Bug 18684
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 25 years ago
[BLOCKER] Browser crashes upon launch
(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: shrir, Assigned: brendan)
(1 file)
Using today's latest commercial build on MAC(M12) located at
(Please delete any existing profiles before performing this test)
Please try the following:
Make a clean install of the build
Once the build is installed, click on the "Apprunner" icon in the folder.
Observe that the Profile Manager Window comes up.
Try to create a new profile and follow the prompts.
Click the Finish button and observe that the browser crashes.
Log for this problem follows:
PowerPC unmapped memory exception at 06997980
nsLargeHeapChunk::GetSpaceForBlock(unsigned lon
12-Nov-1999 11:07:13 AM (since boot = 2 hours, 36 minutes)
Current application is “apprunner”
Machine = 67 (PowerMac9500), System $0851, sysu = $01008000
ROM version $077D, $28F1, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000)
VM is on; paging is currently safe
NIL^ = $FFC10000
Stack space used = +58810098
Address 06997980 is in VM file-mapped logical memory space
It is in the CFM fragment “NSStdLib” at 0695D000
It is 0003A980 bytes from the start of the fragment
and 0002DC80 bytes into a non-writeable code section at 06969D00
PowerPC 604 Registers
PC = 06997980 CR 0100 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0100
LR = 069973DC <>=O XEVO
CTR = 069973AC
MSR = 00000000 SOC Compare Count
Int = 0 XER 001 00 00 MQ = 02A22644
R0 = 028AE560 R8 = 028AF080 R16 = 00000000 R24 = 0288EAD0
SP = 03424DE0 R9 = 028AF150 R17 = 00000000 R25 = 034255D0
TOC = 02859090 R10 = 00000003 R18 = 00000000 R26 = 00000110
R3 = 028A59F0 R11 = 00000000 R19 = 0000A24E R27 = 00000000
R4 = 00000120 R12 = 0285B384 R20 = 00000001 R28 = 02A22698
R5 = 028AE680 R13 = 00000027 R21 = 034254F0 R29 = 0289EFD0
R6 = 028AF150 R14 = 02B159A4 R22 = 02AA2728 R30 = 00000110
R7 = 028AF250 R15 = 00000007 R23 = 00000000 R31 = 4F8AE7EC
Disassembling PowerPC code from 06997958
nsLargeHeapChunk::GetSpaceForBlock(unsigned long)
+00010 06997958 addi r4,r4,0x0003 |
+00014 0699795C lwz r0,0x0014(r3) |
+00018 06997960 clrrwi r4,r4,0x02 |
+0001C 06997964 addi r4,r4,0x0010 |
+00020 06997968 cmplw r4,r0 |
+00024 0699796C ble nsLargeHeapChunk::GetSpaceForBlock(unsigned
long)+00030 ; 0
x06997978 |
+00028 06997970 li r3,0x0000 |
+0002C 06997974 b nsLargeHeapChunk::GetSpaceForBlock(unsigned
long)+000DC ; 0
x06997A24 |
+00030 06997978 addi r5,r3,0x001C |
+00034 0699797C lwz r31,0x001C(r3) |
+00038 06997980 *lwz r0,0x0004(r31) |
+0003C 06997984 cmplwi r0,0x0000 |
+00040 06997988 bne nsLargeHeapChunk::GetSpaceForBlock(unsigned
long)+00054 ; 0
x0699799C |
+00044 0699798C lwz r0,0x0000(r31) |
+00048 06997990 sub r0,r0,r31 |
+0004C 06997994 cmplw r0,r4 |
+00050 06997998 bge nsLargeHeapChunk::GetSpaceForBlock(unsigned
long)+00064 ; 0
x069979AC |
+00054 0699799C addi r5,r31,0x0000 |
+00058 069979A0 lwz r31,0x0000(r31) |
+0005C 069979A4 cmplwi r31,0x0000 |
Heap zones
#1 Mod 6612K 00002800 to 006779FF SysZone^
#2 Mod 6K 0000A1E0 to 0000BD7F ROM read-only zone
#3 Mod 51908K 00677A00 to 03928A9F Process Manager zone
#4 Mod 11801K 028537E0 to 033D9EDF “apprunner” ApplZone^ TheZone^
