Bug 1770042
Opened 3 years ago
Closed 2 years ago
Intermittent mozilla/tests/webdriver/new_session/ | test_profile_root_missing - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'Exception'>
(Remote Protocol :: Marionette, defect, P5)
Remote Protocol
(firefox-esr91 unaffected, firefox100 unaffected, firefox101 unaffected, firefox102 affected)
of bug 1785893
Tracking | Status | |
firefox-esr91 | --- | unaffected |
firefox100 | --- | unaffected |
firefox101 | --- | unaffected |
firefox102 | --- | affected |
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, regression, Whiteboard: [retriggered])
Filed by: imoraru [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.672Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: PASSED
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.693Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webdriver/new_session/
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.694Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Running command: ['/builds/worker/fetches/geckodriver', '--port', '39974', '-vv', '--profile-root', '/tmp/wdspec-n3otdzut/pytest/test_profile_root_missing0/missing-path']
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.699Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: /builds/worker/fetches/geckodriver: error: Unable to write to temporary directory; consider --profile-root with a writeable directory
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.700Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: geckodriver 0.31.0 (b398b0763482 2022-05-18 13:26 +0000)
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.701Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: WebDriver implementation for Firefox
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.707Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: USAGE:
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.708Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: geckodriver [OPTIONS]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.708Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: OPTIONS:
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.708Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --allow-hosts <ALLOW_HOSTS>...
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.708Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: List of hostnames to allow. By default the value of --host is allowed, and in addition
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.709Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: if that's a well known local address, other variations on well known local addresses are
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.709Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: allowed. If --allow-hosts is provided only exactly those hosts are allowed.
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.709Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --allow-origins <ALLOW_ORIGINS>...
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.710Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: List of request origins to allow. These must be formatted as scheme://host:port. By
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.710Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: default any request with an origin header is rejected. If --allow-origins is provided
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.710Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: then only exactly those origins are allowed.
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.710Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --android-storage <ANDROID_STORAGE>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.711Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Selects storage location to be used for test data (deprecated). [possible values: auto,
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.711Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: app, internal, sdcard]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.711Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: -b, --binary <BINARY>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.712Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Path to the Firefox binary
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.712Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --connect-existing
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.713Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Connect to an existing Firefox instance
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.713Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: -h, --help
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.714Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Prints this message
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.714Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --host <HOST>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.715Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Host IP to use for WebDriver server [default:]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.716Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --jsdebugger
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.716Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Attach browser toolbox debugger for Firefox
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.717Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --log <LEVEL>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.717Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Set Gecko log level [possible values: fatal, error, warn, info, config, debug, trace]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.718Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --marionette-host <HOST>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.718Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Host to use to connect to Gecko [default:]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.719Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --marionette-port <PORT>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.720Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Port to use to connect to Gecko [default: system-allocated port]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.720Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: -p, --port <PORT>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.721Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Port to use for WebDriver server [default: 4444]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.721Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --profile-root <PROFILE_ROOT>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.722Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Directory in which to create profiles. Defaults to the system temporary directory.
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.723Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: -v
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.723Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Log level verbosity (-v for debug and -vv for trace level)
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.724Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: -V, --version
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.724Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Prints version and copying information
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.725Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: --websocket-port <PORT>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.726Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: Port to use to connect to WebDriver BiDi [default: 9222]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.757Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: FAILED
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.759Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: =================================== FAILURES ===================================
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.759Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: __________________________ test_profile_root_missing ___________________________
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.760Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: tmp_path = PosixPath('/tmp/wdspec-n3otdzut/pytest/test_profile_root_missing0')
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.761Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: configuration = {'capabilities': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile', '/tmp/tmp9bsdc_5i.mozrunner'], 'binary': '/builds/worke...}}, 'host': '', 'port': 48749, 'webdriver': {'args': ['-vv'], 'binary': '/builds/worker/fetches/geckodriver'}}
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.761Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: geckodriver = <function geckodriver.<locals>._geckodriver at 0x7f8a14a63ae8>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.762Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: def test_profile_root_missing(tmp_path, configuration, geckodriver):
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.762Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: profile_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, "missing-path")
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.763Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.764Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: config = copy.deepcopy(configuration)
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.764Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: # Ensure we don't set a profile in command line arguments
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.765Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: del config["capabilities"]["moz:firefoxOptions"]["args"]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.766Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.771Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: extra_args = ["--profile-root", profile_path]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.771Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.772Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: with pytest.raises(Exception):
