Open Bug 1675782 Opened 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Add session deltas to events daily


(Data Platform and Tools :: General, task, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: frank, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Currently we don't have anything about session timestamps, just that events occurred in some order.

We should add session timestamp deltas as event properties. Basically every event would have a new event_property called "session_delta", and that value would be the difference between it and the previous event.

This field should be treated specially. In analysis, we should understand that it is an integer field, and query it as follows: [\U0100-\U0200] for events that occurred e.g. 100 seconds apart.

One question that arises is what to use as the metric here. We can store at most 1M UTF8 chars as an event property. So if we use ms as the metric, we can store at most 16 minutes of difference; if we use s, we can store up to 11.5 days. I think cs might actually be a nice in-between; that would give sub-second differences (good for some automated events), but still give us a nice range of up to 1 day.

Once we integrate this event_property, we need to also include it in the analysis UDFs. Users should be able to:

  • sessionize on this field (if the next event occurred >10 minutes from the previous one, it's a new session)
  • Filter funnels on this field (two consecutive events that occurred less than X seconds apart)
Component: Datasets: General → General
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