Closed Bug 162351 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Mozilla process hangs on exit


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jquinn, Assigned: mscott)


Basically, there have been several occasions recently where I have tried to open Mozilla and it has not opened. When I investigate with ctrl-alt-del I see no mozilla in the "apps" tab but a mozilla process still alive (and intermittently accessing the disk or going up as high as 24% processor although it mostly lives at 0%). I kill this process and Mozilla starts as normal. I'm filing this under mailnews because I don't have a lot to go on. I think this might have to do with mailnews because as far as I can remember it's only happened when I've been using mail. I have an IMAP account which I tunnel through SSH to my server. Often I just unplug my modem without bothering to shut mozilla, ssh, and dialup in that order. I think this may have to do with the "empty trash on exit" pref which I do have set in mail. Another symptom is that sometimes my inbox is corrupted; I'm not sure if this comes from my irregular shutdown, but I'm about to file it as a different bug. Oh, one more symptom, which may or may not be mozilla's fault. Recently, about contemporaneous with the beginnings of this moz problem, my laptop will sometimes hang completely when I try to hibernate it. I see that the same 2secs on 2secs off disk access __typical of the hung mozilla__ is still spinning. Maybe XP is giving me a "do you want to force this process to close" dialog but since my screen is already off I can't see it. Im currently using the 200208071718 nightly. Sorry, this isn't a lot to go on but at least it's in the system now.
QA Contact: gayatri → esther
Reporter, you mention "Empty Trash on Exit" set. Can you look at a fixed bug (106479) that sounds similiar to yours to see if you have a scenario close to it. If so, then I need to test that bug again for possible regression. If not, could you please try exiting Mozilla in a typical way (using our UI) instead of unpluging the modem to see if the process quits? Another test is to uncheck "Empty Trash on Exit" and then try your modem unplug routine? One other test, if Quick Launch is Enabled, please disable it and continue in your usual manner to see it that makes a difference? Trying these will help us to narrow this down. Looking forward to your response. Thanks.
I have the same problem, though I am exiting mozilla using your UI. The mozilla process is still there and mozilla won't start until I deleted the process manually in task manager. This happens every time I use mozilla. Secondly the mailclient does not start when I started the browser.
Reporter: Did/does this happen with with a current Mozilla build?
no response-->resolving wfm
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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