Closed Bug 1787273 Opened 2 years ago Closed 8 months ago

Intermittent leakcheck | default 18136 bytes leaked (CondVar, ConsoleReportCollector, CookieJarSettings, CookieService, DataStorage, ...)


(Testing :: web-platform-tests, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: abutkovits [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.482Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-OK | /infrastructure/webdriver/tests/ | took 10186ms
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.483Z] 15:59:23     INFO - Restarting browser for new test group
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.486Z] 15:59:23     INFO - PID 1346 | 1661443163484	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /status
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.487Z] 15:59:23     INFO - PID 1346 | 1661443163484	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":{"message":"","ready":true}}
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.506Z] 15:59:23     INFO - PROCESS LEAKS /tmp/tmp56e82z2v.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_1216.log
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.507Z] 15:59:23     INFO - leakcheck | Processing log file /tmp/tmp56e82z2v.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_1216.log for scope /infrastructure/webdriver/tests
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.507Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leak threshold set at 16000 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.508Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab process: leak threshold set at 10000 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.508Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | gmplugin process: leak threshold set at 20000 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.509Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | gpu process: leak threshold set at 10000 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.509Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | vr process: leak threshold set at 0 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.510Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | rdd process: leak threshold set at 400 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.511Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | socket process: leak threshold set at 0 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.511Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | sandboxbroker process: leak threshold set at 0 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.512Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | forkserver process: leak threshold set at 0 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.512Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | utility process: leak threshold set at 0 bytes
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.513Z] 15:59:23     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file /tmp/tmp56e82z2v.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_1216.log
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.513Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.514Z] 15:59:23     INFO - == BloatView: ALL (cumulative) LEAK AND BLOAT STATISTICS, default process 1362
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.515Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.515Z] 15:59:23     INFO -      |<----------------Class--------------->|<-----Bytes------>|<----Objects---->|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.516Z] 15:59:23     INFO -      |                                      | Per-Inst   Leaked|   Total      Rem|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.516Z] 15:59:23     INFO -    0 |TOTAL                                 |       59    18136|  527642      171|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.517Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  132 |CondVar                               |       80      400|     440        5|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.517Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  149 |ConsoleReportCollector                |      104      104|     192        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.518Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  156 |CookieJarSettings                     |       72       72|     125        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.519Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  157 |CookieService                         |      104      104|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.519Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  190 |DataStorage                           |      432      864|       3        2|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.519Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  336 |HttpBaseChannel                       |     1464     1464|      50        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.520Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  415 |LoadInfo                              |      440      440|    1089        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.520Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  459 |Mutex                                 |       72     1224|    5025       17|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.521Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  460 |MutexSingleWriter                     |       80       80|       2        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.521Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  588 |Permission                            |       72       72|      89        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.522Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  596 |PollableEvent                         |       32       32|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.522Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  639 |ReentrantMonitor                      |       40      120|     948        3|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.523Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  666 |RequestContextService                 |       80       80|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.523Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  764 |StreamBufferSource                    |       16       16|     175        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.524Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  788 |TaskQueue                             |      376      752|      60        2|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.524Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  805 |ThirdPartyUtil                        |       32       32|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.525Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  806 |ThreadEventTarget                     |       48       48|      99        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.525Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  807 |ThreadSafeWeakReference               |       24       48|      86        2|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.525Z] 15:59:23     INFO -  809 |ThreadTargetSink                      |       16       16|      99        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.526Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1009 |nsAuthURLParser                       |       24       24|       2        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.526Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1032 |nsCategoryObserver                    |      104      104|       5        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.527Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1059 |nsDNSPrefetch                         |      152      152|      47        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.528Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1106 |nsEffectiveTLDService                 |     1440     1440|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.529Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1167 |nsHttpAuthCache::OriginClearObserver  |       32       64|       2        2|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.529Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1168 |nsHttpChannel                         |     2288     2288|      50        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.530Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1169 |nsHttpChannelAuthProvider             |      296      296|      47        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.531Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1171 |nsHttpConnectionInfo                  |      232      232|     149        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.531Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1172 |nsHttpConnectionMgr                   |      432      432|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.532Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1173 |nsHttpHandler                         |     1280     1280|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.533Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1174 |nsHttpRequestHead                     |      176      176|      50        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.533Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1175 |nsHttpTransaction                     |     1128     1128|      39        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.534Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1178 |nsIDNService                          |      168      168|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.535Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1180 |nsIOService                           |      528      528|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.535Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1187 |nsInterfaceRequestorAgg               |       48       48|     150        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.536Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1198 |nsJSPrincipals                        |       24       48|     922        2|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.537Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1206 |nsLocalFile                           |      184      368|    4648        2|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.537Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1208 |nsMainThreadPtrHolder<T>              |       32       96|      73        3|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.538Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1233 |nsNetworkLinkService                  |       56       56|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.539Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1240 |nsObserverService                     |       80       80|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.539Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1247 |nsPipe                                |      208      208|     748        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.540Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1249 |nsPipeInputStream                     |      160      160|     748        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.540Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1250 |nsPrefBranch                          |      112      112|      60        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.541Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1290 |nsSiteSecurityService                 |       72       72|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.541Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1294 |nsSocketTransportService              |      384      384|       1        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.542Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1295 |nsStandardURL                         |      240      480|    4891        2|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.542Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1304 |nsStringBuffer                        |        8      648|  115859       81|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.543Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1308 |nsStringInputStream                   |      112      112|     185        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.543Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1343 |nsThread                              |      424      424|      85        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.543Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1349 |nsTransportEventSinkProxy             |      120      120|      39        1|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.544Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 1368 |nsWeakReference                       |       40      440|     604       11|
