Closed Bug 1663989 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Firefox-iOS `bookmarks.add` metric isn't capturing the same labels as legacy


(Data Platform and Tools :: Glean: SDK, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: travis_, Assigned: travis_)



Looking at bookmarks added broken down by location added from.

In some cases we are seeing legacy count things that Glean is not, as in the case of the context-menu and tab-tray locations. Meanwhile, we see counts in Glean for __other__ for location that do not have corresponding legacy counts. Based on the places where we have counts from both Glean and legacy (activity-stream and page-action-menu), my hypothesis is that Glean is recording the context-menu and tab-tray counts as __other__. The ratio of legacy to Glean counts seems to support this as the __other__ recorded by Glean is pretty close to the ratio of the context-menu + tab-tray counts of legacy.

Filing this as a follow up to Bug 1652494, this should probably be handed down to the iOS team and refiled as a GitHub issue in their repo.

Assignee: nobody → tlong
Priority: P3 → P1
Whiteboard: [telemetry:glean-rs:m?]

Issue filed under GitHub issues for the firefox-ios repo. Closing this as invalid since the issue is technically not in our component, but it may turn out that I have some time to try and help them out with the issue. If so, I'll just reopen this to track it from our team's perspective.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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