Open Bug 1868827 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Add documentation section about "queries" getter consistency


(Toolkit :: UI Widgets, task, P3)





(Reporter: tgiles, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [recomp])

In some cases, we use the suffix El in our queries getter to prevent collisions. This happens when properties of the element are the same as the queries. For example, in moz-toggle, we use labelEl and descriptionEl to prevent collisions with the label and description attributes.

We should add some guidance about what to do in these collision situations, such as adding the El suffix, to our docs on creating new UI widgets and domain-specific widgets.

We should also go and remove unnecessary suffixes where appropriate, but that should be another bug.

Whiteboard: [fidefe-reusable-components] → [recomp]
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