Bug 168350
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 22 years ago
Images are incorrect proportions and get corrupted on mouseover, especially imagemaps.
(Core Graveyard :: Embedding: APIs, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: stephend, Assigned: mjudge)
(Keywords: regression)
(1 file)
26.36 KB,
Details |
Build ID: 2002-09-12-08, Mac OS 9.2.2.
Summary: Images are incorrect proportions and get corrupted on mouseover,
especially imagemaps.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Visit
2. Look at the page's toolbar (called the Dashboard), and mouseover the top
'Mail' image near the right.
Actual Results:
The Mail image gets corrupted (it actually shrinks, but displays all 4 images of
the toolbar: mail, aim, radio, and maps. Also, if you go to and try to mouseover the
Sports navigation links, you'll see heaps of corruption (no pun intended).
Last, but not least: the image map on the homepage (which carries the top new
story) gets corrupted on mouseover very easily.
Expected Results:
It's not using any JS mouseover code so there shouldn't be any image replacing.
Also note that bug 168230 just occured in today's build.
Updated•22 years ago
Reporter | ||
Comment 1•22 years ago
Alec, since this has only occurred today, could this be fallout from bug 163736?
Keywords: regression
Comment 2•22 years ago
It looks like layout behaviour changed. For some reason, we're shrinking the
content to fit the window width, where we weren't before.
Comment 3•22 years ago
I really REALLY doubt this is me. If my stuff had any negative affect, it would
be that images were totally broken across the whole product. I swear.
since this is mac specific, I'm guessing this is anthonyd's checkin for 14835 -
go tony!
Assignee: alecf → anthonyd
Comment 4•22 years ago
what's great is that anothonyd's checkin has no super reviewer, and bobj
verified bug 14835 on linux and windows, but not mac. yay!
you need to be sure alec.
reassigning to mike.
Assignee: anthonyd → mjudge
alec, smfr reviewed this checkin and jag did as well whether I put that in the
checkin comment at the time(it was very late). it simply limits the boundaries
of a tiled alpha blended image. notice the checkin is 2 lines. This tiling
only happens in selection. The images appear distorted whether the image is
selected or not.
If you want to arbitrarily assign this bug to me anyway that is fine. I will do
what I can to fix this bug. if you instead want this bug fixed I ask you to
please look into the fact that there is a possibility that it IS your problem.
bug 14835 was verified on MacOSx.
frm bug 14835:
------- Additional Comment #102 From Yuying Long 2002-09-12 14:19 -------
Verified images can be highlighted in 09-12 trunk build with:
WinXP-SC, linux RH7.2-JA, Mac 10.1.5 and 9.1-JA.
------- Additional Comment #103 From Jennifer Kobayashi 2002-09-12 14:35 -------
Verified this is fixed on 2002-09-12-branch with:
Redhat 7.0
Mac OS X
------- Additional Comment #104 From 2002-09-12 14:36 -------
verified the fix: images can be selected when Select all with 2002-09-12-08
trunk build on Windows, MacOS9.1 and Linux
------- Additional Comment #105 From shrirang khanzode 2002-09-12 14:48 -------
I too verified this on winNT, OSX, OS9.2, Linux7.1 and redhat 7.3 with 0912
trunk builds. Things look fine.
Thats about 4 people hitting it and seeing it work.
I will add alec back just in case he can throw some light on this problem.
Comment 8•22 years ago
Alec: I think you need to actually look at the bug you stated as causing the
issue and you will see that
1. it was sr'ed ( and,
2. it was tested on all platforms
Comment 9•22 years ago
anthonyd checked into the tree nsImageMac.cpp, with that bug number, don't ask
me if it doesn't match the patches in the bug! :)
Anyhow, all I did was move code from one DLL to another. If that move failed,
all images would be broken across the whole product. It would not change the
behavior of the code, because the code did not change.
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•22 years ago
nope it was the 2 line checkin after all. smfr is going to commit the fix in.
turns out there were tiled images used in these webpages after all and the
copybits will cause a stretch. Don't ask me why but there you go. we put a
check in the bug to fixup the source AND destination rects to fix this.
Comment 11•22 years ago
Fix is at:
which I just checked in, so this is fixed.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reporter | ||
Comment 12•22 years ago
Verified FIXED with the 2002-09-13-09 Mac OS 9.2.2 build.
Thanks for the fix, Simon.
Updated•6 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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