Closed Bug 1876416 Opened 1 year ago Closed 3 months ago

Toggling the unread state of a selected message can break hover


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

Thunderbird 115


(thunderbird124 affected)

Tracking Status
thunderbird124 --- affected


(Reporter: micah, Unassigned)



(Keywords: reproducible)


(1 file)

Steps to reproduce:

  • Select a message in the message list
  • Mark it as unread
  • Mark it as read
  • Hover might no longer work

I am able to reproduce this most of the time but also it breaks in different ways sometimes.

Summary: Toggling the undread state of a selected message can break hover → Toggling the unread state of a selected message can break hover

Which version?

Flags: needinfo?(micah)

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #1)

Which version?

I tested this on both daily (124.0a1) and stable (115.7.0) and was able to reproduce it in both.

note: Found on macOS Sonoma (14.3.1), not sure if others are affected.

Flags: needinfo?(micah)


I forgot to say, on Mac,

  • hover in message list doesn't seem to be affected for me after toggling read state, however ....
  • hover doesn't work in message list at all (Subject and From column) unless a message is selected - I shouldn't need to have it selected, right?
  • hover works fine in Folder pane 100%.
Version: unspecified → Thunderbird 115

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #3)

  • hover doesn't work in message list at all (Subject and From column) unless a message is selected - I shouldn't need to have it selected, right?

That's bug 1861204.

See Also: → 1861204

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #3)

  • hover doesn't work in message list at all (Subject and From column) unless a message is selected - I shouldn't need to have it selected, right?

Interesting. Hover works for me without selection on both daily/stable and cards/table view.

I find it inconsistent. I can get hover to work on some, but not all, unread/not-selected msgs. See attachment.

But not at all on read/not-selected msgs.

For me it worked reliably for any message in at least one folder. But on another folder not.

Micah and I took a hard look at this on Friday. We came up with some reproducible scenarios.

The behavior also correlates to collapse/uncollapse of threads - doing this restores hover function WITHOUT selecting any messages. Which perhaps suggests the issue is related to what messages Thunderbird thinks are within scroll view.

Hover bug list:

Keywords: reproducible

Is this still happening after bug 1861204 has been fixed in 125?

Flags: needinfo?(micah)

I am unable to reproduce this in daily on my end. However my issue was with cards view as well so I don't know that bug 1861204 was related to my issue. There has been significant changes to the cards view selection, hover, and focus states since this bugs reporting though so that could also have fixed it for me.

Bug 1882592

Flags: needinfo?(micah)

Resolving as per comment 11.

Closed: 3 months ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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