Closed Bug 175720 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Memory leakage in mozilla-1.2b


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: vakos, Assigned: asa)


Hi I use mozilla as browser and mail client i leave machine with running mozilla browther and mail client for a holiday and today seen that mozilla eat near 500Mb of RAM+swap (calculted as memory_usage_before_mozilla_killing - after_killing), so my machine was slow-down browser is taken from this site in binary form (mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.2b-sea.tar.gz) Linux version i use is ASPLinux-7.3 (full Redhat-7.3 compatible) Ivan
this bug is not valid without steps-to-reproduce. it cannot be fixed without someone else being able to see what you saw. RAM + swap usage is a measure of not only memory used by apps, but also memory used as disk cache. how much was Mozilla actually using?
Severity: critical → major
Summary: Memory leakage in mozilla-1.2b → Memory leakage in mozilla-1.2b
Near one day before this holidays BTW what cache do you talk about? Memory cache is default, 4Mb. Disk cache is 5Mb If you mean standard linux page cache, you are wrong: after mozilla killing additional near 250Mb free in swap appeared. At the moment of leaving system near 6 tabs was open (it's static html context, without java applets/scripts). Prefetching was disabled I always leave browther (moz 1.2a too) in this state but can't remember big memory usage
Is this a problem with a current (1.2.1 or better yet 1.3a) build?
Let me note that i've found it only in moz1.2b and I've not seen this problem in later mozilla version
given that it works in current versions per comment 4 -> worksforme
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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