Closed Bug 1569855 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Add "Sort by: Breached Websites" option


(Toolkit :: Password Manager, enhancement)

70 Branch
Not set



Tracking Status
firefox70 --- fixed


(Reporter: groovecoder, Assigned: groovecoder)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

Attachment #9081633 - Attachment description: WIP Bug 1569855: add sortByBreached option r?jaws → Bug 1569855: add sortByBreached option r?jaws
Keywords: checkin-needed

Pushed by
add sortByBreached option r=jaws,fluent-reviewers,flod

Keywords: checkin-needed

Backed out changeset b60ccfa1448b (Bug 1569855) for test_login_list.html failures

Push with failures:

Backout link:

Failure log:

[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.048Z] 00:31:57 INFO - TEST-START | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.089Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | ++DOMWINDOW == 42 (0x7f536badb000) [pid = 1186] [serial = 55] [outer = 0x7f536c5f2200]
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.109Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | Couldn't convert chrome URL: chrome://mochitests/tests/SimpleTest/test.css
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.111Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | [1186, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80520012: file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/layout/style/Loader.cpp, line 2201
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.208Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | Couldn't convert chrome URL: chrome://mochitests/tests/SimpleTest/test.css
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.208Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | ++DOCSHELL 0x7f5365edc000 == 17 [pid = 1186] [id = {c59747a9-f366-43cc-9d64-88556387cc44}]
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.210Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | ++DOMWINDOW == 43 (0x7f5365d214c0) [pid = 1186] [serial = 56] [outer = (nil)]
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.214Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | ++DOMWINDOW == 44 (0x7f537902a000) [pid = 1186] [serial = 57] [outer = 0x7f5365d214c0]
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.558Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | [1186, Main Thread] WARNING: Constructing RangeBoundary with invalid value: 'mRef || aOffset == 0', file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/RangeBoundary.h, line 79
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.558Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | [1186, Main Thread] WARNING: Constructing RangeBoundary with invalid value: 'mRef || aOffset == 0', file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/RangeBoundary.h, line 79
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.594Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | [1186, Main Thread] WARNING: Constructing RangeBoundary with invalid value: 'mRef || aOffset == 0', file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/RangeBoundary.h, line 79
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:57.594Z] 00:31:57 INFO - GECKO(1186) | [1186, Main Thread] WARNING: Constructing RangeBoundary with invalid value: 'mRef || aOffset == 0', file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/RangeBoundary.h, line 79
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:58.223Z] 00:31:58 INFO - GECKO(1186) | --DOMWINDOW == 43 (0x7f536b09f800) [pid = 1186] [serial = 38] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:58.837Z] 00:31:58 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.256Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.257Z] 00:31:59 INFO - <snipped 3 output lines - if you need more context, please use SimpleTest.requestCompleteLog() in your test>
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.257Z] 00:31:59 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 00:31:57
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.258Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_empty_list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.259Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | loginList exists
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.260Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Initially empty
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.261Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_empty_list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.262Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_keyboard_navigation
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.263Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | #login-sort should be focused after tabbing to it
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.264Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | 'ol' should be focused after tabbing to it
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.265Z] 00:31:59 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 00:31:58
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.267Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | second item should be marked as keyboard-selected (LEFT)
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.268Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | first item should be marked as keyboard-selected (RIGHT)
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.269Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | second item should be marked as keyboard-selected (DOWN)
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.270Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | first item should be marked as keyboard-selected (UP)
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.271Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | second item should be marked as keyboard-selected (DOWN)
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.274Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | item should be marked as selected
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.275Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | AboutLoginsLoginSelected event should be dispatched on pressing Enter
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.276Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | event should have expected login attached
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.277Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_keyboard_navigation
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.278Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_empty_login_username_in_list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.279Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | The one stored login should be displayed
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.281Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.282Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login should show missing username text
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.284Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_empty_login_username_in_list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.285Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_populated_list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.288Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | The two stored logins should be displayed
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.289Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.290Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item origin should match
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.291Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item username should match
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.292Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | The first item should be selected by default
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.293Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | The second item should not be selected by default
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.294Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | After selecting one, only the two stored logins should be displayed
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.295Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | The first item should be selected
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.296Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | The second item should still not be selected
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.300Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_populated_list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.301Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_breach_indicator
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.302Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | The first login should have the .breached class.
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.303Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | The second login should not have the .breached class
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.304Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_breach_indicator
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.305Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_filtered_list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.306Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Both logins should be visible
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.307Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Count should match full list length
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.308Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Count should match result amount
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.309Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user1 is expected first
