Closed Bug 1773530 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Intermittent leakcheck | default 2200 bytes leaked (BackstagePass, ComponentModuleLoader, CondVar, ModuleLoaderBase, Mutex, ...)


(Firefox :: Toolbars and Customization, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: smolnar [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

INFO - TEST-PASS | leakcheck | tab no leaks detected!
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.517Z] 16:46:48     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file /tmp/tmppuowfeql.mozrunner/runtests_leaks.log
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.517Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.518Z] 16:46:48     INFO - == BloatView: ALL (cumulative) LEAK AND BLOAT STATISTICS, default process 1631
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.519Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.519Z] 16:46:48     INFO -      |<----------------Class--------------->|<-----Bytes------>|<----Objects---->|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.520Z] 16:46:48     INFO -      |                                      | Per-Inst   Leaked|   Total      Rem|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.521Z] 16:46:48     INFO -    0 |TOTAL                                 |       54     2200| 6572355       25|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.521Z] 16:46:48     INFO -   85 |BackstagePass                         |      168      168|       1        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.522Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  177 |ComponentModuleLoader                 |      192      192|       1        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.523Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  199 |CondVar                               |       80       80|     699        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.524Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  616 |ModuleLoaderBase                      |      168      168|      21        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.524Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  624 |Mutex                                 |       72      216|    8241        3|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.525Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 1306 |ThreadEventTarget                     |       48       48|     107        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.526Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 1310 |ThreadTargetSink                      |       16       16|     107        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.527Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 1454 |XPCNativeInterface                    |       56      112|     451        2|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.528Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 1455 |XPCNativeMember                       |       16       32|   20533        2|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.528Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 1456 |XPCNativeSet                          |       32       64|    1084        2|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.529Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 1459 |XPCWrappedNative                      |       96      192|    9737        2|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.530Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 1460 |XPCWrappedNativeProto                 |       40       40|     570        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.531Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 1462 |XPCWrappedNativeTearOff               |       32       64|   11798        2|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.532Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 1896 |nsJSPrincipals                        |       24       24|    4554        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.535Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 2068 |nsThread                              |      456      456|     103        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.536Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 2076 |nsTimer                               |       32       32|    1556        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.538Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 2078 |nsTimerImpl                           |      184      184|    1556        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.539Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 2135 |nsXPCWrappedJS                        |      112      112|    5325        1|
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.540Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.541Z] 16:46:48     INFO - nsTraceRefcnt::DumpStatistics: 2185 entries
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.542Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 BackstagePass
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.543Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 ComponentModuleLoader
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.543Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 CondVar
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.544Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 ModuleLoaderBase
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.544Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 3 Mutex
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.545Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 ThreadEventTarget
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.545Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 ThreadTargetSink
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.546Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 XPCNativeInterface
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.546Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 XPCNativeMember
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.547Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 XPCNativeSet
 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 XPCWrappedNative
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.548Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 XPCWrappedNativeProto
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.548Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 XPCWrappedNativeTearOff
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.549Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsJSPrincipals
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.549Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsThread
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.550Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsTimer
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.550Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsTimerImpl
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.551Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsXPCWrappedJS
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.551Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | leakcheck | default 2200 bytes leaked (BackstagePass, ComponentModuleLoader, CondVar, ModuleLoaderBase, Mutex, ...)
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.552Z] 16:46:48     INFO - 
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.552Z] 16:46:48     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file /tmp/tmppuowfeql.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_tab_pid1803.log
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.553Z] 16:46:48     INFO - TEST-PASS | leakcheck | tab no leaks detected!
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.553Z] 16:46:48     INFO - | Running tests: end.
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.574Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Failed to unload module: Module b'30\n' not loaded
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.579Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Failed to unload module: Module b'31\n' not loaded
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.583Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Failed to unload module: Module b'32\n' not loaded
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.588Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Failed to unload module: Module b'33\n' not loaded
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.590Z] 16:46:48     INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.590Z] 16:46:48     INFO - Running manifest: browser/components/customizableui/test/browser.ini
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.607Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.607Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.609Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Pipeline is PREROLLED ...
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.609Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.610Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  New clock: GstSystemClock
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.643Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Got EOS from element "pipeline0".
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.643Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Execution ended after 0:00:00.033400696
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.643Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.644Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Setting pipeline to READY ...
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.645Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  (gst-launch-1.0:1974): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 16:46:48.642: gst_object_unref: assertion '((GObject *) object)->ref_count > 0' failed
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.645Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Setting pipeline to NULL ...
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.645Z] 16:46:48     INFO -  Freeing pipeline ...
[task 2022-06-09T16:46:48.824Z] 16:46:48     INFO - PID 1982 | pk12util: PKCS12 IMPORT SUCCESSFUL
Component: General → Untriaged
Product: Chat Core → Firefox
Version: trunk → unspecified

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Firefox::Toolbars and Customization' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Toolbars and Customization
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 3 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 2 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 2 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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