Closed Bug 1885340 Opened 11 months ago Closed 10 months ago

The Translation bottom sheet is not displayed automatically when "Always offer to translate" is re-enabled on the same website


(Fenix :: Translations, defect, P3)

Firefox 125


(firefox125 affected, firefox126 affected, firefox127 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox125 --- affected
firefox126 --- affected
firefox127 --- affected


(Reporter: dpop, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [fxdroid][foundation][translations:127])


(1 file)


  1. Go to the three-dot menu - Settings - About Firefox Nightly, and tap 5 times on the logo.
  2. Exit the About Firefox Nightly, and go to the Secret Settings.
  3. Enable the "Enable Firefox Translations" toggle.
  4. Set your device's OS to English - US.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to a translatable page (e.g.,
  2. Once the bottom sheet is displayed automatically, tap on the settings icon from the translation bottom sheet.
  3. Disable the "Always offer to translate" toggle.
  4. Close the tab opened in step 1, then re-open the same tab (the translation bottom sheet is not displayed automatically).
  5. Tap on the translation icon from the toolbar, then on the settings icon from the translation bottom sheet > Enable the "Always offer to translate" toggle.
  6. Close the tab opened in step 1, then re-open the same tab.
  7. Observe if the translation bottom sheet is displayed automatically.

Expected behavior

The translation bottom sheet is displayed automatically on the same website.

Actual behavior

The translation bottom sheet is not displayed automatically for the same website.
Note that the bottom sheet is displayed automatically when navigating on other translatable websites in Step 6.

Device information

  • Firefox version: Nightly 125.0a1 from 03/13
  • Android devices: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Android 14), Google Pixel 6 (Android 14)

Hi, thanks for the report! Could you compare this with Desktop to determine it it has parity with Desktop?

I tested against Desktop following the same steps and reproduced the same behavior as on Android. I'm checking with one of the designers too for more information to find out more. I suspect this might be intended behavior.

One thing to note is the "offer" feature is based on session.

  • Generally, we don't offer multiple times in the same session.
  • If we miss the offer opportunity, then it won't happen again.
  • If the app is operating within the same session, then it will not offer. For example, if we close the app all the way out in Desktop or Android, and open a new tab, it should offer again. However, a new tab usually won't offer. (Unless, it is a special situation where a new session happened.)
    • One thing to note is outside of closing all the way out, I believe closing the last tab might also start a new session when opening a new tab (so the "offer" would occur in that scenario).

The overall intention is to limit offering, so we don't overwhelm the user with pop-ups.

In short, I think our expected behavior is if the app is fully closed (or a full new session started), then we offer again. If we just open a new tab, then we do not offer again (because it was not turned on earlier in the session, when we had the first opportunity). I'm trying to find out more to confirm this too.

Found out some more information from Dasha! We would like to align to the QA report, so that we start offering again sooner.

Since Desktop is doing the same thing, this is likely a toolkit bug and we need to reset the offers whenever we toggle this session.

Hi, Olivia,

On Desktop, following the same steps, displays the same behavior as on Android. However, closing Firefox (Desktop) and re-opening with the same tab, displays the bottom sheet again automatically.

On Android, if, after step 6 I "kill" the app (close it also from the recent apps) and re-open it and re-open the same tab from step 1, then the bottom sheet is displayed again automatically, just like you said.

I'll update the test case accordingly, and close this ticket as WORKSFORME.

Closed: 10 months ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Whiteboard: [fxdroid][foundation] → [fxdroid][foundation][translations:127]
Priority: -- → P3
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