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.310Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user1 should remain visible
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.317Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user2 should be hidden
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.318Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Count should match result amount
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.319Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user1 should be hidden
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.320Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user2 should be visible
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.321Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Count should match result amount
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.322Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user1 should be visible
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.323Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user2 should be visible
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.324Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Count should match result amount
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.325Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user1 should be hidden
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.326Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user2 should be hidden
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.327Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Count should be reset to full list length
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.328Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user1 should be visible
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.329Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | user2 should be visible
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.330Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_filtered_list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.331Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_login_modified
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.332Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Both logins should be displayed
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.332Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.334Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item origin should match
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.334Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item username should have been updated
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.335Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item2 username should remain unchanged
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.336Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_login_modified
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.337Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_login_added
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.338Z] 00:31:59 INFO - selected sort: 3
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.341Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Should have two logins at start of test
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.342Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | New login should be added to the list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.343Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item1 should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.344Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item2 should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.345Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item3 should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.351Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item origin should match
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.352Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item username should have been updated
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.353Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_login_added
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.354Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_login_removed
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.355Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | New login should be removed from the list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.356Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item1 should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.357Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item2 should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.358Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_login_removed
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.359Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_login_added_filtered
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.360Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Count should match full list length
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.362Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Count should match result amount
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.363Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | New login should be added to the list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.363Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item1 should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.364Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item2 should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.366Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item3 should have correct guid attribute
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.366Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item1 should be visible
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.367Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item2 should be hidden
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.368Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | login-list-item3 should be hidden
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.369Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Count should remain unchanged
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.369Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Leaving test test_login_added_filtered
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.373Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task | Entering test test_sorted_list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.374Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | The list should contain the three stored logins
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.374Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Logins sorted by timeLastUsed. First: 2; Second: 1
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.374Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Logins sorted by timeLastUsed. Second: 1; Third: 0
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.375Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Logins sorted by title. First: a; Second: b
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.375Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Logins sorted by title. Second: b; Third: c
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.376Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Logins sorted by timePasswordChanged. First: 2; Second: 1
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.376Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Logins sorted by timePasswordChanged. Second: 1; Third: 0
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.380Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Breached login should be displayed at top of list
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.380Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | Non-breached login should be displayed below breached
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.381Z] 00:31:59 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.381Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | TypeError: loginListItems[0]._login is undefined - Should not throw any errors
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.382Z] 00:31:59 INFO - test_sorted_list@chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html:363:3
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.382Z] 00:31:59 INFO - nextTick/<@chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1793:34
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.382Z] 00:31:59 INFO - asyncnextTick@chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1809:11
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.382Z] 00:31:59 INFO - setTimeout handler
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.383Z] 00:31:59 INFO - add_task@chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1753:17
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.383Z] 00:31:59 INFO - @chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html:78:9
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.384Z] 00:31:59 INFO - GECKO(1186) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 2832MB | residentFast 349MB | heapAllocated 129MB
[task 2019-08-06T00:31:59.387Z] 00:31:59 INFO - TEST-OK | browser/components/aboutlogins/tests/chrome/test_login_list.html | took 1868ms

Flags: needinfo?(lcrouch)
Flags: needinfo?(lcrouch)
Keywords: checkin-needed

Pushed by
add sortByBreached option r=jaws,fluent-reviewers,flod

Keywords: checkin-needed
Assignee: nobody → lcrouch
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla70
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


