Update Platform Print Settings To Handle Duplex Printing Options (None/FlipOnSideEdge/FlipOnTopEdge)
(Core :: Printing: Setup, enhancement, P2)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox87 | --- | fixed |
(Reporter: nordzilla, Assigned: nordzilla)
(Whiteboard: [print2020_v87])
(1 file)
Overview Of Duplex Printing Modes
There are 4 possible combinations of duplex printing, and they change slightly based on whether you’re in Portrait orientation or Landscape orientation.
Two of the combinations have the binding on the side-edge of the paper, and pages flip like a book:
- In Portrait Orientation, with a binding on the side-edge of the paper, the pages will flip horizontally, and the overall behavior will be similar to a typical book.
- In Landscape Orientation, with a binding on the side-edge of the paper, the pages will flip horizontally, and the overall behavior will be similar to a picture book or photo album.
The other two combinations have the binding on the top-edge of the paper, and pages flip like a calendar or a notepad:
- In Portrait Orientation, with a binding on the top-edge of the paper, the pages will flip vertically, and the overall behavior will be similar to a notepad.
- In Landscape Orientation, with a binding on the top-edge of the paper, the pages will flip vertically, and the overall behavior will be similar to a calendar.
There is an important distinction in the way each two-sided sheet is printed, based on the flip direction:
- A side-edge flip will result in the front and back of each page being oriented in the same direction. As you flip horizontally (like a book), you want both sides to be upright to your perspective.
- A top-edge flip will result in the front and back of each page being oriented upside down relative to each other. As you flip vertically (like a calendar), you want the flipped page to still look upright to your perspective.
Overview of Existing and Proposed Terminology
Unfortunately, the terminology for these flip styles varies widely from system to system. I have had discussions in length with both jfkthame and abenson regarding the least confusing terminology to use in Firefox's print UI and code. We decided on the "side-edge flip" and "top-edge flip" terminology that is used above.
- On Windows, the terminology is
. - On macOS, the terminology is
. - On GTK-based systems, the terminology uses both
. - On CUPS-based systems, the terminology is
To be clear, the following are all equivalent:
Flip on Side Edge
==Horizontal Flip
==NoTumble Flip
.Flip on Top Edge
==Vertical Flip
==Tumble Flip
Differences From Google Chrome
The Google Chrome print UI uses yet another set of terms: "Bind on long edge," and "Bind on short edge."
abenson and I have decided to not adopt the same terminology for the following reasons:
- These terms are ambiguous for square paper sizes (even though these are uncommon).
- Binding on the "long" edge will result in a side-edge flip in Portrait Orientation, and in a top-edge flip in Landscape Orientation.
- Binding on the "short" edge will result in a top-edge flip in Portrait orientation, and a side-edge flip in Landscape orientation.
By deliberately leaving our terminology in terms of side-edge and top-edge, the flip direction is not dependent on the orientation or the dimensions of the paper.
About This Bug
This patch will update the Firefox platform code to uniformly use the "side-edge" and "top-edge" terminology, exposing these options to the front-end code for our print UI, and converting them to the appropriate system-specific terminologies in the print settings.
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Comment 1•4 years ago
Depends on D93621
Updated•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago
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Updated•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago
Comment 3•4 years ago
bugherder |