Bug 190445
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 17 years ago
ldap addressbook only works correctly in debug mode
(Directory :: LDAP XPCOM SDK, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: J.Campbell, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20030123
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20030123
I compile Mozilla 1.3a with following options:
unsetenv CC
unsetenv CCC
unsetenv CFLAGS
unsetenv CPPFLAGS
unsetenv LDFLAGS
unsetenv LD_RUN_PATH
setenv CC cc
setenv CCC CC
./configure --prefix=/opt/MOzilla \
# --libdir=/opt/MOzilla/lib/mozilla \
# --includedir=/opt/MOzilla/include/mozilla \
# --sysconfdir=/etc/opt/MOzilla \
# --localstatedir=/var/opt/MOzilla \
--with-glib-prefix=/opt/GNUgnome \
--with-libIDL-prefix=/opt/GNUgnome \
--with-gtk-prefix=/opt/GNUgnome \
--disable-gtktest \
# --enable-default-mozilla-five-home=/opt/MOzilla \
--enable-ldap \
--enable-ldap-experimental \
--enable-js-ultrasparc \
--disable-tests \
--disable-debug \
# --disable-logging \
--enable-crypto \
ldap addressbook always returns zero matches when search on OpenLDAP 2.1.11
even though tracing through shows valid entries are returned.
If I configure/compile with:
unsetenv CC
unsetenv CCC
unsetenv CFLAGS
unsetenv CPPFLAGS
unsetenv LDFLAGS
unsetenv LD_RUN_PATH
setenv CC cc
setenv CCC CC
./configure --prefix=/opt/MOzilla \
# --libdir=/opt/MOzilla/lib/mozilla \
# --includedir=/opt/MOzilla/include/mozilla \
# --sysconfdir=/etc/opt/MOzilla \
# --localstatedir=/var/opt/MOzilla \
--with-glib-prefix=/opt/GNUgnome \
--with-libIDL-prefix=/opt/GNUgnome \
--with-gtk-prefix=/opt/GNUgnome \
--disable-gtktest \
# --enable-default-mozilla-five-home=/opt/MOzilla \
--enable-ldap \
--enable-ldap-experimental \
--enable-js-ultrasparc \
--disable-tests \
--disable-debug \
--disable-logging \
--enable-crypto \
to enable logging it works fine.
It is still a little flaky in that if it thinks ldap connection is already
established it bombs out.
(###!!! ASSERTION: nsLDAPConnection::Init() Connection was already initialized
: '!mDNSRequest', file nsLDAPConnection.cpp, line 184
Break: at file nsLDAPConnection.cpp, line 184
###!!! ASSERTION: You can't dereference a NULL nsCOMPtr with operator->().:
'mRawPtr != 0', file ../../.
./../dist/include/xpcom/nsCOMPtr.h, line 650
Break: at file ../../../../dist/include/xpcom/nsCOMPtr.h, line 650
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. compile/configure without debugging
2. set up ldap addressbook to directory with user email entries
3. search on anything! and get 0 matches found
4. compile/configure with debugging
5. set up ldap addressbook to directory with user email entries
6. search on anything! and get valid matches
This seems to work ok with Netscape 7 as provided by Sun.
I had the same results when trying Mozilla 1.2.1 and 1.0.2
as for Mozilla 1.3a. with the above compile/configure options.
Strangely I also cannot get the ldap URL ie ldap://<ldaphost>:389/ to
work either it just hangs using 98% cpu!! even on valid host which
may be similar to 79509.
Comment 1•18 years ago
Assigning bugs that I'm not actively working on back to nobody; use SearchForThis as a search term if you want to delete all related bugmail at once.
Assignee: dmose → nobody
Comment 2•17 years ago
Jim, this seems a bug on some very old code (Mozilla 1.3a). I've never heard of anyone having problems with this, and I think we can just close it. Jim, if you're still having problems with the latest sources, please enquire on (on the server) or raise a fresh bug.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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