Crash in [@ java.lang.NullPointerException: at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesConnection.noteHistoryMetadataObservation(places.kt)]
(Fenix :: History, defect, P5)
(firefox121 affected, firefox122 affected, firefox123 affected)
(Reporter: cpeterson, Unassigned)
(Depends on 1 open bug)
(Keywords: crash)
Crash Data
Crash report:
100% of these crash reports are from x86 or x86_64 devices running Android 5.0 or 5.1 (API 21 or 22). These crashes are probably the same Kotlin coroutine issue as bug 1804115 and bug 1844964:
Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
Message: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'long java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.decrementAndGet()' on a null object reference
Frame Module Function Source
0 mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesConnection noteHistoryMetadataObservation places.kt:77
1 mozilla.appservices.places.PlacesWriterConnection noteHistoryMetadataObservation PlacesConnection.kt:19
2$noteHistoryMetadataObservation$2 invokeSuspend PlacesHistoryStorage.kt:63
3 kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl resumeWith ContinuationImpl.kt:9
4 kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask run DispatchedTask.kt:112
5 java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor runWorker
6 java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker run
7 java.lang.Thread run
Reporter | ||
Updated•1 year ago
Comment 1•1 year ago
I'm trying to wrap my head around this issue, but I still don't understand it. AFAICT, it's an issue with the a particular Kotlin coroutine implementation, is that correct? Is there a general workaround for this? Was solution found for the other bugs?
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•1 year ago
(In reply to Ben Dean-Kawamura [:bdk] from comment #1)
I'm trying to wrap my head around this issue, but I still don't understand it. AFAICT, it's an issue with the a particular Kotlin coroutine implementation, is that correct? Is there a general workaround for this? Was solution found for the other bugs?
Unfortunately, there is no known fix or workaround, other than downgrading to an older version of the kotlinx.coroutines library and never updating. The kotlinx.coroutines bug was reported in 2018 and it's still open:
In that case, this bug is probably not actionable and might be a WONTFIX or a P5.
Comment 3•1 year ago
The severity field is not set for this bug.
:vdreghici, could you have a look please?
For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.
Comment 4•1 year ago
(In reply to Chris Peterson [:cpeterson] from comment #0)
100% of these crash reports are from x86 or x86_64 devices running Android 5.0 or 5.1 (API 21 or 22). These crashes are probably the same Kotlin coroutine issue as bug 1804115 and bug 1844964:
Looking over other tickets and the coroutines issue, this seems like an issue we cannot really do much about. I will assign P5, but due to it being a crash I believe an S3 level of severity would be ok to be set.
Thanks for all the details, Chris!