Open Bug 1919925 Opened 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago

[Windows] Selecting "Pages Per Sheet: 2" in Firefox print dialog causes clipping if you click out to System Print Dialog


(Core :: Printing: Setup, defect)

Windows 11




(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)




(2 files)

STR: (Nearly-the-same as bug 1919917, but now on Windows)

  1. In Firefox on Windows, load this testcase:
    (or any multipage document will do)
  2. Ctrl+P to open print dialog.
  3. Choose "Microsoft Print to PDF" as your print target (not the built-in Save to PDF print target)
  4. Expand "More Settings", and choose "Pages Per Sheet: 2".
  5. Leave all other settings at their defaults (in particular, leave "Orientation" set to "Potrait")
  6. Click "Print using the system dialog..." and complete the print operation (click 'print' and then choose a filename for the PDF).
  7. Look at the resulting PDF.

I end up with a PDF that has two side-by-side portrait pages on a portrait-oriented virtual sheet of paper (with the second page running off the right side of the sheet).

The sheet should be landscape-oriented, so the two side-by-side portrait-oriented pages can fit properly.


  • After performing the STR, my next print operation defaults to a landscape orientation (just as it does on macOS if I perform the same STR there, as noted in bug 1919917 comment 4 -- though this doesn't happen on Linux for whatever reason).
  • In step 6 of the STR: if you try to avoid this bug by changing Orientation to Landscape, it doesn't really help; we end up printing two landscape-oriented pages on a landscape-oriented virtual sheet of paper, and we still run off the sheet and clip.
OS: Unspecified → Windows 11
Summary: [macOS] Selecting "Pages Per Sheet: 2" in Firefox print dialog causes clipping if you click out to System Print Dialog → [Windows] Selecting "Pages Per Sheet: 2" in Firefox print dialog causes clipping if you click out to System Print Dialog

Here's what I get if I perform the STR in Chrome instead.

No clipping. Only minor issue is that the PDF is rotated sideways, but I assume that's just a side effect of Microsoft Print To PDF behaving like a "real" printer and not allowing sheet-rotation (just as real printers can only spit out paper in one actual orientation).

(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #0)

I end up with a PDF that has two side-by-side portrait pages on a portrait-oriented virtual sheet of paper (with the second page running off the right side of the sheet).

I confirmed that I get this same bad-result if I repeat the STR with a physical printer as my print-target, too.

See Also: → 1919917
Severity: -- → S3
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