Bug 173922
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 22 years ago
Chimera crashes on startup [@ js_AtomizeString]
(Camino Graveyard :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
of bug 173311
(Reporter: andrew.ormsby, Assigned: saari)
(Keywords: crash)
Crash Data
Both Chimera 0.5 and the 10/9 nightly build crash on startup on my machine. I get the
splash screen immediately followed by a crash.
iBook, 640MB, OS X 10.2.1
Tracebacks all show crash in js_AtomizeString.
I ran 0.4 without any problems. Any clues where I should look to resolve this?
Date/Time: 2002-10-11 12:06:59 +0100
OS Version: 10.2.1 (Build 6D52)
Command: Navigator
PID: 1085
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000014
Thread 0 Crashed:
#0 0x0400bb9c in js_AtomizeString
#1 0x0400bd88 in js_Atomize
#2 0x04007120 in JS_InternString
#3 0x00380564 in nsScriptSecurityManager::nsScriptSecurityManager[unified]()
#4 0x003807f0 in nsScriptSecurityManager::GetScriptSecurityManager()
#5 0x0005a508 in Construct_nsIScriptSecurityManager(nsISupports*, nsID const&,
#6 0x05045864 in nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstanceByContractID(char
const*, nsISupports*, nsID const&, void**)
#7 0x05085420 in nsCreateInstanceByContractID::operator()(nsID const&, void**)
#8 0x05083214 in nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_helper(nsCOMPtr_helper const&,
nsID const&)
#9 0x001265ac in nsAppStartupNotifier::Observe(nsISupports*, char const*, unsigned
short const*)
#10 0x0004a550 in NS_InitEmbedding(nsILocalFile*, nsIDirectoryServiceProvider*)
#11 0x0002d1fc in -[PreferenceManager initMozillaPrefs]
#12 0x0002cd88 in -[PreferenceManager init]
#13 0x0002ccfc in +[PreferenceManager sharedInstance]
#14 0x00008aa8 in -[MainController preferenceManager]
#15 0x00007458 in -[MainController applicationDidFinishLaunching:]
#16 0x907eaf7c in _nsNotificationCenterCallBack
#17 0x90168b18 in _postNotification
#18 0x90166238 in _CFNotificationCenterPostLocalNotification
#19 0x930c9898 in -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification]
#20 0x930c0060 in _requiredAEEventHandler
#21 0x91b56e4c in aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned long,
unsigned char*)
#22 0x91b597f0 in dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*)
#23 0x91b56d5c in aeProcessAppleEvent
#24 0x92c82d30 in AEProcessAppleEvent
#25 0x93082350 in _DPSNextEvent
#26 0x930ccf84 in -[NSApplication
#27 0x930ca500 in -[NSApplication run]
#28 0x930d2598 in NSApplicationMain
#29 0x00004b8c in _start (crt.c:267)
#30 0x00004a0c in start
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x0400bb9c srr1: 0x0000f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x0400bb9c ctr: 0x00000000 mq: 0x00000000
r0: 0x0400bb9c r1: 0xbfffe280 r2: 0x00000043 r3: 0x0657aa22
r4: 0xbfffe338 r5: 0x00000082 r6: 0x00000002 r7: 0x00000002
r8: 0x65720000 r9: 0x00000072 r10: 0x00000002 r11: 0x0406a234
r12: 0x0405a270 r13: 0xbfffe774 r14: 0xbfffe740 r15: 0xbfffe784
r16: 0xbfffe700 r17: 0x050b31b8 r18: 0xbfffe7e0 r19: 0xbfffe790
r20: 0x0089c878 r21: 0xbfffe820 r22: 0xbfffe780 r23: 0x00000082
r24: 0x00000000 r25: 0xbfffe750 r26: 0x00000000 r27: 0x00000006
r28: 0xbfffe338 r29: 0xbfffe340 r30: 0x00000002 r31: 0x0257dfc0
Andrew, for future reference, crash reports should be attached to your bugs as a
text file, and not quoted in a bug comment.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 173311 ***
Severity: blocker → critical
Closed: 22 years ago
Keywords: crash
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Summary: Chimera crashes on startup → Chimera crashes on startup [@ js_AtomizeString]
Updated•14 years ago
Crash Signature: [@ js_AtomizeString]
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