Closed Bug 19096 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

JavaScript-based button doesn't function


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P3)






(Reporter: joel, Assigned: rods)




At, the banking button does nothing. Using Red Hat 6.0 and the M11 build. This site works ok with Netscape 4.6 on the same system (although it looks WAY better in M11 - thanks guys!)
Severity: normal → critical
Summary: button doesn't function → [CRASH] button doesn't function
Clicking the "Banking" button crashes build 1999111909 on Windows NT4sp5. The stack trace is: function: NS_NewDocumentFragment Yes, that's all I got.
Component: Browser-General → XPApps
QA Contact: leger → elig
Assignee: leger → don
elig, can you check this on please.
elig, can you check this on please.
Assignee: don → karnaze
Component: XPApps → Form Submission
Assignee: karnaze → kmcclusk
Reassigning to Kevin.
Assignee: kmcclusk → rods
Reassigning to Rod
Using 1999112308 on Mac OS, 1999112208 on Win32 and 1999112314 on Linux, I'm not seeing a crash, but it's not working, either. This button uses Javascript events. I've seen this problem on other pages that use Javascript events on form buttons. I'd be surprised if this isn't one of a number of duplicates of an existing bug, although I don't see any listed in the Most Frequent Bugs list. CC:ing Prashant, in case he knows of off the top of his head.
BTW, HTML is as follows: <form ACTION=" ND000_" METHOD="POST" target="_parent"> <input type="hidden" name="EWF_SYS_0" value="61118042-ff0a-11d0-98df- 006097b70359"> <input type="hidden" name="EWF_FORM_NAME" value="aBegin"><input type="hidden" name="BANK ID" value="988"><input type="hidden" name="PRODUCT NAME" value="EBS">< input type="hidden" name="EWFBUTTON" value><p> <input LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="submit" VALUE=" Banking " NAME= "EWF_BUTTON_Submit" CENTER></p></form>
changed to M14
this needs to be tested with the commercial build
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
This works with the commercial build.- works for me.
Summary: [CRASH] button doesn't function → JavaScript-based button doesn't function
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
rpotts, By "This works with the commercial build.- works for me." do you mean that you can log in? It's not crashing, but the security-enabled, commercial builds are behaving exactly as described in the original bug report (and in the 11/23/99 16:30 comment.) Thus, re-opening.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
I am closing this as works for me. The part that works is when you press the button the JS gets executed. I just tried todays build (on Linux) and there WAS a problem with the security library being started/opened or something. That isn't what is desribed in this bug. If the bug is "I can't log into netbank because the security module doesn't load", then that is a different bug. So either write up a new bug, or re-open this one and assign it to someone who knows about the secutiry library and the commercial build. But please don't assign it to me.
I am closing this as works for me. The part that works is when you press the button the JS gets executed. I just tried todays build (on Linux) and there WAS a problem with the security library being started/opened or something. That isn't what is desribed in this bug. If the bug is "I can't log into netbank because the security module doesn't load", then that is a different bug. So either write up a new bug, or re-open this one and assign it to someone who knows about the secutiry library and the commercial build. But please don't assign it to me.
Blocks: 22176
QA Contact: elig → ckritzer
This worksforme using the January 11th commercial optimized build on Linux. Rubber-stamping as Verified/WORKSFORME.
No longer blocks: 22176
Component: HTML: Form Submission → DOM: Core & HTML
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