[Windows] Selecting "Pages Per Sheet: 2" in Firefox print dialog causes clipping if you click out to System Print Dialog
(Core :: Printing: Setup, defect)
(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)
(2 files)
STR: (Nearly-the-same as bug 1919917, but now on Windows)
- In Firefox on Windows, load this testcase: https://bug1919917.bmoattachments.org/attachment.cgi?id=9426030
(or any multipage document will do) - Ctrl+P to open print dialog.
- Choose "Microsoft Print to PDF" as your print target (not the built-in Save to PDF print target)
- Expand "More Settings", and choose "Pages Per Sheet: 2".
- Leave all other settings at their defaults (in particular, leave "Orientation" set to "Potrait")
- Click "Print using the system dialog..." and complete the print operation (click 'print' and then choose a filename for the PDF).
- Look at the resulting PDF.
I end up with a PDF that has two side-by-side portrait pages on a portrait-oriented virtual sheet of paper (with the second page running off the right side of the sheet).
The sheet should be landscape-oriented, so the two side-by-side portrait-oriented pages can fit properly.
- After performing the STR, my next print operation defaults to a landscape orientation (just as it does on macOS if I perform the same STR there, as noted in bug 1919917 comment 4 -- though this doesn't happen on Linux for whatever reason).
- In step 6 of the STR: if you try to avoid this bug by changing Orientation to Landscape, it doesn't really help; we end up printing two landscape-oriented pages on a landscape-oriented virtual sheet of paper, and we still run off the sheet and clip.
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Updated•5 months ago
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Comment 1•5 months ago
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Comment 2•5 months ago
Here's what I get if I perform the STR in Chrome instead.
No clipping. Only minor issue is that the PDF is rotated sideways, but I assume that's just a side effect of Microsoft Print To PDF behaving like a "real" printer and not allowing sheet-rotation (just as real printers can only spit out paper in one actual orientation).
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Comment 3•5 months ago
(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #0)
I end up with a PDF that has two side-by-side portrait pages on a portrait-oriented virtual sheet of paper (with the second page running off the right side of the sheet).
I confirmed that I get this same bad-result if I repeat the STR with a physical printer as my print-target, too.
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Updated•5 months ago