Open Bug 1821186 Opened 2 years ago

review all tests that are `skip-if = true` and consider deleting them


(Testing :: General, task, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jmaher, Unassigned)


there are 200+ tests that are skipped in all configurations:

some steps here:

  1. it would be a good idea to run these tests and see if they still fail: --rebuild 10 is a good idea
  2. for each bugzilla component, file a bug and indicate which tests are still failing on most if not all platforms and ask the triage owner if we can delete the files.

This is something that doesn't help with runtime or CPU, but it does help reduce cleanup- for example if we search the code for an API and need to change it, what if it is only used in skipped tests.

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