Open Bug 1904063 Opened 4 months ago Updated 11 days ago

Intermittent leakcheck large Document | single tracking bug


(Firefox :: Site Identity, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase)

Filed by: ctuns [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2024-06-21T12:37:44.548Z] 12:37:44     INFO - TEST-OK | browser/base/content/test/siteIdentity/browser_tab_sharing_state.js | took 1091ms
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.392Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-PASS | leakcheck | tab no leaks detected!
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.395Z] 12:37:54     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file C:\Users\task_171897267852671\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpyu02z48a.mozrunner\runtests_leaks_tab_pid900.log
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.395Z] 12:37:54     INFO - 
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.396Z] 12:37:54     INFO - == BloatView: ALL (cumulative) LEAK AND BLOAT STATISTICS, tab process 900
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.396Z] 12:37:54     INFO - 
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.397Z] 12:37:54     INFO -      |<----------------Class--------------->|<-----Bytes------>|<----Objects---->|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.398Z] 12:37:54     INFO -      |                                      | Per-Inst   Leaked|   Total      Rem|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.398Z] 12:37:54     INFO -    0 |TOTAL                                 |       36   127365|   39585     1627|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.399Z] 12:37:54     INFO -    4 |AccessibleCaretEventHub               |       60       60|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.399Z] 12:37:54     INFO -    8 |AnimationEventDispatcher              |       20       20|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.400Z] 12:37:54     INFO -    9 |AnimationTimeline                     |       72       72|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.400Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   11 |AsyncCompileShutdownObserver          |       16       16|       5        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.401Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   14 |AttributeStyles                       |       52       52|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.401Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   17 |BackstagePass                         |       80       80|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.401Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   37 |CharacterData                         |       72      216|     150        3|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.402Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   38 |ChildDNSService                       |      116      116|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.403Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   44 |ChromeObserver                        |       28       28|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.403Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   53 |Comment                               |       72       72|       6        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.403Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   57 |CondVar                               |       36       36|      74        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.404Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   61 |ConsoleReportCollector                |       60      120|      11        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.404Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   64 |CookieJarSettings                     |       72       72|       6        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.405Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   66 |CopyOnWriteValue                      |       32       32|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.405Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   67 |CounterStyleManager                   |       44       44|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.405Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   72 |CycleCollectedJSContext               |    14872    14872|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.406Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   73 |CycleCollectedJSRuntime               |      312      312|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.406Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   75 |DNSServiceBase                        |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.407Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   78 |DOMEventTargetHelper                  |       64       64|      10        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.407Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   86 |DeferredDNSPrefetches                 |     4136     4136|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.408Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   91 |Document                              |     2016     2016|       5        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.408Z] 12:37:54     INFO -   97 |DocumentTimeline                      |      120      120|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.408Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  101 |EffectCompositor                      |      112      112|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.409Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  105 |EventListenerManager                  |       52       52|      26        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.410Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  106 |EventListenerManager::ListenerArray   |       36       72|     155        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.410Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  107 |EventStateManager                     |      168      168|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.410Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  109 |ExpirationTrackerObserver             |       16       16|       6        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.411Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  114 |FeaturePolicy                         |       72       72|       5        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.411Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  117 |FontFace                              |       40       40|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.412Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  118 |FontFaceImpl                          |       48       48|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.413Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  119 |FontFaceSet                           |       84       84|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.413Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  120 |FontFaceSetDocumentImpl               |      232      232|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.413Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  121 |FontFaceSetImpl                       |      216      216|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.414Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  123 |FontTableRec                          |        8       24|      73        3|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.414Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  124 |FragmentDirective                     |       32       32|       5        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.415Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  125 |FragmentOrElement                     |       64      192|     129        3|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.415Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  137 |GlobalImageObserver                   |       12       12|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.415Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  139 |GlobalStyleSheetCache                 |       72       72|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.416Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  166 |ImageLoader                           |       68       68|       5        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.417Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  169 |ImageTracker                          |       36       36|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.417Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  175 |JSRuntime                             |    31000    31000|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.417Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  185 |LoadInfo                              |      416      416|      75        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.418Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  187 |Loader                                |      108      108|       5        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.418Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  207 |MiscContainer                         |       16       64|      14        4|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.418Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  209 |ModuleLoaderBase                      |      100      100|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.419Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  217 |Mutex                                 |       44      968|     442       22|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.420Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  222 |NoOpDNSListener                       |       12       12|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.420Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  225 |NodeInfo                              |       84      588|      48        7|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.421Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  229 |ObserverTable                         |       36       36|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.421Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  232 |OnloadBlocker                         |       24       24|       5        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.421Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  268 |PathSkia                              |       44       44|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.422Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  287 |PresShell                             |     2504     2504|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.422Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  288 |PrincipalHashKey                      |        4        4|       9        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.423Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  293 |ProgressTracker                       |       76       76|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.423Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  294 |Promise                               |       24       24|      17        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.424Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  297 |ProtoAndIfaceCache                    |        8        8|       4        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.424Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  300 |PuppetBidiKeyboard                    |       16       16|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.424Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  308 |ReferrerInfo                          |       44      704|      65       16|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.425Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  319 |RequestContext                        |      136      272|       4        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.425Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  320 |RequestContextService                 |       52       52|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.426Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  323 |RestoreTabContentObserver             |       12       12|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.426Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  324 |RuleNode                              |       40      560|     193       14|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.427Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  325 |Runnable                              |       12       12|     643        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.427Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  326 |SMILAnimationController               |      200      200|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.427Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  327 |SVGDocumentWrapper                    |       40       40|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.428Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  328 |SVGElement                            |       96      192|       2        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.428Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  329 |SVGGraphicsElement                    |      128      256|       2        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.429Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  332 |SVGRenderingObserverSet               |       28       28|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.429Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  333 |SVGRootRenderingObserver              |       40       40|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.429Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  334 |SVGSVGElement                         |      264      264|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.430Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  343 |ScriptLoader                          |      184      184|       5        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.430Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  345 |Selection                             |      168     2016|      36       12|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.431Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  346 |SelectionChangeEventDispatcher        |       16       16|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.431Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  350 |ServoArc                              |        8      352|    2530       44|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.432Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  362 |SharedStyleSheetCache                 |      124      124|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.432Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  372 |StorageObserver                       |       44       44|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.432Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  376 |StringBuffer                          |        8     3632|   14080      454|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.433Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  379 |StyleSheet                            |       96     1056|      31       11|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.433Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  380 |StyleSheetInfo                        |      132     1452|      20       11|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.434Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  382 |SubstitutingURL                       |      276     3036|     191       11|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.434Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  387 |SyncModuleLoader                      |      136      136|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.434Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  398 |Theme                                 |      124      124|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.435Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  400 |ThreadEventTarget                     |       24       24|      19        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.435Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  401 |ThreadSafeWeakReference               |       12       12|      21        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.436Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  402 |ThreadTargetSink                      |        8        8|      19        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.436Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  409 |TransactionIdAllocator                |       12       12|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.436Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  411 |UACacheReporter                       |       12       12|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.437Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  412 |UIDirectionManager                    |       12       12|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.437Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  414 |UITimerCallback                       |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.438Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  416 |URLExtraData                          |       20      280|      23       14|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.438Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  418 |UnscaledFontDWrite                    |       32       32|       4        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.438Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  420 |UploadLastDir                         |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.439Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  423 |VectorImage                           |      112      112|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.439Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  430 |WeakReference                         |       16      176|      85       11|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.439Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  445 |XMLDocument                           |     2024     2024|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.439Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  446 |XPCJSContext                          |       96       96|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.440Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  447 |XPCJSRuntime                          |      296      296|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.441Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  448 |XPCLocaleCallbacks                    |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.441Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  450 |XPCNativeInterface                    |       28       28|      31        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.442Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  451 |XPCNativeMember                       |        8        8|    1735        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.442Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  452 |XPCNativeSet                          |       16       16|      29        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.442Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  454 |XPCWrappedNative                      |       48       48|      25        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.443Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  455 |XPCWrappedNativeProto                 |       20       20|      10        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.443Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  456 |XPCWrappedNativeScope                 |       60       60|       4        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.444Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  457 |XPCWrappedNativeTearOff               |       16       16|      39        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.444Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  462 |gfxFont                               |      192      192|       7        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.445Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  465 |gfxFontEntry                          |      332      664|       8        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.445Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  466 |gfxFontFamily                         |       88       88|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.445Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  469 |gfxFontSrcPrincipal                   |       16       32|       6        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.446Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  470 |gfxFontSrcURI                         |       32       32|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.446Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  474 |gfxTextRunFactory                     |        8        8|       8        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.447Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  475 |imgCacheEntry                         |       40       40|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.447Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  478 |imgRequest                            |      272      272|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.448Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  479 |imgRequestProxy                       |      128      128|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.448Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  491 |nsAuthURLParser                       |       12       12|       2        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.448Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  504 |nsCaret                               |       64       64|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.449Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  505 |nsCategoryObserver                    |       64       64|       2        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.449Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  514 |nsContentPolicy                       |       32       32|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.449Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  517 |nsContentUtils::UserInteractionObserve|       16       16|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.450Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  521 |nsDOMNavigationTiming                 |      440      440|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.450Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  522 |nsDOMSlots                            |       56       56|      36        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.451Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  528 |nsDeviceContext                       |       72       72|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.451Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  546 |nsDocViewerFocusListener              |       16       16|       4        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.451Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  547 |nsDocViewerSelectionListener          |       20       20|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.452Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  549 |nsDocumentViewer                      |      120      120|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.452Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  552 |nsExternalHelperAppService            |       44       44|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.453Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  555 |nsFocusManager                        |      120      120|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.453Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  556 |nsFontCache                           |     1088     1088|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.454Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  557 |nsFontMetrics                         |       92       92|       8        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.454Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  561 |nsFrameSelection                      |      164      164|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.454Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  562 |nsGenericHTMLElement                  |       80       80|     104        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.455Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  567 |nsHashPropertyBag                     |       44       44|      64        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.455Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  568 |nsHtml5AttributeName                  |       40    20240|     509      506|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.455Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  571 |nsHtml5ElementName                    |       20     4160|     211      208|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.456Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  572 |nsHtml5HtmlAttributes                 |      240      240|      81        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.456Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  593 |nsIContent                            |       64      384|     279        6|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.457Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  595 |nsIFrame                              |       80      480|      63        6|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.457Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  600 |nsJAR                                 |       88      352|       4        4|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.458Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  601 |nsJARChannel                          |      232      232|      59        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.458Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  604 |nsJARProtocolHandler                  |       28       28|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.458Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  605 |nsJARURI                              |       40       40|     175        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.459Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  609 |nsJSPrincipals                        |       16      112|      59        7|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.459Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  613 |nsLayoutStatics                       |        1        1|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.460Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  617 |nsLoadGroup                           |      160      320|       4        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.460Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  618 |nsLocalFile                           |       96      768|     263        8|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.461Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  628 |nsNativeTheme                         |      116      116|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.461Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  630 |nsNoAuthURLParser                     |       12       12|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.461Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  632 |nsNodeInfoManager                     |      200      200|       5        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.462Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  645 |nsPresContext                         |      680      680|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.462Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  647 |nsProperties                          |       40       40|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.462Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  650 |nsRange                               |      136      272|       4        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.463Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  651 |nsRect                                |       16      272|    5911       17|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.463Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  657 |nsScriptSecurityManager               |       36       36|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.464Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  664 |nsSimpleURI                           |       72      576|     225        8|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.464Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  668 |nsStandardURL                         |      276     4140|     595       15|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.465Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  671 |nsStreamTransportService              |       76       76|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.465Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  680 |nsStyleDisplay                        |      300     1800|      65        6|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.465Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  682 |nsStyleFont                           |      116      116|      34        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.466Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  688 |nsStylePosition                       |      352      704|      41        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.466Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  689 |nsStyleSVG                            |      212      212|       4        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.466Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  690 |nsStyleSVGReset                       |      276      276|       2        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.467Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  694 |nsStyleText                           |      196      392|      18        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.467Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  695 |nsStyleTextReset                      |       68       68|      38        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.468Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  696 |nsStyleUI                             |      136      136|      26        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.468Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  697 |nsStyleUIReset                        |      300      600|      27        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.469Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  698 |nsStyleVisibility                     |        8       16|      30        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.469Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  700 |nsSupportsCString                     |       24       24|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.469Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  703 |nsTextFragment                        |        8       24|     150        3|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.470Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  704 |nsTextNode                            |       72      144|     143        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.470Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  705 |nsThread                              |      352      704|      31        2|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.471Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  707 |nsTimer                               |       16       64|      52        4|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.471Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  708 |nsTimerImpl                           |      160      640|      52        4|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.471Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  709 |nsURIHashKey                          |        4        4|     211        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.472Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  712 |nsView                                |       80       80|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.472Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  713 |nsViewManager                         |       40       40|       3        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.473Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  714 |nsWeakReference                       |       20      120|      59        6|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.473Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  723 |nsXPCComponents                       |       44       44|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.474Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  724 |nsXPCComponents_Classes               |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.474Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  725 |nsXPCComponents_Constructor           |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.475Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  726 |nsXPCComponents_ID                    |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.475Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  727 |nsXPCComponents_Interfaces            |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.476Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  728 |nsXPCComponents_Results               |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.476Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  729 |nsXPCComponents_Utils                 |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.476Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  731 |nsXPConnect                           |       20       20|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.477Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  734 |nsXULPopupManager                     |       92       92|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.477Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  735 |nsZipArchive                          |     1120     4480|       4        4|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.478Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  736 |nsZipHandle                           |       56      224|       6        4|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.478Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  737 |nsZipReaderCache                      |      100      100|       1        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.479Z] 12:37:54     INFO -  738 |xpc::CompartmentPrivate               |       72       72|       4        1|
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.479Z] 12:37:54     INFO - 
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.480Z] 12:37:54     INFO - nsTraceRefcnt::DumpStatistics: 739 entries
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.480Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 AccessibleCaretEventHub
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.480Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 AnimationEventDispatcher
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.481Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 AnimationTimeline