#5 Mod 2493K 03425FF0 to 036956EF “Netscape AOL Instant Messenger”
#6 Mod 18K 036E73E0 to 036EBC9F
#7 Mod 942K 037021C0 to 037EDCBF “Finder”
#8 Mod 83K 03802550 to 0381744F “Time Synchronizer”
#9 Mod 361K 03825CE0 to 038803DF “Folder Actions”
#10 Mod 89K 038D0F90 to 038E768F “Control Strip Extension”
#11 Mod 3071K 03C00000 to 03EFFFCF
#12 Mod 144K 03C61370 to 03C8536F
#13 Mod 27K 03CE9450 to 03CF017F
Checking all heaps
The System heap at 00002800 is ok
The ROM read-only heap at 0000A1E0 is ok
The Process Manager heap at 00677A00 is ok
The “apprunner” heap at 028537E0 is ok
The “Netscape AOL Instant Messenger” heap at 03425FF0 is ok
The heap at 036E73E0 is ok
The “Finder” heap at 037021C0 is ok
The “Time Synchronizer” heap at 03802550 is ok
The “Folder Actions” heap at 03825CE0 is ok
The “Control Strip Extension” heap at 038D0F90 is ok
Totaling the “apprunner” heap at 028537E0
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 0007 #7 0048D590 #4773264
Nonrelocatable 00AA #170 006F638C #7299980
Relocatable 008D #141 00002DA0 #11680
Locked 0003 #3 000002B0 #688
Purgeable and not locked 0000 #0 00000000 #0
Heap size 013E #318 00B866BC #12084924
The target heap is the System heap at 00002800
Totaling the System heap at 00002800
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 000E #14 00001990 #6544
Nonrelocatable 07C8 #1992 003350DC #3363036
Relocatable 079D #1949 0033E750 #3401552
Locked 0198 #408 00292E60 #2698848
Purgeable and not locked 0062 #98 00016370 #90992
Heap size 0F73 #3955 006751BC #6771132
The target heap is the “apprunner” heap at 028537E0
Displaying File Control Blocks
fRef File Vol Type Fl Fork LEof
0002 System Hard Drive zsys dW rsrc #6125351
0060 Hard Drive •••• dw data #1047552
00BE Hard Drive •••• dw data #2095104
011C VM Storage Hard Drive ZSYS dW data #66060288
017A System Resources Hard Drive zsyr dw rsrc #727510
0BC2 System Hard Drive zsys dw data #4072175
0C20 Open Tpt AppleTalk Li… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #502824
0C7E Open Transport Library Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #524807
0CDC OpenTransportLib Hard Drive otsl dw data #501456
0D3A Shared Library Manage… Hard Drive INIT dw rsrc #211694
0D98 Open Transport Library Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #524807
0DF6 Open Tpt AppleTalk Li… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #502824
0E54 Open Tpt Internet Lib… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #461062
0EB2 OpenTpt Remote Access Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #1083183
0F10 OpenTptAppleTalkLib Hard Drive otsl dw data #48738
0F6E OpenTpt Modem Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #91506
0FCC OpenTpt Remote Access Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #1083183
102A Remote Access Log Hard Drive lzlg dW data #135168
1088 Serial (Built-in) Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #63254
10E6 Open Transport Library Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #524807
1144 OpenTpt Serial Arbitr… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #7974
11A2 OpenTpt Serial Arbitr… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #7974
1200 Users & Groups Data F… Hard Drive BTFL dW data #67584
125E Apple Guide Hard Drive INIT dw data #417352
