Recently closed section in Firefox View should also be exposed as a landmark
(Firefox :: Firefox View, defect, P1)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox106 | --- | fixed |
(Reporter: rfambro, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
(Keywords: access, Whiteboard: [fidefe-2022-mr1-firefox-view])
Tab Pickup (main landmark) and Colorways (complimentary landmark) are landmarks but Recently Closed is not. Let's fix this if it isn't intentional.
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Updated•2 years ago
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Updated•2 years ago
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Updated•2 years ago
Updated•2 years ago
Updated•2 years ago
Updated•2 years ago
Comment 1•2 years ago
Looks like <section>
s should get a landmark if they have an aria-labelledby
attr, so presumably adding one to get the recently closed section labeled by recently-closed-tabs-header
should be sufficient to fix this issue.
Comment 2•2 years ago
I'm confused... how does the Tab Pickup section have a landmark but Recently Closed Tabs doesn't? The Tab Pickup <section>
doesn't have an aria-labelledby
, only the <div>
s contained within the <named-deck
> do. And the synced-tabs div specifically (for the Tab Pickup list) has role=region
, which is an ARIA landmark role. Recently Closed Tabs is structured similarly:,170
Comment 3•2 years ago
Updated•2 years ago
Comment 4•2 years ago
Hi, it looks like now the landmarks are navigation, main, and complementary, where "main" contains both the tab pickup and recently closed sections. These sections are not individually distinct as landmarks. Complementary is the colorways section. It's a bit odd to have the colorways section identifiable as its own landmark, but tab pickup and recently closed be one "thing" (especially if we plan to keep the focus order as tab pickup, colorways section, recently closed)
That said, this is probably fine, but I'll pass this to Anna who has a better idea of frontend a11y :)
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Updated•2 years ago
Comment 5•2 years ago
(In reply to Morgan Reschenberg [:morgan] from comment #4)
Hi, it looks like now the landmarks are navigation, main, and complementary, where "main" contains both the tab pickup and recently closed sections. These sections are not individually distinct as landmarks. Complementary is the colorways section. It's a bit odd to have the colorways section identifiable as its own landmark, but tab pickup and recently closed be one "thing" (especially if we plan to keep the focus order as tab pickup, colorways section, recently closed)
That said, this is probably fine, but I'll pass this to Anna who has a better idea of frontend a11y :)
Agree that having them both in one main
landmark is fine if the Colorways complimentary
is not focused in-between. As it still is, I'd say having each one of them as a region
with appropriate accessible name by aria-labelledby
as it is marked up in HTML is a good solution too
Comment 6•2 years ago
(In reply to Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] from comment #5)
(In reply to Morgan Reschenberg [:morgan] from comment #4)
Hi, it looks like now the landmarks are navigation, main, and complementary, where "main" contains both the tab pickup and recently closed sections. These sections are not individually distinct as landmarks. Complementary is the colorways section. It's a bit odd to have the colorways section identifiable as its own landmark, but tab pickup and recently closed be one "thing" (especially if we plan to keep the focus order as tab pickup, colorways section, recently closed)
That said, this is probably fine, but I'll pass this to Anna who has a better idea of frontend a11y :)
Agree that having them both in one
landmark is fine if the Colorwayscomplimentary
is not focused in-between. As it still is, I'd say having each one of them as aregion
with appropriate accessible name byaria-labelledby
as it is marked up in HTML is a good solution too
I'm confused - does this mean this is now already fixed and we can close this bug without further code changes? Morgan appears to say "no", and your comment appears to say "yes", as it references the current source code which Sarah explained in comment #2 should mean this is now addressed (and that seems to match your comment).
(worth noting that having the focus order get to colorways last is already tracked separately in bug 1780239)
Comment 7•2 years ago
We contain both "Tab Pickup" and "Recently Closed" in a <main>
and it sounds like that is not itself a problem. But these two sub-sections should perhaps have an explicit role="region"
Will bug 1784902 change this significantly? It swaps the <section>
elements for <details>
elements and puts their respective H1s inside <summary>
elements. My understanding is that it will not...
Comment 8•2 years ago
(In reply to :Gijs (he/him) from comment #6)
(In reply to Anna Yeddi [:ayeddi] from comment #5)
(In reply to Morgan Reschenberg [:morgan] from comment #4)
Hi, it looks like now the landmarks are navigation, main, and complementary, where "main" contains both the tab pickup and recently closed sections. These sections are not individually distinct as landmarks. Complementary is the colorways section. It's a bit odd to have the colorways section identifiable as its own landmark, but tab pickup and recently closed be one "thing" (especially if we plan to keep the focus order as tab pickup, colorways section, recently closed)
That said, this is probably fine, but I'll pass this to Anna who has a better idea of frontend a11y :)
Agree that having them both in one
landmark is fine if the Colorwayscomplimentary
is not focused in-between. As it still is, I'd say having each one of them as aregion
with appropriate accessible name byaria-labelledby
as it is marked up in HTML is a good solution tooI'm confused - does this mean this is now already fixed and we can close this bug without further code changes? Morgan appears to say "no", and your comment appears to say "yes", as it references the current source code which Sarah explained in comment #2 should mean this is now addressed (and that seems to match your comment).
(worth noting that having the focus order get to colorways last is already tracked separately in bug 1780239)
Both Tab pickup
and Recently Closed
are now their own widgets within one <main>
, as per Sam's comment and corresponding patch. This should provide sufficient distinction between these two widgets.
Colorways landmark appears to be appropriate on wider screens and without magnification/browser zoom. Its when it gets injected between widgets of the main landmark on smaller screens and/or with magnification/browser zoom, it is a bit odd. But I think the <section>
pattern does improve it - and fixes this bug, imo.
Comment 9•2 years ago
Alright, let's close this out then. Thank you!