Closed Bug 1614721 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Multiple Save Attachment Dialog Boxes Pop up at once -- new behavior


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0

Steps to reproduce:

Opening an e-mail with multiple attachments (usually pictures); View the attached documents at the bottom of the e-mail; select all of them and right click then choose save as.

Actual results:

A "Save Attachment" dialog box pops up for each attachment with it set to the previous folder I had saved things to. When I select a new folder and save the (usually picture) to the new folder; the next dialog box (having already opened) is still at the previous folder instead of the new folder; making me have to find and re-select the new folder for every subsequent attachment.

This is a "new behavior" -- I have no idea if it is a bug or a purposely designed behavior... but it sure is annoying. As it is annoying and as it wasn't the way it used to be, I am calling this a "defect report" below; even though perhaps it was purposely designed that way.

Expected results:

In previous versions (not sure when the change happened; within the last several weeks around the same time my e-mail notice icon changed from white to black, or the week after that when Thunderbird updated again so soon afterword) The FIRST attachment would initiate a Save Attachment dialog box in which I would select the new folder; after hitting the Save button the next Save Attachment dialog box would pop up for the next attachment and already be at the folder had just previously selected. Thus, I would only have to select the folder once; even if I was saving 5, 10, even 20 attachments; rather than having to select the folder every time.

I get that I could do a work around, and always select only the first attachment; save that to the new folder; then select the other attachments and save... but that is extra steps I would prefer not to have to do.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

Hi Nathan, thank you for this well-formed bug report. It has been reported already on 2019-07-10 (7 months ago) as bug 1565007, which technically makes your report a duplicate of that one; it's a bug, not a feature; your description is 100% correct and matching the other bug. Others might notice the same bug earlier when they are on beta or daily release channel where changes land early. Bug 1565007 is about restoring the previous behaviour, one consecutive dialog for each selected attachment; thank you for sharing your use cases for that behaviour with us. So we will fix the problem described by you on bug 1565007 in due course, hopefully soon.

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