Closed Bug 162504 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Crash a few seconds after popup window appears


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: martinburchell, Assigned: Matti)




(Keywords: crash, stackwanted)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020529 BuildID: 2002052918 Go to A popup window appears. After a few seconds the browser crashes. On both Netscape 4.72 and Opera 5 the message "HTTP/1.1 Server Too Busy" appears on the main window. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Go to 2.Wait a few seconds 3.Boom Nothing special about my setup, except that I'm blocking images from a number of ad sites. Actual Results: Browser crashed Expected Results: Browser should not have crashed
Martin, can you post Talkback ID ? Run 'mozilla/bin/components/talkback/talkback' (give you crashed and the Talkback window popped up)
Keywords: crash, stackwanted
WFM on Linux with both Mozilla 1.0 build 2002052918 and Mozilla 1.1 build 2002081013 as well. Martin, what happens if you turn off the image block?
wfm using build 20020811 on Linux (trunk).
Have tried the same site again and I have noticed that the crash occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the popup window and back out again. I was probably doing this yesterday but wasn't aware of it. I can start the talkback application but there is no record of the crash. Maybe there is something I have to do to my configuration. I have not tried turning off the image blocker but disabling all images still produces the crash. FWIW other browsers are no longer giving the "Server Too Busy" message.
Are you using sloppy focus? The popup has <body onblur="self.focus"> which might cause problems. I get a crash if I close the popup as the last window.
The crash I got appears to be a recent regression. Martin: could you try a newer build (1.1b) or a build off the 1.0 branch? also, if you start mozilla from a terminal, do you get any messages there when it crashes?
No messages when running from the terminal. Yes I am using sloppy focus - I managed to repeat the crash with click to focus by clicking in the main window so this would hint at a blur/focus issue. A colleague of mine is also running 2002052918 but does not get the crash. I will try a more recent build when I have time.
Martin: have you managed to test with a more recent build yet?
I have just installed 1.01 and I cannot reproduce the crash. Unfortunately (?) 1.0 is no longer crashing as well. So I guess either the site or something in my environment has changed.
Marking as WFM per comment #9
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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