not generating .htaccess files
(Bugzilla :: Installation & Upgrading, defect)
(Reporter: vasko.tim, Unassigned)
$ uname -a
FreeBSD bugzilla 12.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE r366954 GENERIC amd64
The script is not generating any .htaccess files.
Using fresh checkout of, base localconfig is generated successfully and it explicitly sets:
$create_htaccess = 1;
Having updated the localconfig with group, db data, baseurl, etc. - is executed again and finishes successfully - but no .htaccess file is created.
Re-running check doesn't help:
* This is Bugzilla 20200805.1 on Perl 5.32.0
* Running on FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE r366954 GENERIC
Checking for Algorithm::BloomFilter (0.02) ok: found v0.02
Checking for Bytes::Random::Secure (any) ok: found v0.29
Checking for CGI (4.31) ok: found v4.50
Checking for CGI::Compile (any) ok: found v0.25
Checking for CGI::Emulate::PSGI (any) ok: found v0.23
Checking for CPAN::Meta::Prereqs (2.132830) ok: found v2.150010
Checking for CPAN::Meta::Requirements (2.121) ok: found v2.140
Checking for Class::XSAccessor (1.18) ok: found v1.19
Checking for Crypt::CBC (any) ok: found v2.33
Checking for Crypt::DES (any) ok: found v2.07
Checking for Crypt::DES_EDE3 (any) ok: found v0.01
Checking for Crypt::OpenPGP (1.12) ok: found v1.12
Checking for Crypt::SMIME (any) ok: found v0.27
Checking for DBI (1.614) ok: found v1.643
Checking for DBIx::Class (any) ok: found v0.082842
Checking for DBIx::Class::Helpers (== 2.034002) ok: found v2.034002
Checking for DBIx::Connector (any) ok: found v0.56
Checking for Daemon::Generic (any) ok: found v0.85
Checking for Data::Password::passwdqc (0.08) ok: found v0.09
Checking for Date::Format (2.23) ok: found v2.24
Checking for Date::Parse (2.31) ok: found v2.33
Checking for DateTime (0.75) ok: found v1.52
Checking for DateTime::TimeZone (2.11) ok: found v2.39
Checking for Devel::NYTProf (6.04) ok: found v6.06
Checking for Digest::SHA (5.47) ok: found v6.02
Checking for EV (4.0) ok: found v4.33
Checking for Email::Address (any) ok: found v1.912
Checking for Email::MIME (1.904) ok: found v1.949
Checking for Email::Send (1.911) ok: found v2.201
Checking for ExtUtils::MakeMaker (7.22) ok: found v7.44
Checking for FFI::Platypus (any) ok: found v1.33
Checking for File::MimeInfo::Magic (any) ok: found v0.30
Checking for Future (0.34) ok: found v0.46
Checking for HTML::Escape (1.10) ok: found v1.10
Checking for HTML::Tree (any) ok: found v5.07
Checking for IO::Async (0.71) ok: found v0.77
Checking for IO::Compress::Gzip (any) ok: found v2.093
Checking for IO::Scalar (any) ok: found v2.113
Checking for IPC::System::Simple (any) ok: found v1.30
Checking for JSON::MaybeXS (1.003008) ok: found v1.004003
Checking for JSON::Validator (3.05) ok: found v4.10
Checking for JSON::XS (2.0) ok: found v4.02
Checking for LWP::Protocol::https (6.07) ok: found v6.09
Checking for LWP::UserAgent (6.44) ok: found v6.49
Checking for LWP::UserAgent::Determined (any) ok: found v1.07
Checking for List::MoreUtils (0.418) ok: found v0.428
Checking for Log::Dispatch (2.67) ok: found v2.70
Checking for Log::Log4perl (1.49) ok: found v1.53
Checking for Math::Random::ISAAC (v1.0.1) ok: found v1.004
Checking for Module::Metadata (1.000033) ok: found v1.000037
Checking for Module::Runtime (0.014) ok: found v0.016
Checking for Mojo::JWT (0.07) ok: found v0.09
Checking for MojoX::Log::Log4perl (0.04) ok: found v0.12
Checking for Mojolicious (8.42) ok: found v8.65
Checking for Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2::Server (0.44) ok: found v0.47
