Closed Bug 1851492 Opened 1 years ago Closed 1 year ago

Intermittent LeakSanitizer | leak at NS_NewPipe2, mozilla::RemoteLazyInputStream::EnsureAsyncRemoteStream, operator, std::_Function_handler


(Core :: Storage: IndexedDB, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: nbeleuzu [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2023-09-04T12:55:57.470Z] 12:55:57     INFO - TEST-START | /IndexedDB/writer-starvation.htm
[task 2023-09-04T12:55:57.480Z] 12:55:57     INFO - Closing window efaa60e3-662c-462a-a3d1-586b52430bb5
[task 2023-09-04T12:55:58.502Z] 12:55:58     INFO - .
[task 2023-09-04T12:55:58.502Z] 12:55:58     INFO - TEST-OK | /IndexedDB/writer-starvation.htm | took 1035ms
[task 2023-09-04T12:55:58.504Z] 12:55:58     INFO - Restarting browser for new test group
[task 2023-09-04T12:55:58.506Z] 12:55:58     INFO - PID 1307 | 1693832158505	Marionette	INFO	Stopped listening on port 39161
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.406Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.407Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | Suppressions used:
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.407Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |   count      bytes template
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.408Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |      11        352 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.408Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |       2        288
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.408Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.462Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.462Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | Suppressions used:
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.462Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |   count      bytes template
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.462Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |      11        352 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.462Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |       2        288
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.462Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.524Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.525Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | Suppressions used:
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.525Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |   count      bytes template
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.526Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |      11        352 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.527Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |       2        288
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.528Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.547Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.548Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | Suppressions used:
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.548Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |   count      bytes template
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.548Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |      11        352 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.548Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |       2        288
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.558Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.559Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.559Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | Suppressions used:
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.559Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |   count      bytes template
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.559Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |      11        352 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.560Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |       2        288
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.560Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.568Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.568Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | Suppressions used:
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.568Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |   count      bytes template
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.569Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |      11        352 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.570Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |       2        288
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.570Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.655Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.655Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | Suppressions used:
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.655Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |   count      bytes template
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.655Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |      11        352 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.655Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |       2        288
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.655Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.951Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.952Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | Suppressions used:
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.952Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |   count      bytes template
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.953Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |      11        352 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.954Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 |       2        288
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:01.954Z] 12:56:01     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.640Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.640Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1307 | Suppressions used:
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.640Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1307 |   count      bytes template
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.640Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1307 |       8        248 nsComponentManagerImpl
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.641Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1307 |     633      18115
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.642Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1307 |       1          9
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.642Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1307 |       1        192 mozJSComponentLoader
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.642Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1307 |       1         24 XPCWrappedNativeJSOps
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.642Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1307 | -----------------------------------------------------
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.741Z] 12:56:03     INFO - Browser exited with return code 0
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.741Z] 12:56:03     INFO - ERROR | LeakSanitizer | SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 5160 byte(s) leaked in 9 allocation(s).
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.742Z] 12:56:03     INFO - LeakSanitizer | To show the addresses of leaked objects add report_objects=1 to LSAN_OPTIONS
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.742Z] 12:56:03     INFO - This can be done in testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.742Z] 12:56:03     INFO - Allowed depth was 4
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.743Z] 12:56:03     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | LeakSanitizer | leak at NS_NewPipe2, mozilla::RemoteLazyInputStream::EnsureAsyncRemoteStream, operator, std::_Function_handler
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.744Z] 12:56:03     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | LeakSanitizer | leak at mozilla::RemoteLazyInputStream::CloneWithRange, mozilla::dom::StreamBlobImpl::CreateInputStream, mozilla::dom::MultipartBlobImpl::CreateInputStream, mozilla::dom::IPCBlobUtils::SerializeInternal
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.745Z] 12:56:03     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | LeakSanitizer | leak at Malloc, nsTArray_base, nsTArray_Impl, AppendElement
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.745Z] 12:56:03     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | LeakSanitizer | leak at nsSegmentedBuffer::AppendNewSegment, nsPipe::GetWriteSegment, nsPipeOutputStream::WriteSegments, nsStreamCopierOB::DoCopy
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.748Z] 12:56:03     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | LeakSanitizer | leak at mozilla::RemoteLazyInputStreamThread::GetOrCreate, mozilla::BindChildActor, mozilla::RemoteLazyInputStream::IPCRead, IPC::ParamTraits
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.748Z] 12:56:03     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | LeakSanitizer | leak at PR_NewMonitor, ReentrantMonitor, nsPipe::nsPipe, NS_NewPipe2
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.748Z] 12:56:03     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | LeakSanitizer | leak at already_AddRefed, NS_NewCancelableRunnableFunction, CallbackHolder::CallbackHolder, nsPipeInputStream::AsyncWait
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.749Z] 12:56:03     INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.750Z] 12:56:03     INFO - queue closed
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.798Z] 12:56:03     INFO - INFO | | ASan using symbolizer at /builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/llvm-symbolizer
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.804Z] 12:56:03     INFO - LSan enabled.
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.805Z] 12:56:03     INFO - INFO | | ASan running in default memory configuration
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.805Z] 12:56:03     INFO - UBSan enabled.
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.805Z] 12:56:03     INFO - Application command: /builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox --marionette about:blank -profile /tmp/tmpesqtn6rn
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.817Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1313 | 1693831270151	Marionette	INFO	Marionette enabled
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.818Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1313 | 1693831270158	Marionette	INFO	Listening on port 57361
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.820Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1313 | console.warn: SearchSettings: "get: No settings file exists, new profile?" (new NotFoundError("Could not open the file at /tmp/tmp67p5kibh/search.json.mozlz4", (void 0)))
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.820Z] 12:56:03     INFO - PID 1313 | 1693831660177	addons.xpi	ERROR	System addon update list error Error: Failed downloading XML, status: 0, reason: error
[task 2023-09-04T12:56:03.820Z] 12:56:03     INFO - Starting runner
Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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