Closed Bug 1858518 Opened 11 months ago Closed 8 months ago

[META] Validate Glean and Geckoview Streaming Collected Data


(Data Platform and Tools :: Glean: SDK, task, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: perry.mcmanis, Assigned: perry.mcmanis)



(Keywords: meta)


(1 obsolete file)

This is a meta bug to cover the efforts to validate data collected by Glean and data collected by Geckoview Streaming against each other.

For a long time, Geckoview did not support sending Gecko metrics (e.g. performance) via Glean. Subsequently, anyone looking to collect data in Geckoview had to make use of a temporary solution to that problem; Geckoview Streaming, which you can read more about in this This Week in Glean entry. However, Geckoview streaming was a temporary solution and is now deprecated.

Now that Fenix has migrated to the monorepo, there is a large set of Networking probes marked for potential migration. However, for this effort to proceed, we must establish that existing metrics once migrated will be identical, and that new metrics implemented directly via glean will behave consistently with prior metrics. That is, in the case where each system is collecting the same measure, we expect to see near as makes no difference discrepancies between the two.

At the highest level, this work means re-instrumenting a few existing metrics directly in glean, and checking a new metric collected in both, and following the new Data Science guidelines for performing a valdation. Please see the plan bug for specific details.

Depends on: 1858519
Depends on: 1858520
Depends on: 1858521
Depends on: 1858954
Attachment #9358753 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1858518 - add some validation metrics for geckoview streaming → Bug 1858518 - add some validation metrics for geckoview streaming r=chutten!

Comment on attachment 9358753 [details]
Bug 1858518 - add some validation metrics for geckoview streaming r=chutten!

Revision D191119 was moved to bug 1858954. Setting attachment 9358753 [details] to obsolete.

Attachment #9358753 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Depends on: 1869870
Closed: 8 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
See Also: → 1877836
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