Closed Bug 170282 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

To combobox doesn't close on TAB


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: junk, Assigned: vparthas)


When writting in the TO editable-combo, autocompletion maches the wanted recipiant, then I got 2 choices: 1) Press enter -> autocompletion will do the job but carret will move to new TO line with delay of 200-500ms (then if I press TAB too fast, carret will move to Subject & jump back to newly added TO line which is annoying 2) Press tab -> autocompletion will do the job and carret will move to Subject line. problem is that the TO lcombo stays open even when losing focus. Just add a listener to Tab and close the combo, it should be fair enough
Reporter, I can't reproduce #1 on my winxp system with daily build or last released build. Can you give me a build id. Please state what you mean by "To combo stays open even when losing focus". When I use tab to autocomplete, autocompleted happens and my cursor lands in the Subject field and focus is in the subject. I still see the 2nd To line in the addressing pane, but the focus is not there and this is correct behavior.
Assignee: ducarroz → varada
I am afraid I dont quite understand how to reproduce this. I opened compose - typed in my name - it brought up a list of suggestions with my name highlighted in it and I pressed TAB -> It finished the auto-completion and then jumped to subject and didnt create a new TO line. I tried this with a random "asdfadfa" which autocompleted with the domain name and then tried TAB and it went to the subject and didnt create a new TO line.
Eyal Lior, is this bug still an issue for you? Comment 1 and comment 3 both indicate they are unable to reproduce the problem, and I cannot either (using Mozilla 1.4b). Please respond, and if you are still seeing the problem, indicate which build of Mozilla you are using.
Looks ok on redhat 9/gnome. I had that bug when I was using w2kpro though...
=>WFM per reporter's comment 5.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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