Closed Bug 1617081 Opened 5 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | same-origin-allow-popups with SAME_ORIGIN iframe opening popup a CROSS_ORIGIN with COOP:...


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P5)




Fission Milestone Future


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: aiakab [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2020-02-21T00:21:56.327Z] 00:21:56 INFO - TEST-START | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html
[task 2020-02-21T00:21:56.373Z] 00:21:56 INFO - Setting pref browser.tabs.remote.useCrossOriginOpenerPolicy (true)
[task 2020-02-21T00:21:56.413Z] 00:21:56 INFO - Setting pref browser.tabs.remote.useCrossOriginEmbedderPolicy (true)
[task 2020-02-21T00:21:56.450Z] 00:21:56 INFO - Setting pref browser.tabs.documentchannel (true)
[task 2020-02-21T00:21:58.765Z] 00:21:58 INFO - PID 15978 | [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 16149.
[task 2020-02-21T00:21:59.032Z] 00:21:59 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:21:59.121Z] 00:21:59 INFO - PID 15978 | [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 16151.
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:02.697Z] 00:22:02 INFO - PID 15978 | [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 16206.
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:03.670Z] 00:22:03 INFO - PID 15978 | [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 16221.
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:04.704Z] 00:22:04 INFO - PID 15978 | [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 16250.
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:05.652Z] 00:22:05 INFO - PID 15978 | [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 16270.
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:06.849Z] 00:22:06 INFO - PID 15978 | [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 16299.
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:07.274Z] 00:22:07 INFO - PID 15978 | JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/ProcessSelector.jsm, line 56: TypeError: can't access property "tabCount", process is null
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:07.352Z] 00:22:07 INFO - PID 15978 | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/AboutReaderChild.jsm, line 95: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED:
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:07.354Z] 00:22:07 INFO - PID 15978 | JavaScript error: chrome://global/content/process-content.js, line 78: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED:
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:09.092Z] 00:22:09 INFO - PID 15978 | [CodeCoverage] Setting handlers for process 16330.
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:09.518Z] 00:22:09 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:10.474Z] 00:22:10 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:10.474Z] 00:22:10 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:10.478Z] 00:22:10 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:10.481Z] 00:22:10 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:10.482Z] 00:22:10 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:10.484Z] 00:22:10 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:10.512Z] 00:22:10 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:11.532Z] 00:22:11 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:22:11.534Z] 00:22:11 INFO - PID 15978 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.167Z] 00:24:00 INFO -
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.167Z] 00:24:00 INFO - TEST-FAIL | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | same-origin-allow-popups with SAME_ORIGIN iframe opening popup a SAME_ORIGIN with COOP: same-origin-allow-popups - assert_equals: opener expected true but got false
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.167Z] 00:24:00 INFO - run_coop_test_iframe/</bc.onmessage<@https://web-platform.test:8443/html/cross-origin-opener-policy/resources/common.js:66:28
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.167Z] 00:24:00 INFO - Test.prototype.step@https://web-platform.test:8443/resources/testharness.js:1867:25
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.167Z] 00:24:00 INFO - Test.prototype.step_func_done/<@https://web-platform.test:8443/resources/testharness.js:1908:32
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.167Z] 00:24:00 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | same-origin-allow-popups with SAME_SITE iframe opening popup a SAME_ORIGIN with COOP: same-origin-allow-popups
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.167Z] 00:24:00 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | same-origin-allow-popups with CROSS_ORIGIN iframe opening popup a SAME_ORIGIN with COOP: same-origin-allow-popups
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.167Z] 00:24:00 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | same-origin-allow-popups with SAME_ORIGIN iframe opening popup a SAME_SITE with COOP: same-origin-allow-popups
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.168Z] 00:24:00 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | same-origin-allow-popups with SAME_SITE iframe opening popup a SAME_SITE with COOP: same-origin-allow-popups
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.168Z] 00:24:00 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | same-origin-allow-popups with CROSS_ORIGIN iframe opening popup a SAME_SITE with COOP: same-origin-allow-popups
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.168Z] 00:24:00 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | same-origin-allow-popups with SAME_ORIGIN iframe opening popup a CROSS_ORIGIN with COOP: same-origin-allow-popups - Test timed out
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.171Z] 00:24:00 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /html/cross-origin-opener-policy/iframe-popup-same-origin-allow-popups-to-same-origin-allow-popups.https.html | expected OK
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.172Z] 00:24:00 INFO - TEST-INFO took 123843ms
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.209Z] 00:24:00 INFO - PID 15978 | 1582244640201 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 34185
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.213Z] 00:24:00 INFO - PID 15978 | JavaScript error: chrome://browser/content/browser.js, line 8113: TypeError: can't access property "processMessageManager", browser.messageManager is null
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.343Z] 00:24:00 INFO - PID 15978 | WARNING: A blocker encountered an error while we were waiting.
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.345Z] 00:24:00 INFO - PID 15978 | Blocker: SessionStore: flushing all windows
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.345Z] 00:24:00 INFO - PID 15978 | Phase: quit-application-granted
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.346Z] 00:24:00 INFO - PID 15978 | State: {"total":-1,"current":-1}
[task 2020-02-21T00:24:00.346Z] 00:24:00 INFO - PID 15978 | WARNING: TypeError: can't access property "sendAsyncMessage", mm is null

See Also: → 1619078

This intermittent test failure doesn't need to block Fission MVP unless it becomes more frequent.

Fission Milestone: --- → Future

No failures in >21 days.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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