Intermittent devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_popup_picker.js | single tracking bug
(DevTools :: about:debugging, defect, P5)
(firefox105 wontfix)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox105 | --- | wontfix |
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: jdescottes)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase, Whiteboard: [retriggered])
(1 file)
Filed by: nfay [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2022-07-28T11:50:59.310Z] 11:50:59 INFO - TEST-START | devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_popup_picker.js
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:02.593Z] 11:51:02 INFO - GECKO(1668) | JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm, line 62: Error: Can't find profile directory.
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.012Z] 11:51:04 INFO - GECKO(1668) | console.error: (new TypeError("this.nodeHierarchy[this.currentIndex] is undefined", "resource://devtools/client/inspector/breadcrumbs.js", 804))
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.061Z] 11:51:04 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screenshot
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.313Z] 11:51:04 INFO - TEST-INFO | screenshot: exit 0
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.324Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 11:50:59
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.324Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Entering test bound testNodePickerInExtensionPopup
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.325Z] 11:51:04 INFO - opening about:debugging
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.325Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Adding a new tab with URL: about:debugging
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.326Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Tab added and finished loading
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.326Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait until Connect page is displayed
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.327Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 11:51:00
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.327Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Select This Firefox page
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.328Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait for requests to be complete
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.328Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 11:51:01
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.329Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait for runtime page to be rendered
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.329Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Generate XPI file for
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.330Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Install temporary extension named test-devtools-webextension
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.330Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait for addon to be installed
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.330Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 11:51:02
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.331Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait until the addon debug target appears
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.331Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Open about:devtools-toolbox page
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.332Z] 11:51:04 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_popup_picker.js | test-devtools-webextension tab target appeared -
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.333Z] 11:51:04 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_popup_picker.js | Inspect button for test-devtools-webextension appeared -
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.333Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use <!DOCTYPE html>." {file: "chrome://devtools/content/shared/" line: 0}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.334Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Error: Can't find profile directory." {file: "resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm" line: 62}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.334Z] 11:51:04 INFO - load@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:62:15
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.334Z] 11:51:04 INFO - XULStore@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:21:10
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.334Z] 11:51:04 INFO -
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.335Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.335Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.335Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 62}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.335Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 11:51:03
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.337Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.338Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.339Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 62}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.339Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait for about:devtools-toolbox tab will be selected
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.339Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Start the node picker
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.340Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.341Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.341Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 62}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.342Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.342Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.343Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 62}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.343Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Open the webextension popup
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.344Z] 11:51:04 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_popup_picker.js | Got the browserAction button from the browser UI -
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.344Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Show the web extension popup
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.345Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.346Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.346Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 62}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.347Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 11:51:04
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.347Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.348Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.348Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 62}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.349Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Pick an element inside the webextension popup
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.349Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.350Z] 11:51:04 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_popup_picker.js | The expected node front was selected - Got null, expected "pick-me"
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.350Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Stack trace:
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.350Z] 11:51:04 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:test_is:1441
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.350Z] 11:51:04 INFO - chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_popup_picker.js:testNodePickerInExtensionPopup:89
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.350Z] 11:51:04 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:handleTask:1001
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.351Z] 11:51:04 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:_runTaskBasedTest:1073
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.351Z] 11:51:04 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:Tester_execTest:1208
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.351Z] 11:51:04 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:nextTest/<:990
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.351Z] 11:51:04 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:SimpleTest.waitForFocus/<:1038
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.351Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.352Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 508}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.352Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Content Security Policy: The pages settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (default-src)." {file: "chrome" line: 62}]
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.353Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Close about:devtools-toolbox page
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.353Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait for removeTab
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.354Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Removing tab.
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.354Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.355Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.355Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.355Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait for toolbox destroyed
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.645Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait until aboutdebugging is selected
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:04.657Z] 11:51:04 INFO - Wait until about:devtools-toolbox is removed from debug targets
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.246Z] 11:51:05 INFO - Wait for removable extension with name: 'test-devtools-webextension'
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.249Z] 11:51:05 INFO - Remove the temporary extension with name: 'test-devtools-webextension'
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.253Z] 11:51:05 INFO - Wait until the debug target item disappears
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.414Z] 11:51:05 INFO - Removing tab.
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.427Z] 11:51:05 INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.440Z] 11:51:05 INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.485Z] 11:51:05 INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.488Z] 11:51:05 INFO - Leaving test bound testNodePickerInExtensionPopup
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.548Z] 11:51:05 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_popup_picker.js | The main process DevToolsServer has no pending connection when the test ends -
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.585Z] 11:51:05 INFO - GECKO(1668) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 19414437MB | vsizeMaxContiguous 66391632MB | residentFast 1257MB
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.598Z] 11:51:05 INFO - TEST-OK | devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_popup_picker.js | took 6288ms
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.627Z] 11:51:05 INFO - checking window state
[task 2022-07-28T11:51:05.664Z] 11:51:05 INFO - TEST-START | devtools/client/aboutdebugging/test/browser/browser_aboutdebugging_addons_remote_runtime.js
Comment 1•3 years ago
Likely regressed by Bug 1732123.
Julian, do you have a few minutes to look into this?
Thank you.
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•3 years ago
Thanks for the ping!
Bug 1732123 introduced this test so that can be it. Although I landed on the 26th on central and there are no failures reported until the end of the 28th, and then 5 failures in a single day. I find it odd to go from "no failures for two days" to 5 failures per day.
I'll see if I can reproduce on try, the logs so far are not pointing to anything in particular, but maybe before trying to "pick", I should wait until the markup view seems ready. I am waiting for one inspector reloaded event, but maybe we get several as well...
Keeping the ni? while I investigate.
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•3 years ago
Depends on D153325
Updated•3 years ago
Updated•3 years ago
Assignee | ||
Updated•3 years ago
Comment 6•3 years ago
bugherder |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 13•3 years ago
This is still happening:
Hi Joel! What should we do? just pin with this bug that is closed as fixed? I'm asking because I see that you closed as duplicate some recently filed bugs.
Comment 14•3 years ago
the goal is to track failures with this bug "single tracking bug", then any specific investigations to a unique failure type could be done either in this bug or a different but. If this is still happening, lets reopen.
Updated•3 years ago
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 20•2 years ago
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.
Reporter | ||
Comment 21•2 years ago
treeherder |
New failure instance:
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 23•2 years ago
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.
Reporter | ||
Comment 24•2 years ago
treeherder |
New failure instance:
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 26•2 years ago
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.
Reporter | ||
Comment 27•2 years ago
treeherder |
New failure instance:
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 30•2 years ago
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.
Reporter | ||
Comment 31•2 years ago
treeherder |
New failure instance:
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 34•2 years ago
For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.