Open Bug 1654418 Opened 5 years ago Updated 5 years ago

Phabricator comments: Formatting should be allowed in URL link names


(Conduit :: Phabricator, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: mozbugz, Unassigned)


(Keywords: conduit-triaged, conduit-upstream)

While entering a comment, clicking on the "Link" icon inserts the following template:

[[ URL | name ]]

When previewed/displayed, the "name" part is displayed as-is, formatting like bold, italic, etc. is ignored and the formatting symbols are shown.
If there is also back-tick code, the linking template itself is ignored.

E.g., if the comment is:

[[ | **bold** //italic// ]]
[[ | **bold** //italic// `code` ]]

Expected display:
bold italic
bold italic code

Actual: (I've added some spaces to defeat Bugzilla's formatter)
* * bold * * / / italic / /
[[ | bold italic code ]]

You can achieve this desired behaviour by putting the formatting wrappers around the entire URL template, i.e.

**[[ | strong ]]**
//[[ | italic ]]//

If you select the word before clicking on the "link" button, it should behave as expected.

This doesn't work with back-ticks , though, which kind of makes sense though there should probably be a way to have links inside code text, probably by switching the order in which things are parsed within Remarkup.

Type: defect → enhancement
Priority: -- → P3
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