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.481Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 AsyncCompileShutdownObserver
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.482Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 AttributeStyles
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.482Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 BackstagePass
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.483Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 3 CharacterData
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.483Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ChildDNSService
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.483Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ChromeObserver
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.484Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 Comment
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.484Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 CondVar
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.485Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 ConsoleReportCollector
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.485Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 CookieJarSettings
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.486Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 CopyOnWriteValue
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.486Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 CounterStyleManager
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.487Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 CycleCollectedJSContext
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.487Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 CycleCollectedJSRuntime
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.488Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 DNSServiceBase
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.488Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 DOMEventTargetHelper
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.489Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 DeferredDNSPrefetches
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.489Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 Document
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.490Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 DocumentTimeline
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.490Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 EffectCompositor
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.490Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 EventListenerManager
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.491Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 EventListenerManager::ListenerArray
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.491Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 EventStateManager
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.492Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ExpirationTrackerObserver
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.492Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 FeaturePolicy
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.493Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 FontFace
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.493Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 FontFaceImpl
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.494Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 FontFaceSet
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.494Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 FontFaceSetDocumentImpl
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.494Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 FontFaceSetImpl
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.495Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 3 FontTableRec
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.495Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 FragmentDirective
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.496Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 3 FragmentOrElement
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.496Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 GlobalImageObserver
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.497Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 GlobalStyleSheetCache
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.497Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ImageLoader
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.497Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ImageTracker
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.498Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 JSRuntime
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.498Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 LoadInfo
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.499Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 Loader
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.499Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 4 MiscContainer
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.500Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ModuleLoaderBase
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.500Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 22 Mutex
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.500Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 NoOpDNSListener
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.501Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 7 NodeInfo
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.501Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ObserverTable
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.502Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 OnloadBlocker
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.502Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 PathSkia
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.502Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 PresShell
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.503Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 PrincipalHashKey
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.503Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ProgressTracker
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.504Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 Promise
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.504Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ProtoAndIfaceCache
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.505Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 PuppetBidiKeyboard
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.505Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 16 ReferrerInfo
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.505Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 RequestContext
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.506Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 RequestContextService
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.506Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 RestoreTabContentObserver
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.507Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 14 RuleNode
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.507Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 Runnable
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.508Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 SMILAnimationController
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.508Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 SVGDocumentWrapper
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.509Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 SVGElement
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.509Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 SVGGraphicsElement
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.510Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 SVGRenderingObserverSet
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.510Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 SVGRootRenderingObserver
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.510Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 SVGSVGElement
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.511Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ScriptLoader
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.511Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 12 Selection
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.512Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 SelectionChangeEventDispatcher
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.512Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 44 ServoArc
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.513Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 SharedStyleSheetCache
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.513Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 StorageObserver
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.513Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 454 StringBuffer
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.514Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 11 StyleSheet
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.514Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 11 StyleSheetInfo
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.515Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 11 SubstitutingURL
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.515Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 SyncModuleLoader
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.516Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 Theme
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.516Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ThreadEventTarget
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.516Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ThreadSafeWeakReference
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.517Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 ThreadTargetSink
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.517Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 TransactionIdAllocator
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.518Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 UACacheReporter
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.518Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 UIDirectionManager
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.519Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 UITimerCallback
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.519Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 14 URLExtraData
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.520Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 UnscaledFontDWrite
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.520Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 UploadLastDir
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.521Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 VectorImage
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.521Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 11 WeakReference
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.522Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XMLDocument
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.522Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCJSContext
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.523Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCJSRuntime
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.523Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCLocaleCallbacks
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.524Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCNativeInterface
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.524Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCNativeMember
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.524Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCNativeSet
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.525Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCWrappedNative
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.525Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCWrappedNativeProto
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.526Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCWrappedNativeScope
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.526Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 XPCWrappedNativeTearOff
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.527Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 gfxFont
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.527Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 gfxFontEntry
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.528Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 gfxFontFamily
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.528Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 gfxFontSrcPrincipal
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.529Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 gfxFontSrcURI
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.529Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 gfxTextRunFactory
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.530Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 imgCacheEntry
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.530Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 imgRequest
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.530Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 imgRequestProxy
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.531Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsAuthURLParser
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.531Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsCaret
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.532Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsCategoryObserver
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.532Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsContentPolicy
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.533Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsContentUtils::UserInteractionObserve
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.533Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsDOMNavigationTiming
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.534Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsDOMSlots
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.534Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsDeviceContext
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.535Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsDocViewerFocusListener
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.535Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsDocViewerSelectionListener
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.536Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsDocumentViewer
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.536Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsExternalHelperAppService
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.536Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsFocusManager
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.537Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsFontCache
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.537Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsFontMetrics
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.538Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsFrameSelection
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.538Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsGenericHTMLElement
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.539Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsHashPropertyBag
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.539Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 506 nsHtml5AttributeName
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.540Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 208 nsHtml5ElementName
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.540Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsHtml5HtmlAttributes
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.541Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 6 nsIContent
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.541Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 6 nsIFrame
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.542Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 4 nsJAR
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.542Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsJARChannel
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.543Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsJARProtocolHandler
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.543Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsJARURI
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.544Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 7 nsJSPrincipals
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.544Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsLayoutStatics
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.545Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 nsLoadGroup
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.545Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 8 nsLocalFile
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.545Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsNativeTheme
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.546Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsNoAuthURLParser
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.546Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsNodeInfoManager
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.547Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsPresContext
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.547Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsProperties
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.547Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 nsRange
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.548Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 17 nsRect
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.548Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsScriptSecurityManager
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.549Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 8 nsSimpleURI
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.549Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 15 nsStandardURL
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.550Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsStreamTransportService
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.550Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 6 nsStyleDisplay
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.551Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsStyleFont
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.551Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 nsStylePosition
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.551Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsStyleSVG
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.552Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsStyleSVGReset
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.553Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 nsStyleText
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.553Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsStyleTextReset
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.554Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsStyleUI
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.554Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 nsStyleUIReset
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.555Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 nsStyleVisibility
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.555Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsSupportsCString
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.555Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 3 nsTextFragment
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.556Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 nsTextNode
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.556Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 2 nsThread
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.557Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 4 nsTimer
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.557Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 4 nsTimerImpl
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.558Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsURIHashKey
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.558Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsView
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.559Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsViewManager
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.559Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 6 nsWeakReference
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.559Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsXPCComponents
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.560Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsXPCComponents_Classes
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.560Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsXPCComponents_Constructor
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.561Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsXPCComponents_ID
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.561Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsXPCComponents_Interfaces
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.562Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsXPCComponents_Results
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.562Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsXPCComponents_Utils
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.563Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsXPConnect
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.563Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsXULPopupManager
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.563Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 4 nsZipArchive
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.563Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 4 nsZipHandle
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.564Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 nsZipReaderCache
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.564Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab leaked 1 xpc::CompartmentPrivate
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.566Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | leakcheck large Document | browser/base/content/test/siteIdentity/browser.toml
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.569Z] 12:37:54     INFO - leakcheck | Processing leak log file C:\Users\task_171897267852671\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpyu02z48a.mozrunner\runtests_leaks_tab_pid9016.log
[task 2024-06-21T12:37:54.570Z] 12:37:54     INFO - TEST-PASS | leakcheck | tab no leaks detected!
[task 2024-06-21T12:38:03.197Z] 12:38:03     INFO - TEST-START | browser/base/content/test/webrtc/browser_devices_get_user_media_grace.js
Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
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