Checking for Moo (2.002004) ok: found v2.004000
Checking for MooX::StrictConstructor (0.008) ok: found v0.011
Checking for Mozilla::CA (20160104) ok: found v20200520
Checking for Net::DNS (any) ok: found v1.29
Checking for Package::Stash (0.37) ok: found v0.38
Checking for Parse::CPAN::Meta (1.44) ok: found v2.150010
Checking for PerlX::Maybe (any) ok: found v1.201
Checking for Regexp::Common (any) ok: found v2017060201
Checking for Role::Tiny (2.000003) ok: found v2.001004
Checking for Scope::Guard (0.21) ok: found v0.21
Checking for Sereal (4.004) ok: found v4.018
Checking for Sub::Quote (2.005000) ok: found v2.006006
Checking for Sys::Syslog (any) ok: found v0.36
Checking for Template (2.24) ok: found v3.009
Checking for Text::CSV_XS (1.26) ok: found v1.44
Checking for Text::Diff (any) ok: found v1.45
Checking for Throwable (0.200013) ok: found v0.200013
Checking for Tie::IxHash (any) ok: found v1.23
Checking for Type::Tiny (1.004004) ok: found v1.012000
Checking for URI (1.55) ok: found v1.76
Checking for URI::Escape::XS (0.14) ok: found v0.14
Checking for perl (5.010001) ok: found v5.032000
Checking for version (0.87) ok: found v0.9924
Optional features:
Feature 'alien_cmark': Support GitHub-flavored markdown
Checking for Alien::libcmark_gfm (3) not found
Feature 'argon2': Support hashing passwords with Argon2
Checking for Crypt::Argon2 (0.004) ok: found v0.007
Feature 'auth_ldap': LDAP Authentication
Checking for Net::LDAP (any) not found
Feature 'auth_radius': RADIUS Authentication
Checking for Authen::Radius (any) not found
Feature 'better_xff': Improved behavior of MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY
Checking for Mojolicious::Plugin::ForwardedFor (any) ok: found v0.001
Feature 'bmo': features that BMO needs
Checking for Alien::libcmark_gfm (3) not found
Checking for Auth::GoogleAuth (1.01) ok: found v1.02
Checking for Cache::Memcached::Fast (0.17) ok: found v0.26
Checking for Chart::Clicker (any) not found
Checking for Chart::Lines (v2.4.10) ok: found v2.4.10
Checking for Class::Accessor::Fast (any) ok: found v0.51
Checking for Crypt::Argon2 (0.004) ok: found v0.007
Checking for DBD::mysql (4.037) ok: found v4.050
Checking for Daemon::Generic (any) ok: found v0.85
Checking for DataDog::DogStatsd (0.05) ok: found v0.06
Checking for DateTime::Format::MySQL (0.06) ok: found v0.06
Checking for Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper (any) ok: found v1.317
Checking for Email::Reply (any) ok: found v1.204
Checking for Encode (2.21) ok: found v3.06
Checking for Encode::Detect (any) ok: found v1.01
Checking for File::Copy::Recursive (any) ok: found v0.45
Checking for File::MimeInfo::Magic (any) ok: found v0.30
Checking for File::Which (any) ok: found v1.23
Checking for GD (1.20) ok: found v2.72
Checking for GD::Barcode::QRcode (any) ok: found v0.01
Checking for GD::Graph (any) ok: found v1.54
Checking for GD::Text (any) ok: found v0.86
Checking for HTML::Parser (3.67) ok: found v3.72
Checking for HTML::Scrubber (any) ok: found v0.19
Checking for IO::Scalar (any) ok: found v2.113
Checking for JSON::RPC (== 1.01) not found
Checking for Log::Log4perl::Appender::Raven (0.006) ok: found v0.006
Checking for MIME::Parser (5.406) ok: found v5.509
Checking for Mojolicious::Plugin::ForwardedFor (any) ok: found v0.001
Checking for PatchReader (v0.9.6) ok: found v0.9.6
Checking for SOAP::Lite (0.712) ok: found v1.27
Checking for Search::Elasticsearch (any) ok: found v7.30
Checking for Template::Plugin::GD::Image (any) ok: found v1.56