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.772Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: > geckodriver(config=config, extra_args=extra_args)
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.773Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: E Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'Exception'>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.774Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: config = {'capabilities': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'binary': '/builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox'}},
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.774Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'host': '',
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.774Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'port': 48749,
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.774Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'webdriver': {'args': ['-vv'], 'binary': '/builds/worker/fetches/geckodriver'}}
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.775Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: configuration = {'capabilities': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.775Z] 20:22:37 INFO - '/tmp/tmp9bsdc_5i.mozrunner'],
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.775Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'binary': '/builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox'}},
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.775Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'host': '',
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.775Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'port': 48749,
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.776Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'webdriver': {'args': ['-vv'], 'binary': '/builds/worker/fetches/geckodriver'}}
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.776Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: extra_args = ['--profile-root',
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.776Z] 20:22:37 INFO - '/tmp/wdspec-n3otdzut/pytest/test_profile_root_missing0/missing-path']
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.777Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: geckodriver = <function geckodriver.<locals>._geckodriver at 0x7f8a14a63ae8>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.778Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: profile_path = '/tmp/wdspec-n3otdzut/pytest/test_profile_root_missing0/missing-path'
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.778Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: tmp_path = PosixPath('/tmp/wdspec-n3otdzut/pytest/test_profile_root_missing0')
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.779Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webdriver/new_session/
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.780Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: :36: Failed
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.780Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: =========================== short test summary info ============================
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.781Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: FAILED tests/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webdriver/new_session/
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.781Z] 20:22:37 INFO - STDOUT: ========================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 3.08s ==========================
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO -
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO - TEST-PASS | /_mozilla/webdriver/new_session/ | test_profile_root
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /_mozilla/webdriver/new_session/ | test_profile_root_missing - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'Exception'>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO - tmp_path = PosixPath('/tmp/wdspec-n3otdzut/pytest/test_profile_root_missing0')
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO - configuration = {'capabilities': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile', '/tmp/tmp9bsdc_5i.mozrunner'], 'binary': '/builds/worke...}}, 'host': '', 'port': 48749, 'webdriver': {'args': ['-vv'], 'binary': '/builds/worker/fetches/geckodriver'}}
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO - geckodriver = <function geckodriver.<locals>._geckodriver at 0x7f8a14a63ae8>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO -
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO - def test_profile_root_missing(tmp_path, configuration, geckodriver):
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO - profile_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, "missing-path")
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.784Z] 20:22:37 INFO -
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - config = copy.deepcopy(configuration)
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - # Ensure we don't set a profile in command line arguments
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - del config["capabilities"]["moz:firefoxOptions"]["args"]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO -
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - extra_args = ["--profile-root", profile_path]
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO -
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - with pytest.raises(Exception):
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - > geckodriver(config=config, extra_args=extra_args)
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - E Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'Exception'>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO -
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - config = {'capabilities': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'binary': '/builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox'}},
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'host': '',
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'port': 48749,
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'webdriver': {'args': ['-vv'], 'binary': '/builds/worker/fetches/geckodriver'}}
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - configuration = {'capabilities': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - '/tmp/tmp9bsdc_5i.mozrunner'],
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.785Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'binary': '/builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox'}},
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'host': '',
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'port': 48749,
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO - 'webdriver': {'args': ['-vv'], 'binary': '/builds/worker/fetches/geckodriver'}}
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO - extra_args = ['--profile-root',
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO - '/tmp/wdspec-n3otdzut/pytest/test_profile_root_missing0/missing-path']
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO - geckodriver = <function geckodriver.<locals>._geckodriver at 0x7f8a14a63ae8>
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO - profile_path = '/tmp/wdspec-n3otdzut/pytest/test_profile_root_missing0/missing-path'
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO - tmp_path = PosixPath('/tmp/wdspec-n3otdzut/pytest/test_profile_root_missing0')
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO -
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.786Z] 20:22:37 INFO - tests/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webdriver/new_session/ Failed
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.787Z] 20:22:37 INFO - TEST-OK | /_mozilla/webdriver/new_session/ | took 3138ms
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.787Z] 20:22:37 INFO - No more tests
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.788Z] 20:22:37 INFO - PID 11787 | 1652905357766 webdriver::server DEBUG -> GET /status
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.789Z] 20:22:37 INFO - PID 11787 | 1652905357766 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":{"message":"","ready":true}}
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.842Z] 20:22:37 INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.842Z] 20:22:37 INFO - queue closed
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.842Z] 20:22:37 INFO - Got 1 unexpected results, with 0 unexpected passes
[task 2022-05-18T20:22:37.842Z] 20:22:37 INFO - SUITE-END | took 899s
Comment 1•3 years ago
Whiteboard: [retriggered]
See Also: → 1769974
James, this is not for Android but desktop and it looks like we do not always raise an exception. Could you please have a look at as well? Thanks.
--- → unaffected
--- → unaffected
--- → affected
--- → unaffected
Component: General → geckodriver
Flags: needinfo?(james)
Keywords: regression
Regressed by: 1766125
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Updated•3 years ago
Has Regression Range: --- → yes
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 11•3 years ago
This is a rare intermittent which I tried and failed to reproduce, but I don't think there's anything to suggest it needs to be tracked for release.
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Updated•2 years ago
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 17•2 years ago
Moving bug to Remote Protocol::Marionette component per bug 1815831.
Component: geckodriver → Marionette
Product: Testing → Remote Protocol
Updated•9 months ago
Flags: needinfo?(james)
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before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.