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.544Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.545Z] 15:59:23     INFO - nsTraceRefcnt::DumpStatistics: 1410 entries
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.545Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 5 CondVar
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.545Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 ConsoleReportCollector
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.546Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 CookieJarSettings
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.546Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 CookieService
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.547Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 DataStorage
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.547Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 HttpBaseChannel
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.547Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 LoadInfo
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.548Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 17 Mutex
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.548Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 MutexSingleWriter
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.549Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 Permission
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.549Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 PollableEvent
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.550Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 3 ReentrantMonitor
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.550Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 RequestContextService
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.551Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 StreamBufferSource
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.551Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 TaskQueue
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.551Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 ThirdPartyUtil
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.552Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 ThreadEventTarget
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.552Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 ThreadSafeWeakReference
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.553Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 ThreadTargetSink
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.553Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsAuthURLParser
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.554Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsCategoryObserver
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.554Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsDNSPrefetch
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.554Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsEffectiveTLDService
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.555Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 nsHttpAuthCache::OriginClearObserver
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.555Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsHttpChannel
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.556Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsHttpChannelAuthProvider
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.556Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsHttpConnectionInfo
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.557Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsHttpConnectionMgr
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.557Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsHttpHandler
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.558Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsHttpRequestHead
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.558Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsHttpTransaction
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.558Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsIDNService
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.559Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsIOService
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.559Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsInterfaceRequestorAgg
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.560Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 nsJSPrincipals
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.560Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 nsLocalFile
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.561Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 3 nsMainThreadPtrHolder<T>
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.561Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsNetworkLinkService
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.562Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsObserverService
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.562Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsPipe
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.564Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsPipeInputStream
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.564Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsPrefBranch
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.564Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsSiteSecurityService
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.564Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsSocketTransportService
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.564Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 2 nsStandardURL
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.564Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 81 nsStringBuffer
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.564Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsStringInputStream
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.564Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsThread
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.564Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 1 nsTransportEventSinkProxy
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.568Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default leaked 11 nsWeakReference
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.568Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | leakcheck | default 18136 bytes leaked (CondVar, ConsoleReportCollector, CookieJarSettings, CookieService, DataStorage, ...)
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.568Z] 15:59:23     INFO - 
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.568Z] 15:59:23     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file /tmp/tmp56e82z2v.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_1216_tab_pid1544.log
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.568Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-PASS | leakcheck | tab no leaks detected!
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.568Z] 15:59:23     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file /tmp/tmp56e82z2v.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_1216_tab_pid1540.log
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.568Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-PASS | leakcheck | tab no leaks detected!
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.568Z] 15:59:23     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file /tmp/tmp56e82z2v.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_1216_tab_pid1584.log
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.568Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-PASS | leakcheck | tab no leaks detected!
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.569Z] 15:59:23     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file /tmp/tmp56e82z2v.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_1216_tab_pid1469.log
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.569Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-PASS | leakcheck | tab no leaks detected!
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.569Z] 15:59:23     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file /tmp/tmp56e82z2v.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_1216_tab_pid1496.log
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.569Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-PASS | leakcheck | tab no leaks detected!
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.570Z] 15:59:23     INFO - STDOUT: ============================== 1 passed in 9.77s ===============================
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.570Z] 15:59:23     INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.571Z] 15:59:23     INFO - queue closed
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.573Z] 15:59:23     INFO - PID 1626 | 1661443163562	geckodriver	INFO	Listening on
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.574Z] 15:59:23     INFO - Starting runner
[task 2022-08-25T15:59:23.818Z] 15:59:23     INFO - TEST-START | /webdriver/tests/back/
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 2 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 2 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 2 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 2 years ago1 year ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 1 year ago8 months ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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