Open Bug 1813666 Opened 2 years ago Updated 11 months ago

Ensure we schedule local push notifications at a normal time


(Fenix :: General, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: boek, Unassigned)


From github:

I had all notification categories on silent, I believe. New categories were apparently created for "marketing" , which sent me a noisy push at 2am to tell me Firefox wasn't default. Not cool.

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More context:

We are hoping most users are awake ~24 hours after the first install. However, I understand that this could trigger a notification sound(of the user’s choosing), if they have not muted their notification sounds while sleeping. But since this only happens once and it is an important notification, we don't want to lower the importance of it.

We could probably be a little smarter about when we schedule this notification that will also increase the effectiveness of it.

Type: defect → enhancement
Severity: -- → N/A
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