Closed Bug 1699800 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

non-native form fields' focus-outlines are in overflow area (and get clipped if the widget is right at the edge of an iframe or overflow:hidden element).


(Core :: Widget, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr78 --- disabled
firefox86 --- disabled
firefox87 --- disabled
firefox88 --- disabled
firefox89 --- affected


(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [not-a-fission-bug])


(4 files)

Attached file testcase 1


  1. Ensure you have widget.non-native-theme.enabled set to true in about:config.
  2. View attached testcase, which is just:
data:text/html,<!DOCTYPE html><div style="overflow:hidden; height: 100px"><input autofocus>
  1. If the input field isn't already focused (it should be), then click it to focus it.

ACTUAL RESULTS: There's a focus ring around the textfield, which is entirely clipped on the top and the left. So you just see a backwards-L-shaped "halo" around the field (with an outline on the right side and bottom side).

EXPECTED RESULTS: Consistent-looking appearance of focus styling.

I actually ran into this on MDN, which runs into this with an iframe rather than an overflow:hidden div. The page I encountered it there was , with the "ZIP"/"Country" example about halfway down the page. If you focus the "ZIP" formfield, you'll run into this issue.

(This might be a dupe -- I feel like I've seen this issue discussed somewhere -- but I couldn't immediately find an existing bug, so I went ahead and filed.)

Attached image Safari screenshot.

That's how outlines work, isn't it? We could make the outline smaller, but other than that this is wontfix I fear.

(Or maybe paint the outline 1px more into the field / button / etc)

Right, this is how outlines work... It's a question of how we want to use outlines for these widgets, really.

Thanks for the Safari screenshot - I hadn't realized they had widgets whose focus indicators were similarly susceptible to clipping. Maybe that means this will be reasonably web-compatible and this is wontfix, then.

Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P3

(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #6)

Thanks for the Safari screenshot - I hadn't realized they had widgets whose focus indicators were similarly susceptible to clipping. Maybe that means this will be reasonably web-compatible and this is wontfix, then.

Adding [not-a-fission-bug] whiteboard tag because this bug doesn't need to block Fission MVP.

TBD whether this bug should be fixed or wontfixed.

Whiteboard: [not-a-fission-bug]

I think this is Wontfix, but let me know if you disagree. Maybe the example in mdn deserves a fix?

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX

Yeah, that's fine. I don't immediately know how to edit demo-content on MDN, but it's not severe enough for me to worry too much about it.

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