12BC ColorSync Extension Hard Drive appe dw data #301152
131A Contextual Menu Exten… Hard Drive INIT dw data #66663
1378 SOMobjects™ for Mac OS Hard Drive shlb dw data #129152
13D6 AppleShare Hard Drive RDEV dw data #140208
1434 Control Strip Extensi… Hard Drive appe dW rsrc #67084
1492 Netscape AOL Instant … External D… APPL dW rsrc #937675
14F0 Control Strip Extensi… Hard Drive appe dw data #3160
154E Folder Actions Hard Drive appe dW rsrc #4877
15AC Time Synchronizer Hard Drive appe dW rsrc #6319
160A Finder Hard Drive FNDR dw rsrc #638602
1668 Finder Hard Drive FNDR dw data #1870234
16C6 Color Picker Hard Drive INIT dw data #6400
1724 File Sharing Library Hard Drive shlb dw data #91214
1782 File Sharing Library Hard Drive shlb dw rsrc #3190
17E0 Finder Preferences Hard Drive pref dW rsrc #726
183E Desktop DB Hard Drive BTFL dW data #202752
189C Desktop DF Hard Drive DTFL dW data #1401970
18FA **** EXTENTS B-TREE External D… •••• dw data #1047552
1958 **** CATALOG B-TREE External D… •••• dw data #1047552
19B6 Time Synchronizer Hard Drive appe dw data #37169
1A14 OpenTptInternetLib Hard Drive otsl dw data #257182
1A72 PrintingLib Hard Drive shlb dw data #1103024
1AD0 Folder Actions Hard Drive appe dw data #17331
1B2E AppleScriptLib Hard Drive shlb dw data #22636
1B8C Desktop DB External D… BTFL dW data #67584
1BEA Desktop DF External D… DTFL dW data #366130
1C48 Find CM Items Hard Drive cmpi dw data #21987
1CA6 Folder Actions Menus Hard Drive cmpi dw data #10205
1D04 AppleShare Hard Drive RDEV dw rsrc #315893
1D62 AppleTalk Switch Hard Drive sdev dw data #5066
1DC0 Netscape AOL Instant … External D… APPL dw data #2188582
1E1E AIM Prefs Hard Drive Pref dW rsrc #5357
1E7C System Hard Drive zsys dw rsrc #6125351
1EDA File Sharing Strip Hard Drive sdev dw data #8634
1F38 File Sharing Library Hard Drive shlb dw rsrc #3190
1F96 Monitor BitDepth Hard Drive sdev dw data #4794
1FF4 Monitor Resolution Hard Drive sdev dw data #9750
2052 Sound Volume Hard Drive sdev dw data #4154
20B0 Video Mirroring Hard Drive sdev dw data #4426
210E Web Sharing CS Hard Drive sdev dw data #21334
216C System Hard Drive zsys dw rsrc #6125351
21CA Internet Config Exten… Hard Drive thng dw data #15884
2228 apprunner External D… APPL dW rsrc #97879
2286 apprunner External D… APPL dw data #29460
22E4 NSRuntime.shlb External D… shlb dw data #15686
2342 NSStdLib.shlb External D… shlb dw data #285171
23A0 NSPR20.shlb External D… shlb dw data #209797
23FE JavaScript.shlb External D… shlb dw data #397422
245C NetworkModular.shlb External D… shlb dw data #12146
24BA xpcom.shlb External D… shlb dw data #534483
2518 libreg.shlb External D… shlb dw data #37794
2576 webshell.shlb External D… shlb dw data #127718
25D4 dom.shlb External D… shlb dw data #889858
2632 Component Registry External D… BINA DW data #249369
2690 JSLoader.shlb External D… shlb dw data #17795
26EE AppShell.shlb External D… shlb dw data #172371
274C chardet.shlb External D… shlb dw data #52373
27AA uconv.shlb External D… shlb dw data #45349
2808 Network.shlb External D… shlb dw data #134429
2866 resource.shlb External D… shlb dw data #9042
28C4 file.shlb External D… shlb dw data #31006
2922 mimetype.shlb External D… shlb dw data #13375
