Open Bug 1576870 Opened 5 years ago Updated 8 months ago

Page Up/Down Doesn't Move Text Input Cursor in Gmail


(Core :: DOM: Editor, enhancement)

68 Branch





(Reporter: vi3ual, Unassigned)



(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

Just open a long tall message in Gmail and try to navigate through it using Page Up and Page Down.

68.0.2 (64-bit)

Actual results:

Page scrolls (if it can), but the cursor doesn't move.
I'd love to use Firefox more, but this only behavior renders it hardly usable when working with email communication.

Expected results:

Cursor should move to the very top / down, correspondigly.

..but not instantly to the top / bottom but one "screen" at a time, that's what is called page-scrolling :D

Hi @vi3ual, for now I can only set a component, If isn't the proper one please fell free to change it. Since I guess this is more an enhancement rather that an issue, I will let someone from dev team to decide about it.

Component: Untriaged → Layout: Form Controls
Product: Firefox → Core
Component: Layout: Form Controls → Editor

This seems to work fine.

Attached file Test-case with contenteditable. (obsolete) —

Also seems to work for me... Does any of the two examples show the bug for you?

Is there any chance gmail is trapping the key presses and manually positioning the caret or what not?

This is more like what I wanted to attach :)

Attachment #9089828 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Ever confirmed: true

It seems to me like the examples are working, unless I'm misunderstanding the issue.

Can you confirm whether you see the issue in the attachments or not?

Ever confirmed: false
Flags: needinfo?(vi3ual)

Hi Liviu and Emilio :)

Thanks for your quick response. You're right the samples work just fine for me too.
The easiest way to reproduce the behavior I complain about is to try to work in Firefox with Gmail.

The version I use now (Firefox Quantum 58.0 64-bit Linux) Debian barely navigates through a message using Page Up / Down at all.
Basically, it just ignores the input. Just nothing happens when pressing Page Up / Down in Gmail.

I guess Google might have done this intentionally in order to cut down the fox's user base a little.
Anyways, it is a good idea to respond and make it usable. So many folks like me are still heavily reliant on the beast's mailbox.

Thank you!

Flags: needinfo?(vi3ual)

Karl, is there any chance to contact Google about this?

Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)
Summary: Page Up/Down Doesn't Move Text Input Cursor → Page Up/Down Doesn't Move Text Input Cursor in Gmail

first of all:

The test doesn't work for me

  • in Firefox 71.0a1 (2019-09-09) (64-bit) Fresh profile, no addons
  • macOS 10.14.6 (18G95)
  • macbook pro
  • fn + arrow down. Note that fn + arrowup or arrowdown is working on a webpage.

Then i tested on an email on gmail and this is working for me.
So it would be good to know a bit more about the users configuration? And the context.

vi3ual Could you test with after restarting with addons disabled.


Flags: needinfo?(kdubost) → needinfo?(vi3ual)

vi3ual, is this issue same as bug 1577058?

Severity: normal → S3

Clear a needinfo that is pending on an inactive user.

Inactive users most likely will not respond; if the missing information is essential and cannot be collected another way, the bug maybe should be closed as INCOMPLETE.

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(vi3ual)

Good news. it works!
I can't reproduce it in 126.0 so everything is fine with editing emails in Gmail. It's time to replace it though with something human friendly.

Mozilla, please create a public email service similar to Gmail!

Closed: 8 months ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---

This bug is easy to reproduce in FF x64 126.0 -- just try to navigate using only keyboard through a long email in Gmail.

(Keyboard navigation in Gmail clearly shows some improvement though. Thanks guys!)
but I just identified one more thing: Page Up / Down works in the sense it SCROLLS email area being displayed, BUT it DOES NOT move the caret / text input cursor.
..which is a big thing UX-wise, so I'd expect the cursor to move along with the area being displayed....

To reproduce: scroll through a long email with Page Up / Down to find a paragraph you want to amend so you now see it on screen...
Then you want to move the caret just a bit / a couple more lines to the exact position of text you want to modify.
HERE IS WHEN IT MISBEHAVES: you press Arrow Up / Down just to find out that the caret is nowhere close to the area being displayed. It is in fact where you started which is a bit frustrating, isn't it?

I believe that when scrolling with Pg Up / Down, the caret should move along with the area being displayed (just like Chrome implements that)
I'd ideally like it to move to the top of the area being displayed when pressing Page Up and move to the bottom of the area being displayed when pressing Page Down. This latest specialty would make it even more UX-friendly than Chrome.

Happy fixing! I'm available to test some dev-build if any further assistance needed.

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