Closed Bug 172370 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Mozilla Unable to start


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: antitux, Assigned: asa)


(Keywords: smoketest)

This morning's trunk build (2002100304) Does not start.
Keywords: smoketest
I see it too. It just hangs, doing nothing. No profile manager, no mozilla.
commercial or mozilla? Mozilla trunk linux builds are all green & reporting numbers.
Thats strange... I'm using Mozilla trunk. And I used the installer and deleted the older mozilla install directory. It wouldn't even fire up the Profile Manager (I have multiple profiles and I started without any arguments). Should i try deleting component.reg or something?
this affects both commercial AND mozilla.
Yes. Try removing component.reg. It look like some things were moved around yesterday... might have affected the component registration file.
didn't work. I'm still getting lots of nothing
Isn't it now compreg.dat? Also an alternative is to add a blank .autoreg file to your bin to update the component information.
I also see this in the -04 build, but it's fine on the -08 build. I suspect that the -04 build pulled in the middle of rods's checkin. Marking worksforme... please reopen if you're seeing this on the -08 build.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
I nuked the comet build, it rebuilt from scratch and passed tbox tests. It's default opt build, not sure what opt level that is.
Antitux, have you tested with the 8am build?
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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