Open Bug 1818552 Opened 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

[a11y] Consider making the "Learn More" hyperlink from the Cookie Banner Reduction Settings larger


(Fenix :: Privacy, defect, P3)



(Accessibility Severity:s3, firefox111 disabled, firefox112 affected)

Accessibility Severity s3
Tracking Status
firefox111 --- disabled
firefox112 --- affected


(Reporter: amocirean, Unassigned)



(Keywords: access, Whiteboard: [cookie-banner])

Steps to reproduce

  • Have Google Accessibility Scanner installed.
  • Go to Settings > Cookie Banner Reduction
  • Scan the page using the Accessibility Scanner

Expected behaviour

No suggestions are made.

Actual behaviour

Consider making this clickable item larger. This item's height is 21 dp. Consider making the height of this touch target 48 dp or larger.

Device name

Google Pixel 6

Android version

Android 13

Firefox release type

Firefox Nightly

Firefox version

Firefox Beta 112.0a1

Keywords: access
Priority: -- → P3

More on touch target sizes on Android in the BBC A11y Guide and in the WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 2.5.5

Consider increasing the font size of the link.

Accessibility Severity: --- → s3

The severity field for this bug is set to S4. However, the accessibility severity is higher, .
:amejia, could you consider increasing the severity?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(amejiamarmol)
Severity: S4 → S3
Flags: needinfo?(amejiamarmol)
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