2980 ucvlatin.shlb External D… shlb dw data #147768
29DE widget.shlb External D… shlb dw data #285849
2A3C gfx.shlb External D… shlb dw data #152550
2A9A libutil.shlb External D… shlb dw data #5735
2AF8 libimg.shlb External D… shlb dw data #51054
2B56 Text Encoding Convert… Hard Drive shlb dw data #155168
2BB4 WASTELib External D… shlb dw data #117737
2C12 widget.shlb External D… shlb dw rsrc #921
2C70 RDFLibrary.shlb External D… shlb dw data #610923
2CCE Chinese Encodings Hard Drive ecpg dw data #14872
2D2C Japanese Encodings Hard Drive ecpg dw data #14952
2D8A Korean Encodings Hard Drive ecpg dw data #10488
2DE8 Unicode Encodings Hard Drive ecpg dw data #16872
2E46 profile.shlb External D… shlb dw data #41834
2EA4 Mozilla Registry Hard Drive REGS dW data #911
2F02 libpref.shlb External D… shlb dw data #56004
2F60 ChomeRegistry.shlb External D… shlb dw data #32280
2FBE plugin.shlb External D… shlb dw data #86920
301C nslocale.shlb External D… shlb dw data #47158
307A history.shlb External D… shlb dw data #37512
30D8 Mork.shlb External D… shlb dw data #263771
3136 history.dat Hard Drive BINA dW data #231
3194 layout.shlb External D… shlb dw data #3688826
31F2 htmlparser.shlb External D… shlb dw data #424014
3250 unicharutil.shlb External D… shlb dw data #26061
32AE Caps.shlb External D… shlb dw data #72866
330C Cookie.shlb External D… shlb dw data #61518
336A xpinstall.shlb External D… shlb dw data #211236
33C8 zlib.shlb External D… shlb dw data #42282
3426 mailnews.shlb External D… shlb dw data #335298
3484 Wallet.shlb External D… shlb dw data #115230
34E2 navigator.js External D… TEXT dw data #41550
3540 XPConnect.shlb External D… shlb dw data #183577
359E oji.shlb External D… shlb dw data #87408
35FC LiveConnect.shlb External D… shlb dw data #96727
365A view.shlb External D… shlb dw data #87818
36B8 StdLog Hard Drive TEXT dW data #14088
#234 FCBs, #150 in use (including #27 fonts not listed), #84 free
Displaying Driver Control Entries
No drivers are busy.
Displaying resource information:
> Map $0289E3D8, flags $0000, file $2C12 = widget.shlb
Map $02853968, flags $0000, file $2228 = apprunner
+ Map $0000328C, flags $801A, file $0003 = •ROM resources that override
S Map $00003370, flags $200D, file $0002 = System
Map $0000320C, flags $0014, file $017A = System Resources
[Skipped $001B maps belonging to font files]
Calling chain using A6/R1 links
Back chain ISA Caller
00000000 PPC 07608478
03425D40 PPC 07605804 main+00118
03425CC0 PPC 076052D0 main1(int, char**)+00554
03425BB0 PPC 05BB09CC nsAppShellService::Run()+00018
03425B70 PPC 05B80898 nsAppShell::Run()+00038
03425AF0 PPC 05B81174 nsMacMessagePump::DoMessagePump()+0003C
03425AA0 PPC 05B8143C nsMacMessagePump::DispatchEvent(int,
03425A50 PPC 068C59C4 Repeater::DoRepeaters(const EventRecord&)+00030
03425A10 PPC 05B638E0 nsMacNSPREventQueueHandler::RepeatAction(const
034259D0 PPC 06856A2C nsEventQueueServiceImpl::ProcessEvents()+00064
03425990 PPC 06869B1C nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents()+00018
03425950 PPC 0692E03C PL_ProcessPendingEvents+0007C
03425900 PPC 0692E0D8 PL_HandleEvent+00028
034258C0 PPC 07362CDC
03425870 PPC 07363704 nsOnStopRequestEvent::HandleEvent()+63704
03425820 PPC 0735BB28 nsFileChannel::OnStopRequest(nsIChannel*,
