Open Bug 1857575 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Daily recurring event does not populate on final day in calendar


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect)

Thunderbird 115


(thunderbird_esr115 affected)

Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr115 --- affected


(Reporter: dave, Unassigned)



(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

Open TB. Create a new recurring all-day event, set to recur daily. Then set the end date two days later (E.g. starting September 27 and ending September 29). Save and Close.

Actual results:

The daily recurring event populates only the first two days on the calendar while the Google calendar that is synchronized to this one in TB displays correctly for all three days.

Expected results:

It should've populated all three days in TB.

Component: Untriaged → Calendar Frontend
Product: Thunderbird → Calendar

I could not reproduce with Thunderbird 115.3.1. A (redacted) export of the event as iCalendar file would help to analyze if it is a problem depending on the timezone or some other detail.

ICS file created from example problem event by request. Event created as 10/11 to 10/16. Manifests as 10/11 to 10/15.

My workaround when creating recurring events has been to make the stop date for the recurrence one day later than what I actually want.

Confirmed again on 115.3.2 x64. ICS file from new recurring event example attached. Content appears to agree with what was produced, rather than what was attempted.


Dave, I could reproduce the problem now, but just when creating a new event, because I can fix it by setting the correct until date again when editing. It does not seem to depend on being a daily recurring event, because also weekly ones are affected.

Ever confirmed: true

Hi Martin,

Sounds right to me. Any idea how complex a fix might be?

(In reply to Dave Labrecque from comment #6)

Sounds right to me. Any idea how complex a fix might be?

No, I am not an active Thunderbird developer and a quick glance at the code had not shown anything obvious.

Thanks for confirming.

I just created a new recurring daily event for which the end date manifested accurately in the calendar. BUT one of the days in the series showed the event (in the day view) as starting one hour later than it was supposed to be—even as the edit dialog for that individual event (on that one day) showed the start time to be correct. ARGH.

Attaching screen grab.

I suppose this is a different bug. But it usually doesn't happen. This is the first time I've noticed it. :P

Just tried it again: same result. End date manifested correctly and second in the series manifested an hour late. But then I could not manifest the one-hour-late issue again. ARGH.


These seem like kinda important stuff. Is anything happening with these?

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