Perma shippable platforms backlog (W-b) [tier 2] /soft-navigation-heuristics/disabled.html | Test that a soft navigation is not detected when the feature is disabled - assert_equals: No LCP entries accumulated expected 2 but got 1
(Testing :: web-platform-tests, defect, P5)
(firefox-esr115 unaffected, firefox119 unaffected, firefox120 unaffected, firefox121 fixed)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox-esr115 | --- | unaffected |
firefox119 | --- | unaffected |
firefox120 | --- | unaffected |
firefox121 | --- | fixed |
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: sefeng)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase, regression)
(1 file)
Filed by: ctuns [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:13.620Z] 11:44:13 INFO - TEST-START | /soft-navigation-heuristics/disabled.html
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:13.640Z] 11:44:13 INFO - Closing window 4126beff-7e2f-4d97-b431-479ff6bf5037
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO -
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-NOTRUN | /service-workers/service-worker/same-site-cookies.https.html | same-origin, form post with change-request, cross-site redirect, and same-origin redirect
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-NOTRUN | /service-workers/service-worker/same-site-cookies.https.html | Cleanup service workers
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /service-workers/service-worker/unregister-immediately-before-installed.https.html | Clear-Site-Data must abort service worker registration. - Test timed out
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-NOTRUN | /service-workers/service-worker/unregister-immediately-before-installed.https.html | Clear-Site-Data must unregister a registration with a worker in the "installing" state.
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /service-workers/service-worker/unregister-immediately-during-extendable-events.https.html | Clear-Site-Data must fail pending subresource fetch events. - Test timed out
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /service-workers/service-worker/unregister-immediately.https.html | Clear-Site-Data must unregister a registration with a worker in the "activating" state. - Test timed out
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-NOTRUN | /service-workers/service-worker/unregister-immediately.https.html | Clear-Site-Data must unregister an activated registration with an update waiting.
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-NOTRUN | /service-workers/service-worker/unregister-immediately.https.html | Clear-Site-Data must unregister an activated registration with controlled clients.
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-NOTRUN | /service-workers/service-worker/unregister-immediately.https.html | Clear-Site-Data must clear an unregistered registration waiting for controlled clients to unload.
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /soft-navigation-heuristics/back.tentative.html | Detect simple soft navigation. - Test timed out
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /soft-navigation-heuristics/disabled.html | Test that a soft navigation is not detected when the feature is disabled - assert_equals: No LCP entries accumulated expected 2 but got 1
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - testSoftNavigationNotDetected/<@http://web-platform.test:8000/soft-navigation-heuristics/resources/soft-navigation-helper.js:95:20
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.387Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-INFO | expected TIMEOUT
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.463Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-OK | /soft-navigation-heuristics/disabled.html | expected TIMEOUT
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.463Z] 11:44:14 INFO - TEST-INFO expected TIMEOUT | took 844ms
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.796Z] 11:44:14 INFO - STDOUT: cleanup aborted: Unable to remount device
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.899Z] 11:44:14 INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.899Z] 11:44:14 INFO - queue closed
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.900Z] 11:44:14 INFO - STDOUT: cleanup aborted: Unable to remount device
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.911Z] 11:44:14 INFO - Setting up ssl
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.931Z] 11:44:14 INFO - certutil | b''
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.950Z] 11:44:14 INFO - certutil | b''
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:14.962Z] 11:44:14 INFO - certutil | b'\nCertificate Nickname Trust Attributes\n SSL,S/MIME,JAR/XPI\n\nweb-platform-tests CT,, \n'
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:15.578Z] 11:44:15 INFO - adb Granting important runtime permissions to org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:16.639Z] 11:44:16 INFO - adb launch_application: am start -W -n org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner.TestRunnerActivity -a android.intent.action.MAIN --es env0 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER=1 --es env1 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT=1 --es env2 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_SHUTDOWN=1 --es env3 MOZ_HIDE_RESULTS_TABLE=1 --es env4 MOZ_IN_AUTOMATION=1 --es env5 MOZ_LOG=signaling:3,mtransport:4,DataChannel:4,jsep:4 --es env6 R_LOG_LEVEL=6 --es env7 R_LOG_DESTINATION=stderr --es env8 R_LOG_VERBOSE=1 --es env9 MOZ_PROCESS_LOG=/tmp/tmpnzqjb2ubpidlog --es env10 MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS=1 --es arg0 -no-remote --es arg1 -profile --es arg2 /data/local/tmp/test_root/profile --es arg3 --marionette --es arg4 about:blank --ez use_multiprocess True
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:17.850Z] 11:44:17 INFO - Starting runner
[task 2023-11-04T11:44:18.655Z] 11:44:18 INFO - TEST-START | /soft-navigation-heuristics/dropped-entries.tentative.html
Comment 1•10 months ago
Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1722322
:sefeng, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1722322, could you take a look?
For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.
Comment 2•10 months ago
On Linux, Windows and OSX this failure line doesn't show up in treeherder because of spam lines which are Bug 1861916, example.
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 5•10 months ago
It looks like it is not fixed in bug 1862966 we still have it on central after the patch. Can you please take another look?
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•10 months ago
The test ensures LCP doesn't expose the state of soft-navigation. Since
this is something that we don't support, I think it's okay to not bother
with it.
Updated•10 months ago
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Pushed by Fix the Perma failure for soft-navigation-heuristics/disabled.html r=emilio
Comment 10•10 months ago
bugherder |
Assignee | ||
Updated•10 months ago
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |