Closed Bug 157409 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Page is displayed after the browser is resized


(Core :: XML, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: hjtoi-bugzilla)




From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.1a+) Gecko/20020711 BuildID: 20020711 Go to this URL: The page will load but it will not be shown. To show the new page, resize the window and the content will be shown. Now reload the page and the scrollbars wont work until you resize. Reproducible: Always
I see this also, W2kSP2 2002071408. (And also 20020712xx, which I just upgraded from.) I also see this when I open a link to an image that's bigger than my current window size; for example, if I make my window small, I won't see until I resize the window. If I go fullscreen mode (so the image fits completely in the browser) things work as expected. Also, a click on a link is not necessary; if I highlight the url and drag to a tab, the tab will not show the correct image until resized. This even affects new tabs, which will remain blank until resized. Additionally, when this weirdness happens, the status bar says, "Stopped", not "Document: Done(1.224 secs)". I do NOT see this on MacOSX 2002071303, BTW. Just my windows box.
WFM using Win2K SP2, build 2002071008, if that helps any...
Okay, maybe the steps to reproduce should start with "set window to size A x B". Reduced the window size before attempting to display the URLs and now see the problem (Win2K SP2, build 2002071008).
Reproduced with build 2002071308, win2k sp2. I clicked on the url mentioned in the original report description and nothing happened. My browser window was maximized. when i restored the window, the browser then rendered the url.
*** Bug 157410 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Symptoms seem to be pointing to bug 81546. Looks like new checkins have exposed the problem in wider situations now. The resize-reflow is causing the paint. In the case of attachment 69694 [details] in bug 81546, it can also be seen that the page re-appear when the window is resized so that the textarea is dirty and has to be repainted.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 156985 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
All the bugs referenced sofar seem to be XHTML/XML, and reference things like document reflow and textarea. But as I mentioned in comment #1, I'm seeing it when I click on a JPG that's bigger than the screen, sometimes. Am I experiencing the same bug, or something else?
QA Contact: petersen → rakeshmishra
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