp)
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Has Regression Range: --- → yes
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