Checking for Test::Taint (1.06) ok: found v1.08
Checking for Text::MultiMarkdown (1.000034) not found
Checking for TheSchwartz (1.10) ok: found v1.15
Checking for URI::Escape (any) ok: found v3.31
Checking for Unicode::GCString (any) ok: found v2013.10
CheckiInvalid parameter: phabricator_auth_callback_url
Invalid parameter: comment_taggers_group
Invalid parameter: phabricator_app_id
ng for XML::Simple (any) ok: found v2.25
Checking for XML::Twig (any) ok: found v3.52
Checking for XMLRPC::Lite (0.712) ok: found v0.717
Feature 'chart_clicker': Support nice-looking charts
Checking for Chart::Clicker (any) not found
Feature 'datadog': Data Dog support
Checking for DataDog::DogStatsd (0.05) ok: found v0.06
Feature 'detect_charset': Automatic charset detection for text attachments
Checking for Encode (2.21) ok: found v3.06
Checking for Encode::Detect (any) ok: found v1.01
Feature 'documentation': Documentation
Checking for File::Copy::Recursive (any) ok: found v0.45
Checking for File::Which (any) ok: found v1.23
Feature 'elasticsearch': Elasticsearch-powered searches
Checking for Search::Elasticsearch (any) ok: found v7.30
Feature 'extension_push_optional': unknown
Checking for XML::Simple (any) ok: found v2.25
Feature 'graphical_reports': Graphical Reports
Checking for GD (1.20) ok: found v2.72
Checking for GD::Graph (any) ok: found v1.54
Checking for GD::Text (any) ok: found v0.86
Checking for Template::Plugin::GD::Image (any) ok: found v1.56
Feature 'html_desc': More HTML in Product/Group Descriptions
Checking for HTML::Parser (3.67) ok: found v3.72
Checking for HTML::Scrubber (any) ok: found v0.19
Feature 'inbound_email': Inbound Email
Checking for Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper (any) ok: found v1.317
Checking for Email::Reply (any) ok: found v1.204
Feature 'jobqueue': Mail Queueing
Checking for Daemon::Generic (any) ok: found v0.85
Checking for TheSchwartz (1.10) ok: found v1.15
Feature 'jsonrpc': JSON-RPC Interface
Checking for JSON::RPC (== 1.01) not found
Checking for Test::Taint (1.06) ok: found v1.08
Feature 'linux_pdeath': Linux::Pdeathsig for a good parent/child relationships
Checking for Linux::Pdeathsig (any) not found
Feature 'linux_pid': Linux::PID
Checking for Linux::Pid (any) ok: found v0.04
Feature 'linux_smaps': Linux::Smaps::Tiny for limiting memory usage
Checking for BSD::Resource (any) ok: found v1.2911
Checking for Linux::Smaps::Tiny (any) ok: found v0.10
Feature 'markdown': Markdown syntax support for comments
Checking for Text::MultiMarkdown (1.000034) not found
Checking for Unicode::GCString (any) ok: found v2013.10
Feature 'memcached': Memcached Support
Checking for Cache::Memcached::Fast (0.17) ok: found v0.26
Feature 'mfa': Multi-Factor Authentication
Checking for Auth::GoogleAuth (1.01) ok: found v1.02
Checking for GD::Barcode::QRcode (any) ok: found v0.01
Feature 'moving': Move Bugs Between Installations
Checking for MIME::Parser (5.406) ok: found v5.509
Checking for XML::Twig (any) ok: found v3.52
Feature 'mysql': MySQL database support
Checking for DBD::mysql (4.037) ok: found v4.050
Checking for DateTime::Format::MySQL (0.06) ok: found v0.06
Feature 'new_charts': New Charts
Checking for Chart::Lines (v2.4.10) ok: found v2.4.10
Checking for GD (1.20) ok: found v2.72
Feature 'old_charts': Old Charts
Checking for Chart::Lines (v2.4.10) ok: found v2.4.10
Checking for GD (1.20) ok: found v2.72
Feature 'oracle': Oracle database support
Checking for DBD::Oracle (1.19) not found
Feature 'patch_viewer': Patch Viewer
