Closed Bug 185902 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Flash redirects endlessly


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: herter, Assigned: peterlubczynski-bugs)





(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021130 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021130 This seems to be a problem with Macromedia Flash plugin. Go to Mozilla 1.2.1 will than start to loop endlessly and this loop can not be interrupted by means other than to kill the process. The above web page works fine with Internet Explorer and with Netscape 4.x Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Enter 2. 3. Expected Results: Use IE or Netscape 4.8 to see the pages.
wfm with win2k build 20021216.. and flash6 r60 Reporter: WHich flash version Do you use ? (see help/about plugins)
Severity: major → critical
Keywords: hang
Resembles bug 139634 Testing with current trunk, Linux, i saw something similar: "endless" redirects - but hitting the back-button resolved the situation and the new page loaded. Shockwave Flash 6.0 r23 for Windows (via Crossover)
ahh tested again: same thing, but no page in history this time, so hitting back-button didn't work. Nor does it work to click the link "Please click here if you are not redirected to the homepage within five seconds."
Summary: Browser loops, kill process necesary to stop it → Browser loops, kill process necesary to stop it [meta refresh]
My Flashversion is 6.0 r47. By the way: When I click on Help|About Plug-ins, Mozilla complains about a missing xpcom.dll entry. Here is the name of the missing entry point: ??1nsAVLTree@@QAE@XZ Afterwards I get though the list of installed plugins.
And that's it????? There is a web page of the Rolls-Royce of Classical Music, which cannot be opened with this browser and you guys simply so nothing? It loops in the Macromedia flash site, works fine with NTescape 4.8 and Internet Explorer. Still the same.
The page is trying to redirect to a page called home.htms, a page that loads fine if added to the url ( ) There is a tiny flash object on the page as i load it, so its a fair guess to think the site has detected i have flash installed. The meta refresh tag is: <meta HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT="5;URL=home.htms?NOFLASH=1"> Confirming bug - still happening on current trunk, Linux. Changing component in accordance with other meta-refresh bugs. Apart from that: -The error message about "??1nsAVLTree@@QAE@XZ " is bug 168517 - details in bug. -Your attachment 109659 [details] is garbled. Likely because wrong filetype is picked in the upload page.
Assignee: asa → adamlock
Component: Browser-General → Embedding: Docshell
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows 2000 → All
QA Contact: asa → adamlock
I see this in 1.3b Win32 but I do not see it in the latest nightlies. It is worth commenting that I did step debug this code and the meta refresh tag is being handled correctly, i.e. the page is not spinning because of a broken tag. It is possible that the swf itself may have something to do with it. The page pauses for five seconds in order to allow the test.swf to run and load intro.htms. If the swf can't load, the 5 second timer redirects to a no shock page. wget wget It may possible that bustage has occurred in the plugin layer which means instead of loading intro.htms it just keeps spinning around loading the current URL. Therefore I'm reassigning to plugins for further analysis.
Component: Embedding: Docshell → Plug-ins
Reassign proper
Assignee: adamlock → peterlubczynski
QA Contact: adamlock → shrir
Regarding the missing entry point ??1nsAVLTree@@QAE@XZ: This missing entry appears after installation of the spellchecker for the email module. I just spootted on a new version and will try it out. Regarding deutschegrammophone I contacted their webmaster and they could not identify the problem. Generally, web standards seem to run apart, its not only Mozilla's problem. For a generic use best is to keep 2-3 browsers and try them out on web pages with problems.
This seems to be resolved now in Mozilla 1.3! Super!
-> wfm per reporter comment might be related to bug 182885
Closed: 22 years ago
Keywords: hang
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Summary: Browser loops, kill process necesary to stop it [meta refresh] → Flash redirects endlessly
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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