Closed Bug 161746 Opened 23 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Any key toggles "enabled" state for message filters, including those bound to other functionality


(MailNews Core :: Filters, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: joe, Unassigned)



(Keywords: access, polish, Whiteboard: seamonkey-only)

With 1.1b, if you're in the Message Filters dialog and hit "Alt+E", it both toggles the "Enable" for the current filter and opens the "Edit" dialog. Only one of these two functionalities should be attached to that key (probably "Edit", if you ask me). joe
Assignee: aaronl → naving
Component: Keyboard Navigation → Filters
Product: Browser → MailNews
QA Contact: sairuh → laurel
Pressing *any* key when the listbox has focus toggles the checkbox. Only keys that normally toggle a checkbox (space, maybe plus and minus) should do that.
confirming - 2003013108
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: access, polish
OS: Windows 2000 → Windows 98
Summary: Alt+E in Message Filters linked to both "Enable" and "Edit" → Any key toggles "enabled" state for message filters, including those bound to other functionality
With Mozilla 1.3 on W2K, WXP, and OS/2, the enabled flag is not visible at all (i.e., the field is shown in the listbox, but there is no value shown).
Oops, please ignore my last comment; I was using an incorrect theme... For the rest I can verify the behaviour where it toggles the state on any keypress.
mass re-assign.
Assignee: naving → sspitzer
Product: MailNews → Core
sorry for the spam. making bugzilla reflect reality as I'm not working on these bugs. filter on FOOBARCHEESE to remove these in bulk.
Assignee: sspitzer → nobody
OS: Windows 98 → All
QA Contact: laurel → filters
Hardware: PC → All
Product: Core → MailNews Core
doesn't happen in thunderbird
Severity: normal → minor
Whiteboard: seamonkey-only
I'll try to find the right English words: If You open the dialog for filters, you will see the rules. Normally all of them are enabled. When I press for example the e-character for searching the next rule, whose Name begin with an "e", the rule is found. But the rule, starting with e is disabled. Version (20090605), German translation.
Yes, can't see this in Thunderbird (Win XP). Even space has problems toggling the enable - I need to press it twice to disable a filter and then in toggles correctly.
IanN, can you see if this exists in Seamonkey? Thunderbird seems unaffected now (the filter list dialog is reworked since the report).
WFM SeaMonkey 2.10; the enabled state is only being toggled by space nowadays.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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