Closed Bug 180174 Opened 22 years ago Closed 17 years ago

downloaded file does not initially appear on desktop unless user explicitly clicks in Finder


(Core Graveyard :: File Handling, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jaimejr, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)




(Keywords: topembed+, Whiteboard: [adt3])

Build ID: Gecko/20021114 Netscape/7.01 Reproducible: Always Steps: 1. Launch the browser 2. Go to an FTP site (http://sweetlou/products/client/seamonkey/macos/10.x/ppc/2002-11-14-05-1.0/) 3. Click on the link to download a file (Netscape-macosX.smi.bin) 4. A download dialogue will appear, with the default to "Save this file to disk" [Note: My default download location is set to the "Desktop"] 5. Click "OK" Result: The file doesn't appear on the Desktop. However, the system believes the file to be on the "Desktop", since repeating the Steps 3- 5 from above, results in a "replace file" dialogue presented to the user (i.e.asking if you'd like to replace the existing "Netscape-macosX.smi.bin" file). Expected Behaviour: The file should appear within a second or two, on my desktop. Note: Download Manager is not enabled. This works as expected in MSIE 5.2. Nominating for nsbeta1 and topembed, as I would presume this would be the default behaviour (i.e. out-of-the-box) for download files in Mac OSX.
besides looking on the desktop look in your home directory in the folder named 'Desktop' - sometimes the OS X Finder doesn't immediately update the visual representation of a directory so the file may be there, just invisible.
file handling issue, i think, not limited to d/l mgr... fwiw, i've seen this off'n'on (erratically), so cannot reproduce it reliably. jaime, does it ever manage to download the file to you machine at all? or, does it take several tries?
Assignee: blaker → law
Component: Download Manager → File Handling
jaime, another thing to check: use the Find tool to see if that file is on your machine --if you get a hit, where is it located?
Keywords: adt1.0.2
it will sow up, on the 2nd attempt. sairuh: by find, do you mean the Mac "Finder" or the "Reveal Location" feature in Download Manager?
jaime: i mean the Find utility that's located under the File menu in the Finder. this tool allows you to search for files on your machine. if this works on the 2nd attempt, i wouldn't view this as a blocker or even critical. although, yes, it is quite annoying.
Thanks Sairuh. Yes, it finds the file. when selected, it states, that it is located on the Desktop. As for whether this is a blocker, or not. Pls consider that this is the user/members first experience in trying to get the newest & latest version Netscape 7.0. From this (POV), would you want to download something new, when the existing version you are using is flawed. Additionally, download/install is always in the top 3 issues in feedback from real users. Put simply, the darn thing, should just work as expected.
jaime, one more thing for you to try: when you're downloading a file for the first time and it's not appearing on the desktop, try clicking on your desktop so that you switch from being in Netscape to being in Finder. does the file appear then? if so, then this might be OS X (expected) behavior. recently chatted with Paul and Simon, and i'm wondering if this is what you're running into.
phew ... yes, the file does appear, if i click on the desktop. however, if this was a Apple OS X issue, wouldn't the user have the same experience in MSIE. when, i use the MSIE to save the file to the desktop it shows the file on the desktop, irrespective if i click on the desktop or not.
Whiteboard: [adt2] [ETA Needed]
Well IE also uses a special flag on the file (magic dates?) to show the progress of the DL in the file icon itself. They can easily do that with a Mac OS specific code base but in our wonderful XP world it ain't so easy. :-(
Maybe we need to either send the Finder an AE to get it to refresh the folder (which is possible), or touch the mod date of the folder?
clarifying sumary
Severity: critical → major
Summary: File does not appear when downloaded to desktop for the first time → downloaded file does not initially appear on desktop unless user explicitly clicks in Finder
I believe the default Mozilla behavior is to call Stuffit Expander whenever a download is finished. This brings on Finder and a desktop update, so there really shouldn't be a problem. You want visual confirmation on the desktop immediately upon beginning file transfer, is that it? I could be wrong, but I don't think the average user expects this behavior. They know the file is coming thru and that it will appear when ready. Many apps often store the partial transfer in a hidden or deeply nested folder before bringing it to the user specified download folder, and this is more likely what the user will expect.
Too late for Blackbird, sorry. [adt]
Keywords: adt1.0.2adt1.0.2-
Nav triage team: Chris (Petersen), please investigate for reproducibility. Thanks.
Yes, this occurs when dl'ing a file to the desktop. Another way to cause file to appear is simply press (command- tab keys) so that you toggle to the Finder. The file will appear on the desktop since the Finder now focus. Tested under 10.2.2 and 2002-11-14-05.
My understanding is that this is the expected behavior of the finder. When you save a file to the desktop, it will not appear until you switch to the finder, which will cause the desktop to refresh. If you are in the finder, it will pretty much update immediately. In the past, Mac users expected the desktop to refresh in the background immediately, but that never worked well, esp. because of problems with networked drives.
Marking topembed+ as per topembed triage
Keywords: topembedtopembed+
Nav triage team: nsbeta1+/adt3
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [adt2] [ETA Needed] → [adt3]
Nav triage team: nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1+nsbeta1-
Not sure what "OS X" expected behavior is, but using the Apple mail client for OS X, "Save As" to the desktop causes the file to appear immediately. I believe correct behavior is for the file to appear on the desktop immediately.
Using IE 5.2 and Opera 5.0.498, the file *does not* appear immediately with "Save As...". Only appears when I click on the desktop. I am using OS X 10.1.5.
I'll take this.
Assignee: law → sfraser
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.4alpha
Target Milestone: mozilla1.4alpha → mozilla1.5alpha
I submitted a similar bug to Apple, giving BBEdit as the example application, and here's what the Apple folks sent me: "BBEdit needs to call FNNotify on the directory to which it saved the file or alternatively if it uses either Nav Services or the Cocoa open/save panel for the creation of files it will get this for free." This problem does appear to be application by application. With some programs, like Excel X, saved files appear immediately on the Desktop without having to move Finder to the foreground. Other programs, like BBEdit and Mozilla, require that the Finder be made the frontmost application before the files will appear on the Desktop.
This bug is still present in Mozilla 1.6 for Mac OS X.
I just received a tickler on this bug from someone. I tested this functionality in Firefox on Mac OS 10.4.10, and the bug is no longer present. BBEdit also no longer shows this bug. I believe that this was an Apple problem, although Apple claimed otherwise. Enough people complained to them that they fixed it in some revision of Mac OS 10.4. This bug should be closed. If people are experiencing it, I believe the recommendation is to upgrade to Mac OS 10.4. Note that I have NOT tested this bug with the latest version of Mozilla.
WFM per commetn 25
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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