Closed Bug 163244 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

HTTP Streaming Media not functional?


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P3)

Windows 95


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Finejnkmail, Assigned: serhunt)




(Whiteboard: [PL2:NA])

With Netscape 6, could get content to launch audio samples through site. All that happens in Mozilla is a window pops up, and asks to save a reference EXE file, only used to pass file onto clientside helper application. Tried to enter application in "Helper Applications" in the EDIT/PREFERENCES dialog box, but that didn't seem to help- same results. Streamimg Media calls supported? I have everything enabled that possibly could be related in PREFERRENCES.
Reporter, please - describe steps to reproduce the problem - state the version and build id of the mozilla build you are using - use to report bugs thanks :)
I bet my boots it's dup of bug 120327
Andrei: can you confirm or verify that this could be a dup.
Assignee: beppe → av
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [PL2:NA]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.2alpha
I will gladly do so once we have steps to reproduce it. There could be tons of different situations. I can hardly get any specifics from the initial report.
reporter, pls provide a test, how to reproduce what u are seeing..thx!
I just went to a streaming media site(, searched for a media file, and up popped a 'Save' dialog box, which said "Enter name of file to save to...", which if accepted would save a 1 kb EXE file to my hard drive. Does it with both Real files and Windows Media. It had been working in Netscape 6.
Reporter, can you please provide exact numbered steps, with clip names etc?
Sorry again. 1) Go to is probably the same for other sites, but this is the only one I've tried.) 2) In the "Search by" box at the top of the page,enter"Alvin & The Chipmunks" and then hit Enter. 3) After the Search is done, select the first album on the list,"Greatest Hits-Still Squeaky Af" 4) After the new page loads, scroll down and hit the "Media Player" selection under the first song,"Witch Doctor" After this a "Enter name of file to save to" dialog box will appear, which if you click the "Save" button, will transfer a 1kb EXE file called "hurlPNM.exe" to your hard drive. A similar thing occurs when you repeat the same procedure after searching on the album "Elmo & The Orchestra" and selecting the "Symphony No. 40" windows media track. Again, the EXE file in the dialog box is called "hurlPNM" I use ZoneAlarm firewall- which I have never had a problem with, and have used it to access the same site with other browsers, most notabbly Netscape 6.x- so I really don't think that is a factor. Mozilla info: Mozilla 1.0 - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020530 Thanks.
Thank you for the steps. Your Mozilla build does not look very recent, would please try one of the latest? Shrirang, if you have Win95, can you try this to see if it is specific to that Windows flavour and maybe a specific MediaPlayer version. Does MS support Win95 with the latest MP releases? The provided steps work fine for me on WinXP with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.1b) Gecko/20020815 and MediaPlayer The clip is played by MP as an external app.
I have verified that the bug still exists in Mozilla 1.1b Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.1b) Gecko/20020721. I also verified playback of streaming REAL audio files, which of course is offered on the same site, right next to the Media Player option, and did play as an external app. Media Player version is, which is the latest version with all the patches. I don't believe any greater version of MP is offered for Win95, as later versions(7.x/8.x) require Win98 and above, or possibly it will allow Win95b, but I have Win95a.
The link in question is It redirects to linux trunk cvs 2002-08-23: Downloading hurlPNM.exe You have chosen to download a file of type: "Windows Executable" [video/x-ms-asf] from (o) Open using /usr/bin/wine-safe ( ) Save this file to disk I get a similar result ("pdf document" [application/x-shockwave-flash]) in case "5. direct link" in the testcase for bug 140975 <>) Apparently we fall-back on the extension, if there's no plugin/helper available for the mimetype? Reporter, do you have a helper application configured for video/x-ms-asf? (edit > preferences > navigator > helper > "file types" box) Reporter, I think there were some issues with these sort of things in 1.1b still, could you check this with a 1.1 pre-release build from <>?
Mozilla 1.1(Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020824) displays the message "Open with ASXfile" where the last did not, and I didn't have to associate the file within Mozilla Preferences. Media Player does play the file. Looks like the anomaly I saw was cleared up. Thanks for putting up with me.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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