Closed Bug 1769995 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Intermittent docshell/test/mochitest/test_anchor_scroll_after_document_open.html | Test timed out. -


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: ctuns [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2022-05-18T14:27:40.969Z] 14:27:40     INFO - TEST-START | docshell/test/mochitest/test_anchor_scroll_after_document_open.html
[task 2022-05-18T14:27:45.398Z] 14:27:45     INFO - GECKO(2503) | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2022-05-18T14:27:45.399Z] 14:27:45     INFO - GECKO(2503) | Suppressions used:
[task 2022-05-18T14:27:45.399Z] 14:27:45     INFO - GECKO(2503) |   count      bytes template
[task 2022-05-18T14:27:45.400Z] 14:27:45     INFO - GECKO(2503) |      12        384 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2022-05-18T14:27:45.400Z] 14:27:45     INFO - GECKO(2503) |       2        288
[task 2022-05-18T14:27:45.401Z] 14:27:45     INFO - GECKO(2503) | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:40.971Z] 14:32:40     INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.139Z] 14:32:41     INFO - TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.140Z] 14:32:41     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | docshell/test/mochitest/test_anchor_scroll_after_document_open.html | Test timed out. - 
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.976Z] 14:32:41     INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.978Z] 14:32:41     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | docshell/test/mochitest/test_anchor_scroll_after_document_open.html | [SimpleTest.finish()] No checks actually run. (You need to call ok(), is(), or similar functions at least once.  Make sure you use SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish() if you need it.) 
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.978Z] 14:32:41     INFO -     SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:417:16
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.979Z] 14:32:41     INFO -     afterCleanup@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1416:18
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.979Z] 14:32:41     INFO -     executeCleanupFunction@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1481:7
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.980Z] 14:32:41     INFO -     SimpleTest.finish@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:1501:3
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.980Z] 14:32:41     INFO -     killTest@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:194:22
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.987Z] 14:32:41     INFO - GECKO(2503) | MEMORY STAT vsizeMaxContiguous not supported in this build configuration.
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.989Z] 14:32:41     INFO - GECKO(2503) | MEMORY STAT heapAllocated not supported in this build configuration.
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:41.989Z] 14:32:41     INFO - GECKO(2503) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 20974457MB | residentFast 377MB
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.000Z] 14:32:42     INFO - TEST-OK | docshell/test/mochitest/test_anchor_scroll_after_document_open.html | took 301031ms
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.032Z] 14:32:42    ERROR - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /tests/docshell/test/mochitest/test_anchor_scroll_after_document_open.html logged result after SimpleTest.finish(): [SimpleTest.finish()] No checks actually run. (You need to call ok(), is(), or similar functions at least once.  Make sure you use SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish() if you need it.)
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.049Z] 14:32:42     INFO - TEST-START | docshell/test/mochitest/test_bfcache_plus_hash.html
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.287Z] 14:32:42     INFO - GECKO(2503) | Waiting for load 1
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.289Z] 14:32:42     INFO - GECKO(2503) | Waiting for show 1
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.345Z] 14:32:42     INFO - GECKO(2503) | Got load 1
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.346Z] 14:32:42     INFO - GECKO(2503) | Got expected pageshow 1
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.349Z] 14:32:42     INFO - GECKO(2503) | Waiting for load 2
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.350Z] 14:32:42     INFO - GECKO(2503) | Waiting for show 2
[task 2022-05-18T14:32:42.488Z] 14:32:42     INFO - GECKO(2503) | Got load 2
[task 2022-05-18T14:33:59.948Z] 14:33:59     INFO - GECKO(2503) | 1652884439947	addons.xpi	ERROR	System addon update list error Error: got node name: html, expected: updates
[task 2022-05-18T14:38:10.976Z] 14:38:10     INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2022-05-18T14:38:10.976Z] 14:38:10     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 14:32:42
[task 2022-05-18T14:38:10.977Z] 14:38:10     INFO - TEST-PASS | docshell/test/mochitest/test_bfcache_plus_hash.html | Got expected pageshow 1 
[task 2022-05-18T14:38:10.978Z] 14:38:10     INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2022-05-18T14:38:10.979Z] 14:38:10     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | docshell/test/mochitest/test_bfcache_plus_hash.html | Test timed out. - 
[task 2022-05-18T14:38:11.984Z] 14:38:11     INFO - GECKO(2503) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 20974469MB | residentFast 403MB
[task 2022-05-18T14:38:11.996Z] 14:38:11     INFO - TEST-OK | docshell/test/mochitest/test_bfcache_plus_hash.html | took 329945ms
[task 2022-05-18T14:38:15.002Z] 14:38:15     INFO - Error: Unable to restore focus, expect failures and timeouts.
[task 2022-05-18T14:38:15.034Z] 14:38:15     INFO - TEST-START | docshell/test/mochitest/test_bug1045096.html
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 3 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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