Bug 17780
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 25 years ago
Problem with the enabled status with the delete button
(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: mscott, Assigned: hangas)
In the 11/2 release build I started noticing some odd behavior with the
delete button in the 3-pane.
In particular, it appears to be disabled. Although function wise, it isn't.
I can delete messages just fine.
But after a few deletes, the text under the delete icon is a darker color than
other button text. And mousing over the delete button doesn't give me that
blue circle that it used to either.
This bug is caused by the commandupdater stuff not firing. This was broken
between noon 11/1/99 and the morning of 11/2/99. Bug 17847 is currently assigned
to waterson to fix the commandupdater stuff.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Using build 1999111017 on win98 and linux and build 1999111111 on Mac this
appears to be broken again. The only difference is the Delete button displays
as enabled (button text is light blue and mousing over it will encirlce the
button) the first time you select a message in the thread pane. After you
Delete the message, the button appears as disabled (button text is dark blue and
mousing over it does not encirle the button), but it still works if you click
it again.
May be related to bug 17947 (focus issues) because if you click in the tread
pane after deleting the message to gain focus, the button displays correctly.
Reopening to have Paul determine if this is now a dup of 17947 or dependent on
Looks like this can be fixed now with saari's focus checkins. I will look at it
Closed: 25 years ago → 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Now that this has been fixed through a focus checkin by saari and some style
checkins I made today, I have enabled the normal button behavior here again. The
delete button will now be enabled only when it can be used and disabled
otherwise. The disabled state is still not very obvious but that will change
when the opacity bug is fixed.
Using win build 1999111909m12 and mac build 1999112008 and linux build
1999112008 this is fixed. Verified.
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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