nsISupports*, unsigned
int, const unsigned short*)+5BB28
034257C0 PPC 0681ED64 nsChannelListener::OnStopRequest(nsIChannel*,
nsISupports*, unsi
gned int, const unsigned short*)+00044
03425760 PPC 0737C5AC nsUnicharStreamLoader::OnStopRequest(nsIChannel*,
unsigned int, const unsigned short*)+7C5AC
03425710 PPC 05E3107C
unsigned int, const unsigned short*)+3107C
034256A0 PPC 05E312F4 nsXULDocument::EvaluateScript(nsIURI*, const
nsString&, int, con
st char*)+312F4
03425540 PPC 06749828 nsJSContext::EvaluateString(const nsString&, void*,
*, const char*, unsigned int, const char*, nsString&, int*)+00454
03425410 PPC 068D0F6C JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals+0001C
034253C0 PPC 068D01D4 JS_CompileUCScriptForPrincipals+00060
03425370 PPC 068CFEC0 CompileTokenStream+00060
034252A0 PPC 068FF738 js_Parse+00190
03425200 PPC 068E0070 js_EmitTree+001F4
03425090 PPC 068E37C4 js_NewSrcNote2+0001C
03425040 PPC 068E3750 js_NewSrcNote+000C4
03424FE0 PPC 068E3620 AllocSrcNote+000C0
03424F90 PPC 06915A0C JS_ArenaGrow+00040
03424F40 PPC 06915930 JS_ArenaAllocate+000BC
03424EE0 PPC 06995790 malloc+00040
03424EA0 PPC 069973D8 nsLargeHeapAllocator::AllocatorMakeBlock(unsigned
Return addresses on the stack
Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller
03425198 PPC FFD48C0C SetZone+00028
0342514A 68K 034EFFFE
034250C8 034250C0 PPC 068D5E40 js_AtomizeString+0019C
034250B8 034250B0 PPC 0690AAB4 js_GetToken+00090
034250A8 034250A0 PPC 0690AAB4 js_GetToken+00090
03425098 PPC 068E0070 js_EmitTree+001F4
03425058 03425050 PPC 068D5A1C js_AtomizeObject+00014
03425048 03425040 PPC 068E37C4 js_NewSrcNote2+0001C
03425024 68K 0342511A
0342500E PPC 0000028C
03425008 03425000 PPC 068D59C0 js_AtomizeHashedKey+000B0
03424FF0 68K 00565414
03424FE8 03424FE0 PPC 068E3750 js_NewSrcNote+000C4
03424FC0 68K 0342511A
03424F98 03424F90 PPC 068E3620 AllocSrcNote+000C0
03424F68 03424F60 PPC 0690E9A4 js_NewScriptFromParams+00098
03424F58 03424F50 PPC 068D4F24 js_alloc_atom+0001C
03424F48 03424F40 PPC 06915A0C JS_ArenaGrow+00040
03424F2A 68K 003CFFFE
03424F18 03424F10 PPC 06995790 malloc+00040
03424F10 68K 03424F4E
03424EE8 03424EE0 PPC 06915930 JS_ArenaAllocate+000BC
03424ED8 03424ED0 PPC 068CCD04 JS_malloc+00034
03424EC6 68K 000002A0
03424EBC 68K 0342511A
03424EA8 03424EA0 PPC 06995790 malloc+00040
03424E86 68K 000002A0
03424E78 68K 0342511A
03424E58 03424E50 PPC 069973D8
nsLargeHeapAllocator::AllocatorMakeBlock(unsigned l
03424E42 68K 000002A0
03424E0E 68K 000002A4
03424E08 03424E00 PPC 0691A644 JS_HashTableRawLookup+0005C
03424DF8 03424DF0 PPC 0690A7F4 js_PeekTokenSameLine+00020
Displaying memory from 0
00000000 FFC1 0000 FFC1 0000 0016 1636 0016 1638 *¡••*¡•••••6•••8
00000010 0016 163A 0016 163C FFC0 31A8 FFC0 31AA •••:•••<*¿1®*¿1™
Closing log
Assignee | ||
Updated•25 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 1•25 years ago
Assignee | ||
Updated•25 years ago
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•25 years ago
Fixed, thanks to bienvenu again. Sorry for the pain, I am a buckethead.
Reporter | ||
Updated•25 years ago
Reporter | ||
Comment 4•25 years ago
verified using 11/23 build
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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