Closed Bug 1697051 Opened 4 years ago Closed 3 years ago

index crash annotation keys and crash report filenames


(Socorro :: General, enhancement, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: willkg, Assigned: willkg)



(1 file)

There doesn't seem to be a way to search for crash reports that contain a certain kind of minidump. Use cases:

  1. search for crash reports that have a memory_report
  2. search for crash reports that have a upload_file_minidump_browser file

There also isn't a way to see which dump files a crash report has.

For example, right now I'm trying to make sure the report view is showing all the links for minidumps that came with that crash report. There's a dump_checksums field added to the raw crash by the collector of all the files in the payload, but that's not available anywhere. There's also an additional_minidumps field in the processed crash which may have minidump-stackwalk output for that minidump [1]. I can't access any of that in SuperSearch.

I think we should make the dump names searchable and also add them to the fields list.

[1] It'd be wild if the processor were running minidump-stackwalk on all the dumps in a crash report and not showing that information anywhere.

Gabriele: Would this help you at all? Do you ever search for crash reports with specific kinds of minidump/memory_report files?

Flags: needinfo?(gsvelto)

I haven't specifically searched for crashes with memory reports but I did search for OOM crashes and then checked which ones had memory reports. additional_minidumps contains a list of names for the extra minidumps attached to a crash report. For a crash (or hang) report with more than one minidump we only run the minidump-analyzer on the main minidump, not on the additional ones.

Flags: needinfo?(gsvelto)

I definitely have a need to find crash reports that included a specific file.

I also have a need to find crash reports that included a specific crash annotation. For example, when engineers add an annotation, we get a bunch of crash reports, and then the engineer wants to be able to search that annotation--I need a way to find example crash reports so I have example data I can test the indexing with.

It'd also be nice to be able to see keys of crash annotations that are in crash reports that we don't know about. We used to be able to do that back when we indexed everything, but we can't do that anymore.

I want to generalize this bug to:

  1. write a processor rule that creates a new processed crash field that is a list of all the valid keys for crash annotations and valid filenames for files in the crash report
  2. index that so that we can search and aggregate on that data

Also, I'm going to grab this because this would make life easier.

Assignee: nobody → willkg
Component: Webapp → General
Summary: search for dump names → index crash annotation keys and crash report filenames

I deployed this to prod in bug #1744108. I'll check that searching works after a new index is created this weekend.

I verified this is working now. Marking as FIXED.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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