Checking for PatchReader (v0.9.6) ok: found v0.9.6
Feature 'pg': Postgres database support
Checking for DBD::Pg (v2.19.3) not found
Feature 'rest': REST Interface
Checking for JSON::RPC (== 1.01) not found
Checking for Test::Taint (1.06) ok: found v1.08
Feature 's3': Amazon S3 Attachment Storage
Checking for Class::Accessor::Fast (any) ok: found v0.51
Checking for URI::Escape (any) ok: found v3.31
Checking for XML::Simple (any) ok: found v2.25
Feature 'sentry': Sentry Support
Checking for Log::Log4perl::Appender::Raven (0.006) ok: found v0.006
Feature 'smtp_auth': SMTP Authentication
Checking for Authen::SASL (any) not found
Feature 'sqlite': SQLite database support
Checking for DBD::SQLite (1.29) ok: found v1.66
Checking for DateTime::Format::SQLite (0.11) ok: found v0.11
Feature 'typesniffer': Sniff MIME type of attachments
Checking for File::MimeInfo::Magic (any) ok: found v0.30
Checking for IO::Scalar (any) ok: found v2.113
Feature 'updates': Automatic Update Notifications
Checking for XML::Twig (any) ok: found v3.52
Feature 'xmlrpc': XML-RPC Interface
Checking for SOAP::Lite (0.712) ok: found v1.27
Checking for Test::Taint (1.06) ok: found v1.08
Checking for XMLRPC::Lite (0.712) ok: found v0.717
Reading /usr/local/www/harmony/localconfig...
Checking for MySQL (5.6.12) ok: found v5.7.32-log
Creating js/yui.js...
Creating js/yui3.js...
Creating skins/yui.css...
Creating skins/yui3.css...
Creating version.json...
Removing existing compiled templates...
Precompiling templates...done.
Fixing file permissions... complete.
I'm not skilled with perl, but doing basic debugging reveals that create_htaccess
subroutine and plumbing are entirely missing (at least in comparison to 5.0.6):
Checking harmony:master:
www/harmony $ grep -R . -Hne create_htaccess
./.circleci/checksetup_answers.txt:7:$answer{'create_htaccess'} = '1';
./Bugzilla/Install/ {name => 'create_htaccess', default => 1,},
./conf/checksetup_answers.txt:9:$answer{'create_htaccess'} = '1';
./qa/config/checksetup_answers.txt:8:$answer{'create_htaccess'} = '';
./scripts/c9-install:40:$answer{'create_htaccess'} = '';
./template/en/default/setup/ localconfig_create_htaccess => <<'END',
./localconfig:9:$create_htaccess = 1;
Checking 5.0.6:
www/bugzilla $ grep -R . -Hne create_htaccess
./ Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem qw(update_filesystem create_htaccess
./ if $lc_hash->{'create_htaccess'};
./template/en/default/setup/ localconfig_create_htaccess => <<'END',
./Bugzilla/Install/ {name => 'create_htaccess', default => 1,},
./Bugzilla/Install/ create_htaccess
./Bugzilla/Install/ create_htaccess {
./Bugzilla/Install/ C<create_htaccess()>
./localconfig:9:$create_htaccess = 1;
The invocation in 5.0.6 ./ if $lc_hash->{'create_htaccess'};
is missing, as is the actual subroutine that it is supposed to invoke: ./Bugzilla/Install/ create_htaccess {
Permissions and basic configs are mimicking those of a working production www/bugzilla instance, and leave no reason to believe that this was a user error on my end, but I'm open to anything.
Sounds like this is intended behavior, since harmony is to be run through mojo. Will go ahead and change this to resolved/invalid.
Some hints for launching bugzilla harmony were shared in the #bugzilla channel:
Sample service:
Canonical: -
Line 10 should be set to 1 if you only have one reverse proxy in front of it. will tell you all the many ways you can deploy bugzilla because it's a mojolicious app
Leaving the notes/hints (^) here for posterity. Many thanks to dylanwh and justdave on #bugzilla.