Closed Bug 1788111 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Incorrect (old) last active tab being shown in Firefox View's tab pickup when syncing from iOS


(Firefox :: Firefox View, defect, P1)

Firefox 106



Tracking Status
firefox106 --- affected


(Reporter: tif, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [fidefe-2022-mr1-firefox-view] [foxfooding])

steps to reproduce/what did you do?

  • step 1 - opened up firefox view
  • step 2 - looked at the tap pick up view

expected behavior/ what did you think will happen?

it would show a website that i looked at this AM on my phone in firefox.

actual behavior/ what actually happened?

nothing i looked at this AM appears in tab pick up. instead it shows the confirmation page on a website for something i ordered a couple days ago - it says that the tab is from yesterday. it also shows two other things that i viewed on sunday and have not visited those sites since sunday. i do have a screenshots of the tab pick up and a screenshot of my order confirmation email.

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Firefox::Tabbed Browser' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Foxfooding → Tabbed Browser
Whiteboard: [foxfooding]

What kind of phone and what mobile version of Firefox is this from? If you open a new thing on your phone now, does Firefox View ever start showing the new content?

Component: Tabbed Browser → Firefox View
Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)

i have release firefox 103 on my iphone 11 pro.

I just opened a brand new tab on my iphone , did a web search, and navigated to a website. I've refreshed the firefox view a few times and waited 10 minutes and refreshed again. The website does not appear in the top three in firefox view. the one did the shopping with still remains in the top spot but the time has updated to 14min ago. I've noticed since filing the bug, the time keeps updating even though I've not viewed this webpage (I'm not counting seeing it in my tab tray) since i completed the order on Sunday.

Flags: needinfo?(tshakespeare)

(In reply to Tiffanie Shakespeare [:tif] - slack @tif preferred from comment #3)

i have release firefox 103 on my iphone 11 pro.

Ah, OK. I think you need the testflight build for frequent syncs, unfortunately - see

I just opened a brand new tab on my iphone , did a web search, and navigated to a website. I've refreshed the firefox view a few times and waited 10 minutes and refreshed again. The website does not appear in the top three in firefox view. the one did the shopping with still remains in the top spot but the time has updated to 14min ago. I've noticed since filing the bug, the time keeps updating even though I've not viewed this webpage (I'm not counting seeing it in my tab tray) since i completed the order on Sunday.

The time changing (more precisely, the point in time that the label is referencing changing) for the same tab seems strange and potentially an iOS bug like bug 1786977. Sammy/Mark, does that seem right?

Flags: needinfo?(skhamis)
Flags: needinfo?(markh)
See Also: → 1786977

ok sorry i hadn't realized i needed testflight to test firefox view. let me get that setup and see if it's still an issue. thanks!

i already had it set up and have a previous tabs from last foxfooding :) i'm still noticing issues with the tabs that are being shown in firefox view pickup section - it's now showing a tab from the testflight version of firefox that i haven't actually opened in months.


  1. open up firefox beta
  2. open up the tab tray
  3. open up a new tab
    4 search for the weather
  4. observe desktop Firefox View

The portland weather search is in the top spot as expected, but in the second spot is a wordle tab I haven't viewed in months though the card says 7 min ago. In the 3rd spot is actually that brand new tab i had opened earlier from release firefox!

It's the wordle one that's unexpected and IDK why it's showing up if i haven't viewed it.

Sammy, if you get a chance, can you please verify this is reproducible for you?

(In reply to :Gijs (he/him) from comment #4)

The time changing (more precisely, the point in time that the label is referencing changing) for the same tab seems strange and potentially an iOS bug like bug 1786977. Sammy/Mark, does that seem right?

Assuming we can repro it, It does. Lougenia, IIUC you are taking that iOS bug - when investigating that, can you please check if there's also an issue with the timestamp reported for iOS tabs?

Flags: needinfo?(markh) → needinfo?(lougenia)

Assuming we can repro it, It does. Lougenia, IIUC you are taking that iOS bug - when investigating that, can you please check if there's also an issue with the timestamp reported for iOS tabs?

Bug 1786977 may require iOS product intervention as it appears iOS is working as intended though it's having adverse impact for firefox view. I'll start investigating the timestamp issue tomorrow.

Flags: needinfo?(lougenia) → needinfo?(markh)
Summary: last active tab in tab pick up is incorrect → Incorrect (old) last active tab being shown in Firefox View's tab pickup when syncing from iOS
Whiteboard: [foxfooding] → [fidefe-2022-mr1-firefox-view] [foxfooding]

@ray - what is the priority on this one. Lougenia is investigating and coordinating with the iOS team.

Flags: needinfo?(skhamis)
Flags: needinfo?(rfambro)
Flags: needinfo?(markh)

Updating now. Thanks for the flag Janet!

Flags: needinfo?(rfambro)
Severity: -- → S2
Priority: -- → P1

I see that the github ticket is still open but it's linked to a PR that has already been merged - awesome! Lougenia, can you confirm if/when folks should be able to test the new behaviour with an updated build and we can resolve this bug?

Flags: needinfo?(lougenia)
Blocks: firefox-view

There will be a build by end of day including this fix. I can post the build number here when it is ready.

Flags: needinfo?(lougenia)

Build v9000 (17616) contains the fix

Marking as verified fix on v105.0 (17614) on the iOS side. The tabs are displayed in the correctly order in synced tabs on iOS. Is there anything else to test or should we mark this as verified fix?

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Resolution: FIXED → ---

(In reply to Simon Basca [:SimonB] from comment #15)

Marking as verified fix on v105.0 (17614) on the iOS side. The tabs are displayed in the correctly order in synced tabs on iOS. Is there anything else to test or should we mark this as verified fix?

If the synced tabs from an iOS device look to be in the correct order on Firefox View on Desktop, then that will cover it - thanks.

Flags: needinfo?(simion.basca)

Thanks Sarah. Closing as as verified fix on v105.0 (17614).

Flags: needinfo?(simion.basca)
Closed: 2 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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